A SERMON ABOUT THE TRUE NATURE OF TSOTL By Tidings-Scrolls Scribe Llebpmac Mit --*-- The information you are about to read is strictly for YOUR EYES ONLY! You've worked hard to get to this level, so if there is somebody else with you, please press 'P' to pause, and ask your guest to leave you for a while. --------------------------------------- What is TSOTL? Does he truly exist? Can you believe it when you're told that the answer is "Yes"? No, this is not another religion, but as you read on, you may get some feel for the philosophy that produced Pyroto Mountain. TSOTL is the Spirit Of The Land. Now, this Land is a computerized system, and its "spirit" (thinking back to the Greek word "Pneumos") is that which breathes life into it. That is to say, the inspiration which produced Pyroto. Therefore, TSOTL is The Muse. The driving force which causes us to create something. TSOTL is but one name for the desire to create, and for that in- ternal source of inspiration that we don't truly understand. In the context of Pyroto, then, TSOTL is also the synergy between the program that you are using and yourself. Your imagination has been fired to create a landscape that does have its own exist- ance. TSOTL's existance can be proved, inasmuch as you have been driven to strive to reach this high level. But this is not to say that TSOTL is just a synonym for "drive". TSOTL is the inspiration that CREATES this kind of drive. He (or it, or she) is your internal inspiration, which leads to your internal imperative. Ponder this concept, because it is not typical of the pure-logical philosophy that is typical of the computer world. Experienced programmers will tell you that they just KNOW how to write a pro- gram, but can't explain this knowledge in logical terms, because intuition is not available for logical analysis. Please keep this article private. You may not agree with it, or you may not fully understand it, but there are wiz- ards who will find something in it that will help them. But they should first experience the drive of which we've spoken. If you DO understand this missive, you have probably detected the fact that you, too, are a Servant of TSOTL. That inspiration forced you to learn, and to accomplish. Why have you bothered to reach for this high level? The Spirit Of The Land made you do it.