INSTRUCTIONS! (It may be helpful to print out this page.) To install The Transom for Windows follow these simple steps: With Blender is in your cd-rom drive: * From the File Manager, chose your cd-rom drive. * Open the Transom folder within d:\blender\goodies. * Double click on the file: setup.exe (the computer icon for those using Windows 95). * The program will prompt you for a drive and directory in which to install Transom. Accept the default C:\TRANSOM or type in an alternate path. * Installation will take about 45 seconds. To join The Transom: * Double click on the TRANSOM icon. * When asked if you have a user ID, select "No." * Fill in all the pertinent blanks with your correct information. Things to remember: - Use a two character abbreviation for your state. - Enter your fax number using a '1' in front: 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX. * Click OK. To create a connection profile for The Transom: * Create a NEW connection profile. * Name your profile (like HOME or OFFICE). * Choose how you wish to connect (e.g. MODEM). * Hit the Find Modem button or select the appropriate com port if you already know it. * Select the appropriate BaudRate for your modem. * Leave the INIT STRING as is. * Chose Modem Type (leave at HAYES default if you're unsure.) * Click on the box marked PHONE NO. 1. * Select the down arrow at the end of the NUMBER box and chose a local phone number from the list. * If you have call waiting, enter *70 followed by a comma in the prefix box. If connecting from your office, you may need to enter 9 followed by a comma in the prefix box to reach an outside line. * If you need to enter a suffix (like a calling card number) enter it in the suffix box. * After you have done this, click OK. * Repeat with PHONE NO. 2 and then select SAVE. To login with The Transom: * Click CONNECT. This initial connect creates an account for you. The session takes up to 3 minutes. * Write down your username and password. They are super-important! You'll need them every time you log on to The Transom in the future. (You will be able to change your password to something easier to remember once you've logged on.) * Back at the login screen, type in your new password. * Click CONNECT. In the future... * All the steps you've just completed will only need to be done once. From now on it's smooth sailing. * In the future, you will double click The Transom icon, type your username in the USERNAME box, enter your password in the PASSWORD box. * Click Connect! If you have any questions or problems with installation, please call Transom Customer Service: (800) 475-9689. ------------------------------------------- PRICING FREE TIME! When you first log on to Transom, you're first month's fee is waived, so you'll have five hours of FREE TIME to see if you like The Transom. (If you cancel within the first month without having gone over the five hours, YOU'LL NEVER BE BILLED.) Once you've decided to stay on with us, the pricing for The Transom is very reasonable. There is a monthly charge of $8.95, with five free hours thrown in every month; each additional hour is $3.50. For different pricing options that may suit your needs better, look in the PRICING section of the INTRO module once you log-on.