The MusicScreener is an exciting new product that allows you to turn your computer into a  virtual screening room. You will be able to customize your Screenerso that you can enjoy up to  six different screen saver functions, as well as two challenging gaming options.  The purpose of a screensaver is to protect your screen from burning out by constantly moving  images on the screen. Screeners does exactly that as well as offer you an exciting "music video  showcase" so you can take a break from work or studying and have some fun!  Installation:  Step 1. Start up Windows. Step 2. Insert this CD-ROM into the disk drive. Step 3. From the Windows Program Manager choose Run from the File menu (upper left-hand  corner of screen). Step 4. The run dialog box appears; in the command line text box, type D:BLENDER\GOODIES\SONY\install (where D: is your CD-ROM drive). Press the Enter key. Step 5. Click install, then click start. Screeners is now installing. Step 6. When installation is complete the Sony Music Video icon (SMV) is displayed.   You are ready to use your MusicScreener. Simply double click on the icon and the Screeners  carousel begin.  Getting Started  Carousel: The carousel operates as the control center. The "active frame" area is the center box  in the turquoise area.   Note: Each MusicScreener disc contains one video clip. This video, however, may be configued  with five different screen saver effects by loading the video five times into the carousel. (see  "Loading the Carousel" below)   Loading the Carousel: One Screener video is pre-loaded and will appear in the middle "active"  frame in the carousel. To load additional Screeners into the carousel, click on the "Insert Video"  button. You will notice that another box appears which lists all the Screeners currently on your  hard drive. (This box will have one video if this is your first Screeners purchase. If you own  additional Screeners, they will appear in this box as well. Using the scroll bar, you can insert any  of these videos into the carousel.) By clicking on the "Add" button, you will see that the  Screeneris in two carousel boxes. If you click on the "Add" button again, this Screener will be in  three boxes, and so on. Click Done when loading is complete.  Selecting the Screensaver Options: Now that you have loaded at least one video into the carousel,  you need to choose from the 6 screensaver effects listed directly below the "active" frame  (middle slot, in turquoise). The 6 effects are as follows:   Screen Art: Video squares run across the screen and stop randomly - within 30 seconds your  screen is a collage of video images.  Note: "Screen Art" is the default effect for each carousel spot.  Video Wall: Mini-screens play simultaneously to turn your PC monitor into a riveting wall of  video.  Bounce: A video frame displaying the moving image bounces across your screen.  Video Trail: A moving video image bounds across your screen leaving a dreamy trail of images  in its wake.   Jigsaw: Cubes with portions of moving video drop into your screen. Once the image is complete,  Jigsaw starts again.  Slide Show: Frames from the video randomly flash on your screen to create a still-frame slide  show.  Choose one of these screen saver effects for the selection in the"active" frame by clicking on the  box next to the effect (when you click on it, an "X" will appear).  Once completed continue rotating the carousel using "Back" or "Next" until you have assigned  one effect for each Screener selection in the carousel.  To Activate Screensaver: Once you have loaded the carousel with corresponding screen saver  effects, you now have to activate.You may do so by clicking "Screensaver". Note: - After the screen saver has been activated, it will appear only after the set "delay" time.  The default delay time is 2 minutes. (To change the delay, see Other Options below).  - If you want the screen saver function to activate every time you turn on your computer, click on  Load Screeners at Start-Up. See Other Options below.  - If you wish to turn the sound off, see Other Options below.  To Quit Screensaver: If you choose to disable the screensaver feature on your computer just  click the "Quit" button near the bottom of the Screenerscarousel screen.  Games:  In addition to the screen saver function, Screeners contains two games which can be accessed  from the lower, right-hand corner of the carousel.  Game #1- Video Match: The objective of this game is to match the same video segments in the  top half of the screen with images in the bottom half. Once you identify the same image, click  on one after the other and they will disappear. Once all images disappear then you will go to the  next skill level (press space bar, and proceed to the next level). At higher levels, the images are  all mixed together.  The game starts at level 1 and goes up to level 20. If you want, you can automatically start at a  higher level by clicking on the "Set up" button (see Other Options below).  Game #2- Video Slide: The objective of this game is to construct a complete video form  individual "video pieces" which will travel down the screen. Use your left and right arrow keys  to move the falling "video piece" into the position where it belongs. If you believe you have it  lined up correctly, you can use the down arrow key to speed the "video piece" down the screen. If  you are correct, the piece will stay in the grid. If you are incorrect, the piece disappears. The  pieces come down faster as you go to each level of difficulty.  The game starts at level 1 and goes up to leve 20.   To increase your playing options, each game has 5 different game types:  1. Video/Video- a small video segment plays in the game area while the video clip plays in the  display area  2. Video/No Hint- a small video segment plays in the game area with nothing in display area  3. Frame/Video- a video frame is shown in the game area while the video clip plays in the game  area 4. Frame/Frame-a video frame is shown in the game area while the same video frame appears in  the display area  5. Frame/No Hint - a video frame is shown in the game area with nothing in the display area  Note: Slower machines may not play video properly.  When you are done playing either of the two games, just click on "Quit Game" and you will  return to the carousel. To de-activateScreeners entirely, click on "Quit" and you will be in your  program manager.   Note: Please remember that if you want to close the carousel but activate the screensaver  function, click on "Screensaver" not "Quit".  Other Options:  Setup:  By selecting the "setup" button on the carousel, you can configure your computer to optimize  your Screeners experience.   "Sound" allows you to turn the sound from your Music Screener on or off.  "Screensaver Delay" allows you to set how long it takes for the screen saver to activate when  your computer is idle (when you walk away or just stop typing for a few minutes). The default is  set on "2" for a two-minute delay.  "Game Start Level" allows you to tell the computer what level to start at when playing the games  (default level is 1).  "Save Playlist/Load Playlist" allows you to store the current carousel configuration (Save  Playlist), and retrieve it at a future time (Load Playlist).   "Load Screeners at Start-Up" when you click this box, Screeners activates automatically every  time you start your computer.  "Remove Screeners from Start-Up" de-activates the automatic start-up of Screeners each time  you turn on your computer.   Video Player & Volume Control:  The "Video Player" allows you to watch the Screeners video in its entirety. This option can be  found in the bottom, left-hand corner of the carousel screen.  The "Master Volume Control" for Screeners can be adjusted by clicking Video Player and sliding  the master volume control box on the left side of the Video Player. When you are finished click  "Done". This will return you to the carousel.   Troubleshooting tips:  I cannot get the screen saver to activate. - Return to the carousel and choose Screen Saver in the bottom, left corner of the screen. The  screen saver is now activated. You should only choose Quit on the carousel if you want to de- activate the screen saver. NOTE: If you want the screen saver function to activate every time you  turn on the computer, click on Load Screeners at Start-Up. If you want to remove this feature,  click Remove Screeners from Start-Up, which means you'll have to open the carousel and  activate Screeners every time you turn your computer on - Check the delay time in the Setup menu and adjust to your preference. For example, if you want  the screen saver to activate after your computer is idle for 1 minute, set the delay time to "1".  The video images are fuzzy and distorted. - Select the Windows 'control panel' icon from the Windows program manager. Then click on the  'display' icon. Set the monitor display to 256 colors or above.  I don't hear any sound. - Select 'sound on' from the Setup menu on the Screeners carousel.  - If you do not have a sound card, you will not be able to hear the audio portion of the Screeners  product. However, you will still be able to enjoy the video components of Screeners.   I want to turn the sound off.  - Select 'sound off' from the Setup menu on the Screener scarousel.  I cannot locate the SONY 'SMV' icon. - Open the SONY directory on your desktop and the 'SMV' icon will appear.  My Screeners are not listed in the Screen Saver section of my Windows control panel.  - Screeners titles will not appear in the Screen Saver section of the control panel. Screeners can  only be launched from the 'SMV' icon in the SONY directory on yur desktop.  I want to de-activate another screen saver that is running on my computer. - Select the Windows 'control panel' icon from the Windows program manager. Then click on the  'desktop' icon. From the 'Screen Saver Name' pull-down menu, choose "None". Click 'OK'. Then  return to the Windows Program Manager. Under File, choose 'Save Workspace'. The other screen  saver should now be de-activated.  I want to adjust the volume of my Screeners. - The master volume control for Screeners can be adjusted by clicking Video Player in the  bottom, left corner of the carousel. This will take you into the Video Player. The volume can be  adjsuted by sliding the Master Volume control box on the left side of the video player. When you  are finihed, click Done. This will return you to the carousel.  Technical support  For technical support, please first refer to the Troubleshooting Tips section in these instructions.  This contains answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about Screeners. You may also  try one of the following:  World Wide Web: E-mail: Mail: Sony Music Entertainment, Inc. Music Screeners Radio City Station P.O. Box 844 New York, NY 10101-0844 Fax: (212)-833-7690