From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ The State of the Patriot Movement Lee Crites, Chairman Used as the Keynote Address, 14 May 94 Independent American Party, Utah State Convention I should like to discuss here are these topics: the state of the union as it applies to our liberties, then what is wrong with the patriot movement, as it stands today, then a few of the things that we can do to solve these problems, then finally, what is happening that is good for the movement, perhaps ending on a happier note. Where are we Now? ================= There is an analogy that I am sure that you all have heard before about lobsters in a cooking pot. It goes something like this: if you toss lobsters into a pot of hot water, they will try to crawl out. However, if you put them into a pot of cold water, they are okay with that. And then slowly heat the water up, they get used to the warmer water, and life is still okay, and they get used to it. This goes until it finally gets hot enough that it kills them. That is kind of like what life is like for us. It's not getting bad so fast that we can't handle it. It's getting bad just fast enough that we are able to adapt to it, and endure the greater heat. We're still happy with life, it's okay, we're okay, we're enduring it fine. And so we need people, periodically, to remind us just how bad it is, so we realize the situation that we are in. We need a thermometer to tell us how hot the water really is, so we know that we are about to expire in the boiling water instead of just having a good time in the jacuzzi. So, with this in mind, I'd like to hit on a couple of things to remind us of what is happening. This will not be exhaustive at all -- I'm trying to keep this somewhat upbeat, and dwelling on these points just won't do that. Besides, each of these points could take a lifetime to explore, all by itself. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are being trampled under the feet of the government, right in front of our nose. Just a few quick examples will serve for this. The first amendment -- this is the one that discusses, among other things, the freedom of religion, actually it says "...congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". Well, just recently, our Attorney Generals office, under the dubious leadership of Janet Reno, established something called "The Cult Awareness Task Force." They created a document that describes just what a cult is. Here is their definition of a cult: "A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools his children; who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong belief in the Second Amendment, and who distrusts big Government." That is the definition of a cult according to our government, via it's Cult Awareness Task Force. Shortly after this was released, President Clinton, speaking in reference to this, said: "I hope very much that others who will be tempted to join cults ... will be deterred by the horrible scenes they have seen [at Waco]." (emphasis mine) They have taken our freedom of religion, and reduced it to a set of political points. "You have too much food storage..." "You give money to a religious cause???" They are using, and will continue to use, these things against us -- and they are incursions into our personal business and religious practices. The Second Amendment -- what do I need to say about this one. The right to keep and bear arms has been hit so often, that the movement has it's own name: Gun Control. Documentation and discussion on this point is into the tens of millions of lines of text. Headlines in the newspapers nearly every day have some point that is relevant to this point, so I will leave it alone for now. The Fourth Amendment -- this is the right for people to be secure in their own homes. Secure from unreasonable searches and seizures. It has been reported that during 1992, the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) seized the assets and properties of over 50,000 individuals and families. That is nearly 1,000 per WEEK! This is with no due process. In fact, most of the warrants are against the property and not the person, so the government does not have to comply with the same degree of legal paperwork as it would if it was against a person. "The BATF vs $125,000 house" is a sample of the warrants that are being issued. Under the guise of the 'war on drugs,' the government has unleashed the fury of well armed, highly trained, special forces onto the public in general. Many, if not most, are politically motivated. And since the local judge and police departments keep a percentage of the 'take' in these seizures, getting them to rule against the federal agencies is nearly impossible. Even when the BATF has hit the wrong place by accident, relief has been refused. The Tenth Amendment -- powers not delegated to the United States belong to the State or the People. Note for just a moment the use of the word "delegated" here. This states unequivocally that the powers that the Federal government has are given ("delegated") to it by the states -- that it is strictly an agent for the various states -- from the powers that the State already has. This particular amendment has been trodden down in several subtle ways. First off, the feds know that they do not have the authority to legislate in most of the areas that they are currently meddling in. So they extort monies from the tax payers and then blackmail the states into 'voluntary' compliance with the legislation with that money. 'Extort?' 'Blackmail?' Aren't those words just a little harsh? Nope. Extortion means two things. First, to take from by force or compulsion. We are told that our income taxes are voluntary, but in reality, we know that this is not the case. Second, extortion means the extraction of too high a price. In other words, we are forced to pay more than we need to for something -- normally at the risk of physical harm. If the federal government has enough extra money to be able to hold it over the heads of the states, then they have obviously extracted more money from us than they needed, causing us to pay too high a price, under the threat of law, for our government, therefore, they have extorted that money. Blackmail is when you force a person, or entity, to do something against their will, using the threat of exposure or harm as the weapon. This is exactly how the federal government is making the states comply with their programs that are unconstitutional, at best. I am not talking about if we SHOULD be paying federal taxes. That is a totally different matter. What I am simply saying here is that since we ARE paying them, we are paying too much, and the federal government is using that extorted money against us. Another example of how the Federal Government is overtaking the powers of the states is with the local state Militia and National Guard organizations. In 1986, a dozen states, including Minnesota, refused permission for their state units to be sent to Honduras for a training mission. A federal judge denied the states this authority and ordered to troops to leave. This federal mandate has been used to prove that the federal government has control over the deployment of the state Guard, and not the state itself. Moving onto another area, the elitists, no matter what name you might want to call them, The Illuminati, the CFR/TC, the Round Table Group, whatever, have become so confident that they are going to win, that they are bold enough to come right out and TELL us what they are doing. That is how sure that they are of victory. It wasn't always this way. In June 1991, in Baden Baden, Germany, of the Bilderbergers, David Rockefeller said: "We are greatful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discression for almost forty years." Why did he want secrecy? Again, from Mr. Rockefeller's own words: "It would have been impossible for use to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years." So, why the change? In his book "Tragedy and Hope," Dr. Quigley, long time worker with this group, which he called the Round Table Group, said: "...but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known." They are now sure enough of their final victory, and that the patriot movement building in the United States today will not be able to mount a counter-attack, that they are starting to be quite open. The NewStates Constitution, developed by the Rockefeller Foundation as a replacement for our own Constitution is readily available. It makes for frightening reading to any patriot, or any person, for that matter, who loves freedom. It is what will be submitted as the new constitution if, and when, there are 38 states that call for a Constitutional Convention. At the time of this writing, there are 36 states who have made this call, with several states that are considering making that call. Of course, there are several states who are trying to rescind their call as well. We will have to see what happens. They are completely sure that they have won. One last point here, though. It pertains to our police. Gary Benoit put the whole thing quite simply when he said: "...the kind of government a country has can be determined just by the attitude the citizens have toward their police: In a free society the police are viewed as friends while in a totalitarian society they are greatly feared." How do you feel about the police? How about the BATF? The FBI? CIA? IRS? Justice Department? This is of tremendous significance, and is becoming more so, as the Multi-Jurisdictional Police Force starts to become a reality, which will merge all of these organizations together. There are other issues involving State and National Sovereignty that could be brought up as well, mostly including the rapid acquisition of the United States by the United Nations, but it is time to move onto other topics. Suffice it to say that the enemy is well organized, has a intricate and comprehensive plan, and is very, Very, VERY well funded, and they are ready to do whatever it takes. And we are not. We hope to, we wish we did, we'd like to have, but we don't. So, just what is wrong, then? What is wrong with the Patriot Movement? ======================================== The patriot organizations are fragmented almost beyond recognition. There are an estimated 10,000 patriot organizations and clubs in the United States. It is further estimated that there are more people that identify themselves as patriots than any other group. Why are we not a force to be reckoned with? Lets look at a few of the reasons. One problem can be seen, partially, in the makeup of the average patriot organization. It is small, very local in nature, and focused on a single issue or set of issues. It is normally unfinanced, and spends as much as it's founder can afford, normally taking the money from the family budget. If it is computerized, it might have a single line BBS, but that would be about it. The membership might be several dozen people if it is fairly successful. This description probably applies to over 95% of the patriot organizations that exist today. Another problem is almost constant infighting. This is killing a lot of the organizations, small as well as large. It is cause by people that I call nameaholics. A nameaholic is someone who uses a label, not for the information or description that label or name carries, but for the baggage that label or name implies. The root of this can be found in the almost religious feelings that people have in this cause. These freedoms that we are fighting for are seen by most patriots as coming from God Almighty. They feel that they are fighting, not just for a piece of paper, a roll of parchment, a bunch of words and ideas, but for something higher and more noble. They are fighting for righteousness and God-given freedoms. This is a fight of what is good and right over what is what is pernicious and evil. Also, another issue is the complexity of the problem. Even larger groups cannot focus on the entire gamut of issues. This causes some degree of focusing, as what are seen as less important issues are dropped while the group follows up on what is seen as the more, or most, important issue. This almost constant refocusing of direction causes more and more factions to form, which causes divisions in the exiting groups, which cause formation of more groups. And we talk. And talk. And talk, and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk, then we talk and talk and talk and talk some more, followed by more talk and talk and talk and talk.... Until we focus so narrowly that we start to faction again. Thus we have the situation as it stands today, with tens of thousands of patriot groups working alone -- sometimes feeling betrayed by the others. This is fine -- this is not bad. The conspiracy is just too big for anyone to focus on. The only problem is that this focusing is causing tunnel-vision. The reason that this is happening, and killing our effectiveness, is that, as a group, we have lost our focus. We have lost the focus of just that the Patriot Movement is all about. As proof of this, let me give this example. There is a group of people that represent such a tremendously small percentage of our population. Recent estimates put it at something less than three tenths of a percent of our population -- that is less than three people per thousand. Quite a minority. But they seem to have control over a tremendous majority of what goes on in Washington D.C. today. What group is this? It is the homosexuals. You do not have to like or support them to admire the fact that these people who would probably never speak to each other seem to control so much of our government. Why is this? It is because all of these small factions and groups that they have around the country have not lost their focus!!! Legislation is being forced through our government by a group of people that collectively would have a hard time carrying a majority in any large city in the country! Because they have found the focus that we have lost. The focus that we need to keep in mind is quite simple: this is a war. We are at war. No if's, and's or butt's. This is a war. This concept makes some of us nervous. It makes people cringe. But the more that focus shocks you, the more proof that is that we, as a movement, have simply lost our true focus. It is a war. A Revolutionary War. It is what we are about. That is the focus of the patriot movement. It always has been, and it will always be so. Now, none of us want bloodshed. None of us want shooting -- bullets flying through the air, etc. None of us want people killing each other. And so we want to do things as best as we can, in order to prevent -- or at least delay as long as possible -- that situation. But it is still, after all, a war against those who are usurping power and dominion over us. When I studied the American Revolution against England, I noticed four distinct phases. I'd like to take a moment to go over them. The first phase was getting the information out. Samuel Adams and his crew did this very well. The main purpose of this phase is telling the people of the corruption within the government. This is the thermometer that I mentioned right at the start. It seems stupid that we would need to tell people about the loss of their personal freedoms -- but current attitudes, as well as history, show us that this is an absolute need. Just because you can tolerate, or endure, the current situation is not justification for having to. The second phase is seeking redress for the wrongs through the current government. Prior to the Declaration of Independence, the different people had sent numerous letters back to England complaining of the unfair taxes, laws, etc. This went on until the colonists were completely satisfied that there was absolutely no chance that they would ever be able to resolve their problems through an appeal to the government. The third phase is civil disobedience. Perhaps the most famous incidence of this is called the Boston Tea Party. There are numerous other specific examples, most of which have been skillfully removed from our current history books. It is no mistake that our children are not being taught the details of the fight for freedom that our country staged. My children are being taught some of these, but that is because we home-school, which, I guess, makes us a cult. Most of these incidents, though, and what I advocate here, are things like lawsuits, walkouts, marches, blockades, slowdowns, etc. The most important point to remember about phase three is this: don't, Don't, Do Not, DO NOT, DO NOT EVEN, start any kind of violence. As civil disobedience increases, someone is going to turn violent. Make darn sure that it is THEM, and not us. Don't you dare be the one. That is their job. There is enough violence in our society today without making more. We are involved in this phase to let the government know that we are serious about what we have done before. This will drive home the point that we are unhappy, and that we will not stand for more incursions in our lives. When they strike out, then we have the cause. In fact, they have already done it. Remember Randy Weaver in Ruby Ridge, Idaho? Remember the Branch Dividians of Waco, Texas? The last phase is, of course, the shooting. Once it starts, though, it will get hot and heavy -- fast. It will require everything that we have, and more. It will require the same heavenly guidance and help that the original revolutionary war did, but to a greater degree. We have already had two 'wars to end all wars,' but they have only made the enemy stronger. This time, we will have to fight until the enemy is totally thwarted. This is anathema -- a war of total eradication. We must totally destroy the conspirators. The problem with the Patriot Movement, as I see it, is that we are stuck on phase one. We are a broken record, stuck in the same rut that we have been in for over twenty years. We gather information, we grouse around, we get mad, we research, we gather tons of more information, we grouse around, we get mad, etc, etc, etc. We are stuck. We must move ourselves from information acquisition to action! How can it be fixed? ==================== We have enough information to prove that there is a conspiracy a thousand times over. We don't need more proof. If a person will not believe with what we already have, then another piece of paper, another talk, another argument will not convince them. They will only understand when they have lost everything and are standing in a concentration camp. They are the lobster that is grooving to the new world order's music in their nice big jacuzzi. You will not convince them. Count them as lost, and go on. Only when they are boiled up, and are being served on one of David Rockefeller's plates will they understand. This might sound like a hard thing to say, but in reality, we have neither the luxury of the time, or the resources, to convert them. We have to act. It is that simple. As an aside, do you think that we, the Patriot Movement, will ever get an army? I mean a real army? I have spoken with many patriots who say something like: "Yea, I can't wait until we get ourselves up an army, I mean a BIG army, and then just go after those blankety-blanks and grind them into powder..." Do you think that we will ever get an army???? Not a chance! As soon as any patriot organization or group even starts to get powerful enough that they might pose a threat, the enemy will squash them! If their misinformation campaign doesn't work, then they will simply wipe them out of existence. We've seen how well they can do that! After six weeks of misinformation and outright lies, they touched the Branch Dividian Church, leaving nothing but ashes! And that is what will happen to any organization that gets in their way. Which, by the way, at least to me, is one thing that makes our factioning our power. Why on earth is that? Because when each of us acts -- and that is what I am trying to convince you that you need to start doing -- we act in accordance with our vision. We have to move on to the next phase. That is all that we have to do to fix the problems that we, the Patriot Movement, are having. We must MOVE, not talk. Now I have heard another analogy that I'd like to stick in here. I have not seen this for myself, but have heard several times, that you can take a tank, fill it with sea-water, and start tossing in crabs. You can nearly fill this tank with crabs without losing them. Why? Because as soon as one crab starts to climb out, one of the others will pull it back down. This goes back to the infighting that we are having between the patriot groups. In fact, this is about the only actions that I have seen out of some of the groups that I have worked with. One group starts to actually do something. They are leaving phase one and moving on to phase two. The next group thinks that what they are doing is pretty stupid. Remember, they are both working on their own vision. So the second group takes just enough time away from the endless cycle of phase one to denigrate and bad mouth the actions of the first group until they themselves become a major stumbling block in the success of the first group! This has to stop. You work on doing something that is in accordance with your limited vision of the problem; I work on doing something that is in accordance with my limited vision of the problem; they work on doing something that is accordance with their limited vision of the problem. And with this multi-faceted approach and attack on the enemy, is going to drive them crazy trying to keep up with us. They don't have to fight us now, because we aren't doing squat! All we are doing is talking, and the more we talk, the madder we get at each other, the more we divide up, the more groups that there are, and the smaller each group is. It's time for a change... You move forward in your area of focus, I move forward in my area of focus, and we have a chance of winning. But we must do something. Risk? I thought that was a game? ================================= Yes, there is going to be a risk. People will die. We will be shot at. The enemy is not going to just lay down and die just because we start making waves. When the war, phase four war, breaks out, there will be deaths -- there will be martyrs. That is inevitable. I don't particularly want to be one of the deaths. I'm sure that you don't either. But I don't want my children to grow up being under the control of the enemy. I will not prostitute my childrens freedoms for my luxury and safety today. I cannot imagine that any patriot would. This, of course, is the thing that makes us different from Joe Sixpack, the couch potato that is boiling away in the jacuzzi. It is what makes us patriots instead of sheeple. Would Texas have won it's freedom from Mexican tyranny if it were not for the phrase "Remember the Alamo!"? I'm not sure. But we lost 192 martyrs to that cause. But their deaths gave Sam Houston enough time to prepare his army so that he could take on the Mexican General Santa Anna. Those brave men who died in the Alamo at the Mission at San Antonio were not forgotten then, nor are they forgotten now -- quite on the contrary, they are still held in reverence. It may be that our sacrifice does not win the war. It might be that all we do is allow another group to drive the stake into the Achillie's Heal of the New World Order, which will down the line someplace allow yet someone else to win the victory. Perhaps our actions only empower others. Still we should act! What is already going on that we can help with? =============================================== Okay, we are ready to go! What's happening that we can help with? This is a good question. Remember, though, that you are already prepared to do something. You have already focused on something that you felt was important. Look into that first, and see if there is something that you can help with, and if not, then plan a phase two or phase three activity yourself. However, there are some good things happening. As hard as it might be to believe it, there is a lot of positive action out there that we can plug in to. The first thing that I'd like do is to give some basic points that I feel are extremely important, then we will get on with some specifics. First and foremost. Rely upon the same power that all of our Founding Fathers did -- the Lord Jesus Christ. Most of these men prayed several times a day. They made prayer a part of their planning sessions, a part of their morning routine, a part of their decision making process. These men not only relied upon their God to help them, but openly acknowledged His help whenever possible. This was not only for and about the war effort, but every facet of their lives. I care not what sect or congregation that you belong to, only that you supplicate your God for His divine help. The whole 'separation of Church and State' argument is something that our enemy has concocted to remove us from the source of strength that we truly need to win. It is a sad commentary that our enemies have a clearer understanding of where our real power and strength comes from than some of us. Read your Scriptures, and talk with that God that inspired them. And, then, pray that He will inspire your thoughts and actions. There are undoubtedly some people that are doing things that you might not agree with. They see a different vision than you do, and are marching to a different drummer. Let them march. Those who are not against us, are with us. Let us cease to contend with our fellow patriots. Pray for them, and for their success. There is a hymn, written by William Clayson, called "Hope of Israel" that has a part that says "Ev'ry stroke disarms a foeman; Ev'ry step we conq'ring go." If you stop another's work, the next monster you must fight might have been the one that they would have conquered! Raise up your Title of Liberty, which should say: In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives and our children. Why did I start with these points? I am a religious man. Nearly every patriot that I know is also a religious person. We seem to understand someplace deep down inside that these rights and freedoms that we are fighting for were and are given by God, and that it is His fight that we are involved in. Most feel someplace inside that this is a fight between good and evil, right and wrong, and, yes, God and the devil. Since we truly feel that way, it is most important that we keep in mind the source of these things. This is not to say that if you are not religious that you have no part in this cause. Not at all. Your freedoms are just as precious to you as ours are to us. Your family means as much to you as ours does to us. Please don't be offended by our plea to God for help. So, what's happening that we can help with? There is something called the National TRIM Bulletin This is a great publication, which I help to support in my area. In a nutshell here is how it works. Each congressman's voting record on eight key issues is rated on the back page. You can see at a glance if they voted for more taxes and bigger government, shown by a big 'X', or less taxes and smaller government, shown by a star. I have done some research, and have found that this has been quite successful everywhere that it has been used. Small towns, big towns, rural, urban, it didn't matter. So what will this phase-two-type-activity do to help? It is fairly simple once you see the vision. How many times has something that our President (Komrad) [K]linton sent to congress for them to vote on, and it has only passed by a small, tiny, margin? Quite often there is a good margin, however, * HR3450: NAFTA, which will cost us sovereignty and a tidy $5 billion, only passed by 34 (I won't get into the fact that NAFTA was a treaty, and so the House of Representatives shouldn't have voted on it -- that is a Constitutional principle that our current administration has chosen to ignore), * S714, the savings and load bailout, which will cost a cool $18 billion, only passed by 44 votes, * HR3400, a spending cuts bill, that would have saved us about $90 billion, only failed by six! If we could just replace two dozen tax-and-spend congressmen with true fiscal conservatives, we'd start to see some real changes in the say our government runs. Replace a hundred, you'd see some major differences. Replace them all, and we might not have to go into phase four at all! (actually, that is still probably not true since some of the master minds that we are fighting are fiscal conservatives, so we'd still have to give them the boot somehow) The goal of replacing two-dozen, or even a hundred is quite within reach. If we can take action, and get this data into the hands of the voters (then get them out to actually vote), then this can, and will, work. I decided to support this plan from my first contact with it. My research in this for the past six months has shown that it is everything that it could be, and more. The information is simple enough that it tells people just what is needed, and they know, then, how to act. What else is there to do? Well, there is Linda Thompson, of the Waco Massacre fame. She went down to Waco, as an attorney, in order to try to help the people that were being held hostage in their religious compound. [Note: We call them Branch Dividians, because that is what the media called them. Test question number one -- what did they call themselves? You probably never heard it on the media, because they never asked. All you got was what the first few BATF officers told them. Give up? I knew that you would. They were the "Students of the Seven Seals."] Anyway, she has posted an ultimatum to each member of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. The full text of this is found in appendix C. What she is doing here is the epitome of phase two. She is taking the government to task for what they have done, and demanding that they be help accountable for their actions. She is also giving them an 'out,' by allowing them to sponsor legislation that will correct the situation. Linda is also advocating, if I understand correctly, something more in the phase three/four arena, but so far, I have not seen this documentation, only people telling me that it is out there someplace. Linda Thompson is an attorney, so you would expect her vision to include legal action. She has moved off of phase one several times, and this is the latest example of it. You don't have to like what she is doing to like the fact that she is doing something. If this is something that you feel that you can support, contact Linda Thompson, through AEN News. If not, then let her disarm a few foemen while you work on your vision. What else? This is fairly easy, but requires a lot of time. Most of the states require, either in the state constitution itself, or in the election laws, that each person who takes office must also take the oath of that office. If they have not filed that oath, then everything that they do while in office is null and void. In essence, they might have been voted in by the people, but they don't start until after they file this oath. This is valid for both state and federal positions. So, go to your state archive, and demand to see the records showing that the state politicians have actually filed these oaths. You can then contact the federal registry and demand to see a copy of the record showing that your federal politician has taken this oath. This is not a trivial matter. If they have not taken this oath, then they are not operating in accordance with constitutional law, and most importantly, they have not sworn to uphold and defend that constitution. If your state is like mine, you will find that if anyone has done this in the past decade, that it is quite rare. The Utah state archives has record of ONLY ONE of the state Senators taking this oath since 1975! Armed with this information, file a class action lawsuit demanding that all laws and regulations that were passed by these individuals be stricken from the books. Probably the hardest thing that you will have to do with this is to get enough people on the class action lawsuit that the government will actually listen. In Utah, the instance that I heard of had several dozen names, and the court just threw it out. I'd suggest that you go in with well over ten thousand names. (see, I told you that would be the hardest part) Finding that the politicians are not taking the oath of office isn't the problem. The archives will take care of that when you go in with the request -- or at least they should. I have in my possession a copy of a letter from Jeffery O. Johnson, the Utah State Archivist, written to Verlyn Brown, which has this information all spelled out! Verlyn Brown made an official request for this information (in writing, I believe), and the state archivist did the digging. Okay, what's next? The State's Rights movement. I capitalized the words, but it's really too grass-roots to give it a real title like that. I see this coming out in two areas: an outright secessionist movement, and what I might term a safeguard movement. I am talking to people from all over the United States who have come to the same conclusion: it's too late to save the country. I'm not sure that I totally agree with the conclusion -- but then again, I'm not sure that I can disagree with it either. If this country were totally beyond hope, then the only solution is phase four. I believe that there is much that can still be done before that time comes. Within the states rights movement, there are several resolutions that are starting to be passed in several of the states. I am including a copy of some of these with this document. Basically each of them is making a stand against the continued incursion of the federal government, and telling it to straighten up. Perhaps the best one, sponsored by the Committee of 50 States, will be discussed later on. I am including The Colorado General Assembly House Joint Resolution, 94-1035 as appendix D; The Resolution of the House of Representatives of the State of Oklahoma as appendix E; Idaho Supports Colorado's and California's Call for Enforcement of the Tenth Amendment, House Joint Resolution as appendix F. I will not include the PUBLIC LANDS AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO from Nevada, because of it's length. Read these resolutions, and see how they feel to you. Then give a copy of this entire package to each of your state representatives, and ask them to sponsor or support resolutions similar to each of them. The principle of the secessionist movement is rather simple. Start working on getting a piece of legislation passed calling for your state to secede. How that must be done is different from state to state. Before you go too far, I'd suggest that you get a copy of two books, both written by Joseph Stumph. The first is "THE CONSTITUTION HANGING BY A THREAD," and the second is "SAVING OUR CONSTITUTION FROM THE NEW WORLD ORDER." He describes what is needed to secede, and how and why it is possible. (see address for Committee of 50 States) However, he also discusses some good alternatives, the best of which is my next point. The Committee of 50 States is working on getting a stop-gap resolution passed in at least 38 of the states. In a nutshell this resolution puts limits on the level of incursion that the federal government can inflict upon the states, and also sets a ceiling for the national debt. If either of these limits are exceeded, then the corporation that is the federal government will be dissolved, and the rights and powers that were delegated to it by the states will be taken back by them. This is actually a beautiful plan. You see, it relies upon the things that have brought us to this point continuing. Will the government ever cut back spending? No. Will they ever stop trying to get more power? No. Now for the important question. Would they ever do anything that would, in effect, fire them from their job, and flush their retirement, power, and perks right down the toilet? This is a resounding NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, when 38 states have passed this resolution, called the Ultimatum Resolution, that is exactly what they risk. If the federal debt reaches six trillion dollars ($6,000,000,000,000), or if, by Executive Order, treaty, or otherwise, the government even tries to negate or override the Constitution, the stop-gap portion of this resolution kicks in, and the corporation becomes defunct. You see, this way we have the greed and power-hungry politicians finally having to control themselves. If they don't then they are totally out in the cold, with NO money to work with and NO power to wield. I am including information on the Committee of 50 States as appendix G, and The Model Ultimatum Resolution as appendix H. Please read these, and push to get your state working on this resolution as soon as possible. Remember my comment earlier about getting up an army? The enemy is watching us. If we can get 38 states quickly enough, we will have an effective set of handcuffs slapped on. If we dawdle around, then they will have time to counter our move, and we will have lost a beautiful opportunity. This Ultimatum Resolution will sit idly by and do nothing, so long as the enemy keeps his hands clean. But the moment he oversteps his bounds again, we will have the power, and the backing, to kick him right out. This is the ultimate phase two plan. It forces them to work within the limits that they are already supposed to be working in. And, if it is successful, it will do so without bloodshed, or at least with a minimum of it. Conclusion ========== SOMEBODY has to make the first real moves. SOMEBODY has to take the patriot movement from every man, ideology, and cause for itself to some real action. Some people are already starting to make this move from phase one to phase two. It is time that we do so as well. Yes, my friends, people will be killed. Perhaps lots of them. These will be the martyrs to the cause of right versus wrong, evil and tyranny versus righteousness and freedom. We stand today as the founding fathers of the rebirth of the pure Constitutional Government. Some of us might lose everything, just as our original founding fathers did, but if we do NOTHING, then we ALL stand to lose EVERYTHING! This morning, I was out earlier than I'd like to be. I arrived at my destination shortly before it opened, so I had to wait for a short while. Right in front of me was this huge flagpole, with what is called a garrison flag hanging from it. This monumental edifice to all that we stand for. It takes a mighty wind to lift this large flag, but I had seen it, slapping wildly against the wind before -- a sight to cause even the crudest of our fellow countrymen to take notice. This morning, though, it was just waving back and forth. I tried to look at it, but the sky was so clear and bright blue that it hurt to stare. I had to squint slightly. A slight gust of wind brought the flag to its full glory, and as I noticed this, the words to a poem filled my head... Oh say, can you see, by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming... Here we sit, at the twilight of the Republics existence, as tyrants and conspirators attempt to wrest it from us. The light of freedom all but extinguished. The enemy has all but won, leaving our Constitution hanging, as it were, by the single strands of a thread. The wind brought the flag back out into full view, and I remembered something from the second verse about how the flag "...fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses..." This made me remember that there is more to the poem than we sing in our National Anthem. Let me quote the third verse... Oh, thus be it ever, when free men shall stand Between their loved homes and war's desolation! Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n rescued land Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust!" And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O're the land of the free and the home of the brave! My friends, my fellow patriots, my brothers and sisters in the cause, it is my prayer that we can raise to the occasion, and make this battle ours. It is my prayer that we can move the patriot movement forward, and secure for ourselves a place in our children's childrens hearts the same love and respect that we have for our ancestors. May God bless us, our cause, and our actions, so that our posterity will say of us, "God bless them for standing up and saving our freedoms..." Thank you. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)