From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ We, the founders of the Constitution Party, hold that our federal government has consistently violated the Constitution of the United States. The Founding Fathers designed the U.S. government to serve us -- the people. It was not designed so that we the people would serve government. We no longer wish to see Americans dependent upon or enslaved by government. Generations of Republican and Democratic administrations have made it abundantly clear that they are incapable of managing the nation's affairs competently, justly, or legally. The CP is dedicated to ensuring the unalienable right of every U.S. citizen to Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of Happiness by limiting the role of government in our lives. The CP holds that no one has the right to dictate to anyone else how to live. It further believes that no one holds the higher moral authority to compel anyone else to behave in a particular way. The CP maintains that each individual has the right to behave according to his or her self-determined moral principles, provided the pursuit of these principles causes no physical harm to any other person or his property. The CP believes that if there is no victim there is no crime. The CP believes that no entity, including a majority of voters or citizens, may take away or violate the rights of an individual. Accordingly, the CP calls for a reordering of national priorities. We aim to restore the rights of individual Americans. We aim to create a truly free country where people will earn to be responsible for their own welfare. Upon achieving this goal, productivity will flower, causing business to prosper, thereby creating an atmosphere of abundance, tolerance, and compassion. Therefore, the CP offers the following platform to ensure our rights and those of our children: 1. Under no circumstance does government have the power to violat the rights of an individual. 2. Government does not have te right to legislate morality. Adult consensual behavior ("victimless crimes") such as those involving any sexual activity, gambling, drug use, or assisted suicide are a matter of individual adult morality and not a matter of criminal law. The traditional organizations for discussion and persuasion regarding such issues include churches, synagogues, youth clubs, chambers of commerce, and other local social organizations. 3. As an adult, you are free to do whatever you choose with your own person or property, provided you do not physically harm the person or property of another. People who physically harm others are to be forcibly segregatd from the rest of society by government. It is society, not the criminal, that should be shown leniency. 4. The CP advocates a strong local police presence for violent crime. By eliminating victimless crimes, police will be able to focus on violent crimes, making polce infinitely more effective. The prison system, currently overburdened, will have ample space to house violent criminals for the full course of their prison terms. The streets will be safe, the country's legal and prison systems will unclog, ad vast amounts of money that add to the budget deficit will be saved. Isn't this a better idea? Nevertheless, a government that must break the law in order to enforce the law is not a government worth having. Therefore, law enforcement officers and agencies must be above reproach with regard to due process of law, persnal privacy, freedom from unreasonable search and seizures, and all the other fundamental constitutional guarantees. The CP believes that any government agent or employee who does not abide by, or who violates, the Constitution should face mandatory criminal penalties. The CP believes that all judges must be directed to inform every jury of its legal sovereignty under the Constitution in that it may find any defendant not guilty if it judges the law, even law upheld by the Supreme Court, to be defective, unwarranted, unconstitutional, or wrongly applied. 5. Regarding abortion, government has no right making laws dictating to a woman what to do with her body. At the same time, it has no right to take money from some citizens to fund abortions for others. 6. Each individual adult has the right to keep and bear arms, providing the owner has never been convicted of a crime involving the use of a weapon. 7. The CP advocates the maintenance of the strongest national defense force in the world. The CP does not advocate military interference in the affairs of other nations. The CP further believes tht the US should protect its sovereignty and maintain full control over its own defense systems and not turn them over to the United Nations. 8. The CP believes that individuals have the right to keep all money or property they have earned, to provide for themselves and their families. The CP believes it is not government's business to know how much money you earn, where your money is kept, or to require you to keep records on its behalf. Accordingly, it believes that government has no right to use any of its agencies to intimidate people into revealing how much property, including money, they have or earn, with threats of jail terms and property seizures. This stance requires the elimination of the Internal Revenue Service and all taxes based on wages, earnings, income, and inheritances. The elimination of these taxes would cause business to skyrocket, create millions of jobs, and significantly reduce unemployment and welfare lines. It would also reduce crime. All these benefits would be felt by the American people, when the burden of these taxes is lifted from their shoulders. The CP advocates the elimination of the income tax code, elimination of all gift and estate taxes and any other direct taxes. The CP calls for repeal of the 6th Amendment or formal recognition by the government that it was never ratified by the states and is therefore illegal. To the extent revenue is needed, excise taxes are authorized in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. 9. The CP advocates the elimination of the budget deficit and the national debt via the sale of federal assets, the downsizing of government , and the elimination of entitlement programs. 10. The CP advocates the elimination of entitlement programs. Just as no individual has the right to steal from you, the government has no right to steal from you on behalf of others, that is, to redistribute your wealth. The money you earn belongs to you and no one else. How can you properly support yourself and your family while you are constantly being robbed? The price of personal freedom is individual responsibility. Consequently, it is not government's job to "save" people from poor choices, calamities, or the vicissitudes of life. At the same time, The Constitution Party believes deeply in volunteerism and charity to care for the less fortunate. It therefore encourages everyone, individuals and private institutions alike, in the strongest possible terms, to give to the charities of their choice to care for the homeless, the helpless, and the needy. Charity is traditionally the work of religious organizations, individuals, private institutions and foundations. In contrast, entitlement programs rob individuals of the ability and desire to be charitable. The CP further believes that the elimination of entitlement programs will immediately solve the nation's immigration problem. 11. The CP calls for the reinstitution of sound money. 12. The CP will require an audit of the gold reserves of the country. There is no reason in the world why government should hide from us howmuch gold we own. Would you allow your servant to hide your assets from you? 13. The CP advocates full financial freedom. Government has no right to force an individual to report how much money he or she deposits or withdraws from a bank. It also has no right to force an individual to report how much money he or she takes into or out of the country. These laws force Americans to spy and report on each other. Think about it. Is the government your servant or your master? 14. The CP believes that government has no legal or moral authority in health care.The CP believes that government involvement in health care will adversely affect the health of the majority of Americans. The CP believes that government has no right to limit our choice of doctors, or medicines they prescribe, whether they be "alternative" or American Medical Association certified physicians. Government also has no right to dictate what vitamins ought to be available. When your life is at stake, do you feel that the government, your servant, should be able to tell you which doctor you can see or what medicines you can take? We think not! The CP opposes the proposed national health card. This card will ultimately be used as nothing less than a national tracking device that will result in the further loss of personal freedom. 15. The CP endorses full economic freedom. The CP believes that government should not set prices, set quotas, or create laws concerning hiring, firing, the level of wages, unionization, or any non-coercive private commercial behavior. The CP believes that a movement is underway, a movement toward individual freedoms, as our Forefathers planned. We believe that people are sick and tired of constantly being told how to live their lives by a government that passes thousands of law and regulations every year. We believe that people have had enough of the taxes, the continual loss of our dollar's purchasing power, and the intimidating tactics of an out of control, lying government that has no accountability and are ready to stand vigilant against the loss of their personal freedoms. The course on which the ship of state is currently set is clear: a bankrupt social welfare police state. To all Americans who want to keep their rights: whether it be the right to speak your mind, the right to keep the money you earn, the right to use your property as you wish, the right to have a gun for the defense of your family or to hunt, the right to engage in noncoercive behavior, the right to practice (or refrain from practicing) any religion, the right to be homosexual; the right to choose a doctor or the medicine of your choice, or the right to end your life -- these are your personal choices, not the government's. To all Americans who feel alienated from the politics of our system and are tired of being treated like juveniles: we understand your frustration and your desire for change. Come join us! No matter who you are or what you do, come join us. It's not whether you are on the left or the right, liberal or conservative, it's only our individual rights that matter. "The battle is not left versus right, the true battle is the individual versus big government"..Aaron Russo. JOIN THE NEW CONSTITUTION PARTY TODAY! ----------------------------------------------------------- Join the people from all walks of life who already have become members of the Constitution Party. Spread the word! Make copies of this Draft - Email it - Fax it - Hand one out to everyone you know. WE WANT OUR COUNTRY "FIXED BY '96" The Constitution Party 2357 Pine Orchard Drive Waterford, MI 48329 Internet: [ ] YES! I want to join the Constitution Party! Today's date: / / [ ] Yes, I want to volunteer /organize. I want to help with a donation of $ [ ]Check [ ]Money Order Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) - -------------------------------------------------------------- Constitution Party Founder Aaron Russo (Film Producer - Trading Places with Eddie Murphy, The Rose with Bette Midler; won an Emmy and had films nominated for various Academy Awards) Partial List of Founding Members Dr. Robert Atkins (Author) Larry Becraft, esq. (Attorney) Bill Benson (Author - The Law That Never Was) Bob Bishop (Editor, Goldmining Stock Report) Jim Blanchard (Author and Newsletter Writer) Doug Casey (Author of largest selling financial book in history) Bill Cooper (Radio Talk-Show Host) Vince Deniro (Historical/Political Researcher, Radio Talk-Show Host of America's Town Meeting) Larry Dodge (Former Libertarian Party Activist) Roger Fredinburg (Radio Talk-Show Host) Paul Hapenny (Screenwriter) Sheriff Richard I. Mack Graham County, Arizona (Author - From My Cold, Dead Fingers) Ron Paul (Former Republican Member of Congress) Bob Prechter (Author, Editor, Corporate President) Dr. Gus Prosch (Physician, Author) Scott Summers (Houston Foundation of Vietnam Veterans) James Turk (Author and Editor , Freearket Gold & Money Report) Dr. Jonathan Wright (Author) Constitution Party ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)