From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ Patriot Resource List version 1.1 January 7th, 1995 compiled by: (Ian Schirado) (Nombrist Beor) Okay, I'm going to start off with resources I can strongly recommend from personal experience or relationships with someone with a good experience and then branch out into whatever I have left for resources, which often amounts to not much more than names and numbers. A warning: You may find, upon examination of the "patriot movement" (as they like to refer to themselves), genuinely valuable insights on questions of monetary policy and law, and at the same time, false and outrageous views regarding Jews, blacks, homosexuals or other generally disliked groups. This is a consistent pattern in American populism going back at least as far as Father Coughlin, who exhibits a striking metamorphosis over the course of his career from a primary concern with social justice and monetary reform to a blatant anti-Jewish stance. I think it is important for all those concerned with this question to explore, analyze, and attempt to understand this dynamic, lest monetary reformers and sovereign defenders of rights be tarred for all time by a continued association with the spectre of blind, unreasoning hatred. Patriots for Liberty explicitly states that they do not (as a group) condone such attacks, even though the same wackos I just mentioned all showed up in droves and PFL itself associates strongly with the John Birch Society. Another common direction is that many of these groups are highly religious. In any respect, deal with it; they have valuable information even if their prejudices drive you up the wall. On a related topic, I have given a "Level of Religiousness" for each person or organization listed. Since I personally am a natural law atheist, I give more credence to legal arguments that do not rely upon religion. I also believe that judges are more likely to listen to arguments that are grounded in solid, objective legal fact, and not subjective religious ideas. Prices are sometimes given in Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) and sometimes in gold and/or silver. There are two existing mailing lists for discussion of these topics: The Frog Farm ( Patriots ( Relevant articles and an FAQ (Frequently Asked-for Quotes) can be had from [I would like to add here all relevant FTP sites, WWW servers, etc., that may be of interest to those studying the topic of sovereignty. If you know of any, please send them in! I'd also like to add a brief paragraph on the chronic lack of clue exhibited by those who claim that only "white males" can claim the status of sovereign...] George Gordon's School of Common Law P.O. Box 297 Isabella, MO 65676 1-417-273-4967 or 417-273-4772 (every day except Sundays sundown to sundown) George has been defending his rights in court for almost twelve years now. A small businessman who taught himself to fight back when Big Brother put him out of business, he founded Barrister's Inne School of Common Law in Boise, Idaho with Roger Elvick. As a result, the city of Boise stopped pulling over automobiles without license plates; it was getting too expensive to prosecute cases they almost always lost. In his original 1982 videotaped lessons, George said that many people told him that he wasn't long for this world. But here it is, eleven years later, and he's still succeeding! His classes cost one (1) ounce of gold per week, with gold at 500.00 FRN's per ounce. Write or call for a catalog of books and list of classes. Good stuff: Scott McGee's "Do You Speak Credit?", 14 pp., 1 silver dollar or 6 FRN's; Walter M. Froengen's "Legal Quotes 1", 88 pp., 2 silver dollars or 12 FRN's; Paul Conley's "Zoning and the Property Owner", 104 pp., 6 silver dollars or 33 FRN's; "Trial Preparation", 177 pp., 6 silver dollars or 33 FRN's; and James C. Cissell's "Proving Federal Crimes", 252 pp., 6 silver dollars or 33 FRN's. Level of Religiousness: Reasonable; explicitly ties into legal defenses in some areas. Note on Gordon himself: This guy is amazing. He follows ALL 759 laws of Moses to the letter and runs a farm where he teaches his school. He is extremely articulate and hopefully he got over his previous problems. If you do have a talk with him, ask him about Gordon vs. State, 108 Idaho 178, 697 P.2d 1192; State vs. Von Schmidt, 109 Idaho 736; and State vs. Gibson, 108 Idaho 202, 697 P.2d 1216. These are all cases which appear to involve Mr. Gordon and his school and I am interested in what the outcome was and how he managed to avoid problems like what happened in those cases later on (and he obviously has). Don't worry about Roger Elvick much, except perhaps sending him a letter if you get into the mood for it. He's a prisoner of war, currently being held captive by the federal government for fighting their unlawful dictatorship. His own Nitty Gritty School of Common Law was even better than George Gordon's school, but he is pretty much permanently out of it now. Bruce G. McCarthy HC-62, Box 375 Smithville, OK 74957 The author of "MSO: Key To Ownership", an excellent example of tacit procuration against administrative agencies, dealing with vehicle license plates and registration. Send $0.50 in pre-1965 U.S. silver coin, or 5.00 in postage stamps, for the two booklets "The Pernicious Treadmill of Credit" and "Theocratic v. Democratic Money". Level of Religiousness: Somewhat more pervasive than George Gordon, but still quite reasonable overall. If nothing else, get the book anyways for humor value. National Commodity and Barter Association 8000 E. Girard Ave., Suite 215-S Denver, CO 80231 First year membership is 280 FRN's. With it, they send you all their research as a giant multi-volume "encyclopaedia" set. They also have extensive legal services and have been actively creating the precedents in the area of income tax that most of the other people mentioned here are using. They obviously also offer banking and barter services. If you can afford it, I would give Barrister's Inne, NCBA, and FES my personal approval as the best that money can buy. The following information is taken directly from an NCBA brochure sent to me in January of 1991. I would call these facts to your attention first: - The NCBA considers it a Good Thing to be "politically involved", i.e., being registered to vote and voting, stirring up "grass roots" action, etc., whereas the Frog Farm's position has always been that free persons do not need to vote, and are actually better off not voting at all, since "rights are not subject to a vote" or to the whims of a majority. - You should remember that if you are a "member" of a "group" or "organization", your status before the law changes. - Never allow anyone to represent you, do not represent yourself, DEFEND yourself. NCBA offers (among other things) information regarding the few lawyers who will operate on this sort of level. But one of the Frog Farm's many golden rules is to NEVER give power of attorney to anyone, except to a very limited degree, and even then only under dire circumstances. With this in mind, let's let the brochure speak: GREETINGS FROM THE NCBA The National Commodity and Barter Association is the strongest First Amendment association in the nation today offering vital services to members. The NCBA is a political redress, first amendment association, formed for effective redress of greivances as provided for and protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It was founded in 1978 by John Grandbouche, who remained its director until his death in May of 1986. The NCBA is now under the leadership of Mr. John Voss. It is, by definition, a First Amendment association dedicated to educating all Americans and helping them exercise and protect their individual rights. In numerous confrontations with the government, particularly with the Internal Revenue Service, the NCBA has consistently had its claims upheld, most recently in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals where the NCBA challenged and defeated the IRS over the use of an illegal search warrant issued upon its main office in Denver. (Voss, Grandbouche, et. al., v. Agents Bergsgaard, et. al., 774 F2d 402, 1985.) The court stated, among other things... "Certainly, the organization's advocation of modifying or abolishing our country's tax system is a legitimate activity. Indeed, it is an activity protected by the first amendment." NCBA director John Voss, who believes that he, as a private individual, was not and is not required to file income tax returns and that his wages did not constitute taxable income, was charged by the IRS with willfully failing to file income tax returns for years 1979-1980. He was found not guilty by a district court jury. The NCBA carries the fight for individual rights forward on many fronts: o The right of parents to home educate their children as an alternative to public schooling is only one area of activity within the association. With the high illiteracy rates among our young people and our public schools suffering from a decline in educational quality, is it any wonder why increasing numbers of concerned parents are choosing home instruction for their children? o The NCBA is active in putting a stop to the tyrannical activities of the IRS against the American citizen, and ridding America of the present, counter-productive system of income taxation. o Members have access to some of the best legal help in the country for defending themselves from the illegal and oppressive tactics of government. [Frog Note: No, government actions are not illegal -- they're done with all due form of law. But they're UNLAWFUL -- because they do not have the SUBSTANCE of law.] This includes the Mutual Assistance Plan (MAP) which provides financial assistance to NCBA members needing a licensed attorney or to those wishing to defend their rights pro se. o NCBA provides Freedom Books to its members which contain over 60 chapters on Constitutional Law and Taxation, home education litigation, administrative procedure, tax court, criminal and civil litigation, history and much more. These books are constantly updated and revised and are worth much more than the price of membership. o In addition, NCBA encourages its members to become involved in the political process by running for public office or serving on community action committees. [Frog Note -- remember what happens then? You give up your status as a freeman in exchange for limited powers, privileges and immunities, under contract (Constitutions) as a Public SERVANT. And that's fine, if you really WANT to...] Political action to many people means writing your congressman and supporting candidates for public office. To others, it means effective courtroom action. [Yep!] Another effective action is to participate in an exchange rather than a commercial bank, in order to regain control of your financial affairs. [Actually, this should preferably be done BEFORE you engage in any courtroom action -- it's called "judgment proofing" yourself.] Mr. Grandbouche established the NCBA without government sanction or license. His attitude of, "Do what is right and let the consequence follow," has brought consequences that have resulted in significant victories in the courts for the NCBA. First and most importantly, we assert the right to associate without government identification numbers, licenses or permits. This is a fundamental right of natural born persons in our free Republic. Secondly, we assert the natural right to make agreements and contracts between each other without the permission of bureaucratic would-be masters. Thirdly, we claim the right to associate and contract privately. The right to privacy is essential in a free society, and poses a threat only to a corrupt, prying government. These three basic rights, combined with NCBA court victories, illuminate the once dark path leading back to the basics. You can exercise these rights in two simple steps: 1. You become a member of the NCBA, which is "a legitimate First Amendment association". 2. You make a private contract with an authorized NCBA associate to receive funds from you, buy and sell gold and silver for you and make disbursements of federal reserve "notes" and other commodity at your direction. The member using the exchange properly has little need for a commercial checking account and can remove themselves from direct personal contact with the destructive federal reserve banks, their only contact with such entities being indirect and through NCBA. This is political redress against the federal reserve and an exercise of the right of privacy in financial affairs to which everyone is entitled. NCBA services are not available to the general public and are therefore not subject to public regulations. The National Commidity Exchange exists without government permission. Any NCE operator will be pleased to act as an agent in receiving deposits, buying or selling commodity and making disbursements at the member's direction with the following understandings: 1. NCE exists to facilitate a member's inherent and inalienable right to privacy. You must become an NCBA member and remain one to continue as a participant in the exchange. 2. It is understood that NCE does not exist to shield any illegal activity or funds derived from an illegal activity, nor does it provide a shelter from lawful obligations. 3. The contact between you and the NCE agent is a common law contract. Accordingly, NCE must conduct transactions with individual, natural born persons who are also NCBA members, and may not contract with juristic persons, trusts, corporations or other artificial entities. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION If you are not a member of the NCBA and wish to join, it is necessary to apply and join as follows. Your membership for the first year includes our new, currently updated NCBA Freedom Books, Volumes 1 through 5. These books begin with an analysis of the origin and extent of individual rights, a discussion of the events and documents preceding the constitutions (state and federal), the services offered by NCBA, and are filled with dozens of chapters outlining effective legal actions to reclaim and protect your rights. They are forwarded to you upon our receipt of your application and fees. NEW MEMBERSHIP FEE: 280.00 (1st year only) RENEWAL PER ANNUM: 180.00 (We reserve the right to adjust fees) I am joining NCBA at the new membership rate of 280.00 for the first year. Total Enclosed_____________________________ In order that we may serve you better and keep you informed about your local NCBA meetings, we would like to give your name to our local NCBA representative in your area when applicable. However, we will do so only with your consent. _____ Yes, please give my name to my local representative. _____ No, I do not wish to have my name released. Signed_____________________________________ Date__________________________ Please print clearly: Name_______________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________ City/State_________________________________________________________ Zip_________________________ Phone_____________________________ Shipping Address other than P.O. Box: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ (NCBA Freedom Books will be sent UPS unless otherwise specified; therefore, we must have a physical address.) Attention Hawaii and Alaska Applicants: NCBA Freedom Books will be sent to you BOOK RATE - 4th Class Parcel Post Mail (allow 4-6 weeks for delivery). For 1st Class Mail, add 10.00. Areas of Interest: Please send me more information on the following: __________ Political Action (caucuses, delegate action, etc) __________ Mutual Assistance Plan (MAP) __________ Home Education __________ How to host an NCBA meeting How did you learn about the NCBA? We would like to send a thank you note to the person responsible for sharing the NCBA with you. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ If you would like to join NCBA but cannot afford to pay the full amount, please contact us and ask about payment plans. Mail your completed application to: National Commodity and Barter Association 8000 E. Girard Ave., Suite 215-S Denver, CO 80231 Freeman Education Association 8141 East 31st St., Suite F Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145 Don't know much about them, other than their newsletter has some pretty good research in it. Free Enterprise Society 300 West Shaw Ave., Suite 205 Clovis, CA 93612 These guys are sort of like the "Loompanics" of law. Lots of neat nifty books in their catalog. They also offer private banking services (your money does not devaluate continuously when deposited with them, unlike regular banks), services for getting out of driver's licenses, and several other legal aid services as well as classes and seminars. The catalog is free and also includes several articles of use in each one; it doubles as their newsletter. Essentially, these guys are a cheap NCBA. Our Ageless Constitution PO Box 2909 Asheboro, NC 27204 919-626-2176 They offer bound editions of the constitution along with a big interpretative section of some sort. I have not seen the actual goods, so I decline to comment further. NTP Newsletter c/o Otto Skinner PO Box 6509 San Pedro, CA 90734 213-515-3369 Otto offers _The Best Kept Secret: Taxpayer vs. Non-Taxpayer_ and _If You Are the Defendent_ and a bi-monthly newsletter entitled _Nontaxpayers United_. National Citizen Education 9205 S.E. Clackamas Road, Suite 435 Clackamas, OR 97015 They have a book called _Financial Survival_ discussing the Federal Reserve, banking, money, income taxes, deciphering IRS Code, the "coming currency switch", and other topics. Irwin Schiff 60 Skiff St., Suite 300 Hamden, Conn., 06517 He wrote a book entitled _The Federal Mafia -- How it illegally imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Tax_. He also has several other publications of a similar nature. Cornerstones of Freedom PO Box 29265, Dept. T-1-D Honolulu, Hawaii 96820 They have collected opinion letters from noted tax attorneys, CPA's, tax experts, and language experts who have all stated numerous legal reasons why you can't be required to liable to file or pay income tax. They offer it as supporting documentation if you want to disclaim "willful" failure to file, as in the recent Cheek vs. US case. The Upright Ostrich PO Box 11691 Milwaukee, WI 53211 Another newsletter that I have heard extremely high recommendations for, although I have not personally seen it. PEGS Bookstore PO Box 9337 Missoula, Montana 69807 Jeffrey Dickstein is an excellent tax lawyer and they carry his books, including _Judicial Tyranny and the Income Tax_ which analyzes every pertinent court case to date dealing with income tax. Citizen's Bar Assocation PO Box 935 Medford, OR 97051 503-779-0950 These guys do some excellent research. Some of their work is actually used in the articles I have written. Remnant Church Library 4015 Clinton Ave. Klamath Falls, OR 97603 1-503-883-8243 Their videotapes are rather expensive, but are real meat and potatoes hardcore detail on law. Level of Religiousness: Very explicit, but not overbearing; very friendly folks, a father-and-son team. Vic Lockman Box 1916 Ramona, CA 92065 Produces cute comic booklets that at first glance look like Jack Chick comics. However, instead of cheap and stupid moralizing, Vic writes very easily comprehensible explanations of many of the legal difficulties facing those who wish to exercise Rights. Good stuff includes "Money, Banking and Usury", for 3.95 FRN's. For 8.00 FRN's, you can get 50 copies of his 11-page "Social Security: A Crumbling Fraud", which you can randomly distribute to the sheeple and maybe educate a few of them. Certainly more productive than those ridiculous Chick comics. Level of Religiousness: About the same as Gordon. Laissez Faire Books 942 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103 1-800-326-0996 Widest available selection of libertarian, history, philosophy, economic and Randian books, audio and video tapes; publishes regular informative catalog with book reviews. Good stuff: Frederic Bastiat's "The Law", "The Lysander Spooner Reader", Randy E. Barnett's "The Rights Retained by the People", Albert Jay Nock's "Our Enemy the State", Adam Cash's "Guerilla Capitalism: How to Practice Enterprise in an Unfree Economy" and "How to Do Business 'Off the Books'" and Grace Llewellyn's "The Teenage Liberation Handbook". Recommendation: Snag _The Law_ from the networks and at least read that. If you are a bleeding heart liberal and managed to understand what you are reading after that, I pity you for being so stupid. Give copies to all your liberal friends, too, so you can at least carry on reasonable conversation with them. International Society for Individual Liberty 1800 Market St. San Francisco, CA 94102 Publishes "Freedom Network News", a compilation of worldwide events relating to (what else) freedom. Excellent tool for networking with people all over the globe (pen pals in foreign countries are great!). Michigan Bar Association (Common Law) 28600 Gratiot Ave. Roseville, MI 48066 They have a study group? that meets every Wednesday evening at 7pm at the above location. I still have NO information about them, but if I knew anything about them, I might show up even though it's a 4 hour drive (more or less) for me. Justice Times PO Box 163 Upland, CA 91785 This is a pretty decent magazine in large newspaper format with lots of decent references and current news of interest. For those of you who listen to Rush Limbaugh or Chuck Harder, one of the regular writers for the Justice Times is none other than Oliver North. Patriots for Liberty Box 334 Rochester, IN 46975 This is the group I mentioned that is using the administrative remedy and a letter-response method that I mentioned earlier with a 100% success rate in dealing with the IRS. They ask for donations (say 5-10 FRNs for a year or so) to cover their printing costs on their newsletter, which comes out about 4-5 times a year, but irregularly. The newsletter is constantly FULL of new information and additional references and contacts. I highly recommend their newsletter if for no other reason than that. Full Disclosure Box 734 Antioch, Illinois 60002 Fax: (708) 838-0316 Surveillance Hotline: (708) 356-9646 Bust the Bureaucrats: (708) 356-6726 Live radio show (WWCR 5,810 khz - Sundays 7pm central) Full Disclosure is run by Glen Roberts. It's one of the oldest and best publications devoted to the subject of Privacy. ** end of Resource List 1.1 ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)