From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ What They Really Mean ---------------------- Does anybody remember how "Mad" Magazine used to run a feature titled "When they say____, they really mean___"? That was always one of my favorites. I recently took the liberty of tallying up all the government lies I could think of (I know I missed plenty) and playing that little game.... Things look pretty grim. CIVIL WAR & 14 AMENDMENT: "Freed the slaves" (Made everybody "equal" but didn't free the slaves) INCOME TAX: "It'll never be more than 3%." (See your last return) "It will only affect the rich." (Affects you) FEDERAL RESERVE: "Federal" (Private) "Reserve" (Fractional reserve) "Will halt bank failures" (Bankrupted federal government) "Will fight recession" (Caused the great depression) "Not a central bank" (A central bank) "Elastic money supply" (It's certainly been stretching for a long time now. Just wait until it snaps!) SOCIAL SECURITY: "Personal numbered accounts" (No such thing) "Trust fund" (Money goes into general fund. Congress spends it, and leaves IOU's) "Not for purpose of identification" (Try doing something important today without giving your S.S. Number) FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION: (Incredible costs resulting in dumbing down and brainwashing) DIRECT ELECTION OF SENATORS: (States now have no voice) SELECTIVE SERVICE: (Selective slavery) FEDERAL MANDATRES: (Fiat, decrees) PRIVACY ACT: (The end of financial privacy) TEDDY THE ROUGH RIDER: "The Trust Buster" (closed some doors and made it impossible for anyone else to acquire money and power equal to that held by those who owned him.) WOODROW WILSON: "He kept us out of the war" (Got us into World War One) "New Freedom" (New Slavery) FDR: "New Deal" (Communism is a very old system.) JFK: "New Frontier" (Viet Nam) "Camelot" (Adultry) LBJ: "Great Society" (Ruined society) "War on Poverty" (Poverty grew by leaps and bounds) URBAN RENEWAL: (Negro removal) NIXON: "I am not a crook" (Crook) GEORGE BUSH: "Read my lips" (New Taxes) "Education President" (Drug smuggler) "Kindler, gentler" (His family financed the Nazis) "New World Order" (A Fourth Reich of the Rich) ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT: (Global Plantation) UNITED NATIONS: (The old "company store" swindle) FREE TRADE: ("Managed" trade) POPULATION CONTROL: ("Friendly" genocide?) BIRTH CERTIFICATE: (A heave-offering to Baal?) MARRIAGE LICENSE: (Government owns your offspring) NONVIABLE TISSUE-MASS (Hmmmm) RIGHT TO CHOOSE: (Not for long see--population control) VOTER REGISTRATION: (an unrevealed commercial agreement obligating you to pay the city, county, and state bond issue?) BILL CLINTON: (Slick Willy) "New Democrat" (Old Democrat. "Marxist") "Feels your pain" (*Causes* your pain) "Health Care" (Hellth Care) ^^^^ "Crime Bill" (Now YOU'RE the criminal) "Over 50 new death penalties" (I can't even think of 50 crimes, can you?) When will you Americans stop falling for the "Bait & Switch technique?" It's really getting old. Yes, I know these vermin whine and claim "That's not what we intended." or "We had no idea *that* would happen."etc. etc. Yet when YOU screw up, they cry "Ignorance of the law is no excuse!" as they throw the book at you. You must have awfully strong stomachs. -- --Bob "Don't Tread On Me" ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)