From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ We don't need to make "hit lists" and make idle threats against our enemies, and it has nothing to do with keeping a low profile. The fact is, until we have the power now held by the gangsters who rule us, such talk is mere bluster, a demonstration of weakness. And talk of shooting people against alley walls is equally unproductive. Unless we are better than our enemies, we might just as well stay with the tyrants we already have. In the tradition of our Founding Fathers, our New Republic of the United States must be governed by the rule of law, not lynch mobs. Traitors to the Constitution must be dealt with according to due process, real trials and not kangaroo courts. With that said, it could still focus our minds marvelously to think of Whigs and Tories and consider who are the true enemies of freedom in our midst. Therefore, I offer to you my: ROGUE'S GALLERY 1) David Rockefeller - Here is the man who is behind most of the current efforts to overthrow our freedoms. He was the chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1970 to 1985; and he founded the Trilateral Commission, the premier organization in the U.S. for promoting the emerging global dictatorship. His great personal wealth, and his control over the wealth of his family have greatly leveraged his destruction of our liberties. Some have called him the true dictator of the shadow government. 2) Zbigniew Brzezinski - Also known as the father of the Trilateral Commission, this modern Tory wrote BETWEEN TWO AGES, the "Communist Manifesto" of the Trilateral Commission. If the emerging global dictatorship ever finally becomes a full blown reality, he will share the same relationship to it, that James Madison enjoys to the U.S. as the father of the Constitution. 3) Henry Kissinger - This man is perhaps more responsible than any other one man for the meanless deaths of over 60,000 American fighting men in the Vietnam War. Most of the foreign policy crimes of Richard Nixon, who now enjoys his just reward, may be traced to the influence of this gangster of gangsters. 4) Brent Scowcroft - This is the man who forged the Gulf War alliance for the arch tyrant George Bush. A military man, his was the counsel that provided George Bush with his inspiration for this huge power grab of the New World Order. Not surprisingly, he is the right hand man of Henry Kissinger in Kissinger and Associates, a "think tank" for aiding our State Department in formulating our treasonable foreign policy. 5) George Bush - Perhaps as effective in his war on our ancient liberties as the above, this is Mr. New World Order himself. A former CIA Chief, Chairman of the National Republican party, Ambassador to the U.N. and special envoy to Red China before Richard Nixon betrayed Taiwan, this man is also one of the biggest drug pushers in history, setting up with other top Executive Branch personnel including Oliver North, the drug pipelines that have so devastated our society. 6) William F. Buckley - This is the "house conservative" that made this country safe for the shadow government, the CFR/Trilateral clique in our federal government. His journalism and magazine, NATIONAL REVIEW, were the single most effective tools in the hands of the modern Tories in marginalizing the John Birch Society and other organizations on the "conspiracy right." Due primarily to the work of William F. Buckley, these "lunatic fringe" right-wingers were never accepted as part of the "legitimate" conservative movement. If patriots today are widely viewed as crackpots and nutballs, it is largely because of the help this man gave to his Insider masters. He is, of course, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. His hypocrisy should give him a special place of dishonor among the enemies of freedom. 7) Rush Limbaugh - This is the man who delivered the conservative support needed by the CFR/Trilateral gangsters to pass both NAFTA and GATT. Without his help, opposition to these treasonable "agreements" would have been much more widespread and effective. The man publically ridicules the conspiracy right as delusional paranoids, and sings the praises of such CFR/Trilateral luminaries as George Bush and David Gergen. His duplicity and hypocrisy are astounding. 8) Ted Kennedy - This man is the greatest gun grabber of all time. He has devoted his entire lengthy and influential career to trampling underfoot the God-given and unalienable right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment. If we ever end up in boxcars headed for the ovens, it will be largely due to the efforts of this man to take away our arms. Yet he carries a concealed weapon himself. 9) Dan Rather - If any man could be said to head the propaganda arm of the shadow government, a man responsible for psychological warfare against his own countrymen, it is this sleasy tabloid journalist. He is far more than a pretty faced anchorman. He is the producer and a top executive at CBS, responsible for most of the traitorous disinformation that has been produced by the mainstream media in helping to establish the power of the CFR/Trilateral combination as the shadow government and ruling oligarchy or our once free nation. 10) David Gergen - A member of _both_ CFR and the far more prestigious Trilateral Commission, this man has served right next to the President in both the administrations of George Bush and Bill Clinton, proving that there is only one political party in the U.S., the Republicrats. A media power rivaling Dan Rather in influence, he was the top editor at U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, and a regular commentator on the PBS news program, "McNeil Lehrer News Report." An excellent evidence of Rush Limbaugh's consent to the treason of this shadow government is the profuse, gushing praise he heaps upon Gergen. Finally, let it be said that no man is guilty of crime in this country until he is convicted by a jury of his peers. These men have not even been charged. I call for an independent investigation to determine the need for such charges. If the great power of these men make such an investigation impossible, then that abuse of power needs to be dealt with at the ballot box or by the final appeal, an appeal to arms. J.W. Redelfs, Listowner of SAMSBEST ********************************************************************** "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." (Samuel Adams) ********************************************************************** All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR Copy Right 1995, John W. Redelfs - Permission is hereby granted to distribute freely providing all disclaimers and qualifications are left intact. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)