From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ THE MILITIAMAN'S NEWSLETTER TAKING AIM VOLUME 1, ISSUE NO.7, 1994 MOM, C/O P.O. BOX 1486, NOXON, MT. 59853 (406) 847-2246 VOICE/FAX UNDER THE LAW OF THE GUN (We have had a very busy month. Between gun shows, radio and television interviews and networking patriots together in their own areas have kept going at an extreme pace. Which of course makes it very difficult to make deadlines. People are coming together at an extreme rate. We are growing by the thousands on a daily basis. Next month we will be reporting on the World Consti- tution, so stayed tuned. All of the intel. reports that you will read are based upon and have happened because of Report Number 1, unless you base your justification upon the Natural Law as we do. ~ Editor.) Report No. 1 The Ohio Connection During the 1780's the government passed laws for encouraging the settlement of the Northwest Territory, which also provided for land surveys and for sale of lands by the federal government, by states (notably Virginia and Connecticut) that held claims in the Ohio country, and by private companies. The population of the Northwest Territory grew rapidly in the following years, especially in the area that is now Ohio. In 1800 Ohio was established as a separate territory. Early in 1802 Congress passed an act enabling the territory of Ohio to prepare for statehood. A state constitution was drawn up at Chillicothe in November of that year. On February 19, 1803, the constitution was presented to Congress, and federal laws were extended over the state. However, as most Americans have not been taught in the public school system, Congress did not formally admit Ohio to become one of the states of the United States of America. It wasn't until August 7, 1953 that Congress finally got around to admitting Ohio into the union of the States. On August 7, 1953 the House of Representatives and the Senate passed what is known as Public Law 204, Chapter 337, which states in part: "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the State of Ohio, shall be one, and is hereby declared to be one, of the United States of America, and is admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, in all respects what- soever. Sec. 2. This joint resolution shall take effect as of March 1, 1803. Approved August 7, 1953." One hundred and fifty years later, after seven Presidents of the United States, one Vice-President, hundreds of Senators and Representatives, Ohio officially became a State. This means that every law, resolution, executive order, every alleged State, etc. since August 7, 1803 is null and void and bad law. The State of Montana is not a State. The State of California is not a State. In fact there are only sixteen States that are legitimately members of the United States of America. Why? Be- cause anything that the Federal Government has done since 1803 is not valid because Ohio voted, when Ohio itself was not a State. For Congress to declare in 1953 that Ohio is now officially a state retroactive to 1803 is an ex post facto Law, clearly pro- hibited by the United States Constitution in Article 1, Sec. 9, Cl. 3. "No bill of attainder or EX POST FACTO LAW SHALL BE PASSED" (emphasis added) Yes, I hate to say this, but the great experiment called the United States of America DIED in the Year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and three. What has happened since that time has been astronomical. The United States has been involved in seven wars and other policing actions; has joined the United Nations to form a one world govern ment; has had two Presidents assassinated; has had it's economic base completely taken over; has had a number of it's "states" taken over by military occupation; has become masters over it's "masters"; has coerced the "states" into consenting their own deprivation of equal suffrage in the Senate ~ a complete viola- tion of Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution; has murdered hundreds of thousands of it's own citizens; and on and on and on. What is happening now and what can we expect in the future because of this outrages act? Well, read on. Report No. 2 GOVERNMENT CRACKDOWNS HAVE BEGUN The first of the new crime bill assaults on Americans have begun! In several cities!! On Wednesday the 14th of September, in the Shreveport Louisiana area, over 200 police officers, along with the cooperation of army helicopters and other agencies invaded the area known as Ledbetter Heights. This is of course a known low income community in Louisiana, and has a high crime history. Therefore these are the areas most likely to constitute the perfect "practice" locations across the country! The invasion was the prototype study program for the future of all America! According to assistant U.S. Attorney, Mike Skinner, Bill Clin- ton and Janet Reno had just completed an in depth meeting with him, and Skinner reported "..that the police action would be the model to be applied to all over America..." The special sweep "blockaded" over nine blocks of the city. According to citizens of the area, they were stopped by helmet- ed police on the streets and were frisked for weapons, interro- gated on the spot, and were arrested for trespassing in the area if they did not live there! Some citizens were told to.."shut up" when they were arrested and were not told what they were arrested for! People were commanded to "but out" and to stand aside as they looked out of their homes to see what was happening! With the new expanded and still undefined crime bill (no one has seen the finished version yet even in congress!) Every person arrested in the local sweep was classified as Federal Prisoners by the new law mandates! If a single person was arrested and had a friend by his side they were charged with "conspiracy" to what ever the crime that the one party was charged. In that area they have begun to "monitor" the traffic and alter traffic flow, and will actually alter all future vehicle traffic in the area! During the same time frame, an identical "sweep" took place in the Baton Rouge area, where five of the persons arrested posted bonds totaling $310,000. With the new unconstitutional property forfeiture program in place, these bonds and property attached may be taken from these suspects, even if they never go to trial! The agents that steal this property according to the new crime bill laws, can then keep most of it to apply to their agencies uses!! This same week saw a multi jurisdictional task force raid in Chicago! 30 helmeted policemen, took over the Guthrie area. They moved in on Friday night and Saturday, with shot guns and pistols drawn ready for action! The citizens were frightened. One resident lady, was told to "..get the hell out of your window.." As a police agent aimed his gun directly at her! Two young men returning home from church, were stopped by four or five police cars. The police leaped on them with shot guns aimed at them, they were body frisked and had their private parts handled by the officers. "It scared all of us", said the young man. Will your home town be for practice sweeps? Report No. 3 TERRORISM The term "terrorism", is a new term for American soil! Why is it that, all of a sudden, out of the blue, the Government is using this term in the media and holding the term "terrorism" over the head of the average American? Why is it that the Government now is training anti-terrorist groups and special forces all over America? Why is it that they are connecting the patriot and Christian groups, with terrorists and the so called hate groups all over America? The logical answer to these questions is that they plan to use the Terrorist fears in the future, to scare Americans into the acceptance of the "New World Order", One world Government and to convince the general public that patriots and Christian caring persons are to be feared by the public!! A false terrorist attack that may take place would be the perfect event to "con" America into the need for a national emergency and help form the United Nations Police forces! A few events that fit into the terrorist concept are as follows: At the opening of the United Nations session last week, Clinton and Yeltsen of the Soviet Union, both referred to the fear of Terrorism world wide and the need to Police and control these future problems "together". In New Orleans there is now a new terrorism military task force set up!! It is a combination of the Navy and The Coast Guard, located at 4640 Urguhart Street, New Orleans ~ this is a 50 man team of specialists! In the sewer systems in several Michigan cities (where there is large Militia activity) there have been specialized military training including regular police agencies, under ground in these tunnels and installing monitoring systems! In the congress, $800,000 had been funded to set up the Multi- Jurisdictional Task Forces that includes special terrorism forces! And in the crime bill just passed, there is a whole section devoted to terrorism., new definitions, new criminal actions and new enforcement outlines for Terrorism! The general press and the video media have regular "fear sto- ries" about potential terrorists world-wide including in America, these releases come from the Military and the Justice department in Washington! Beware, the true terrorists are surfacing through the cor- rupted Government that now yields the control in America! Terrorizing us all into the protection of the New World Order!! Report No. 4 THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING AND/OR HERE (ED. NOTE: The following is a transcribed report called into us on Sept. 30, 1994.) "Approximately 15 C-130's were flown into a field in East Hartford (Ed. Connecticut) this week. They were containing Russian personnel and Armored Personnel Carriers. C- 130's dropped off personnel and equipment and took off to a destination unknown. Equipment and personnel are being housed in a hanger on the field. There is talk by military personnel on an operation called October Surprise coming up, events and date unknown." What is so interesting about this report is that it ties in with the following reports which we have received during the last week of September and all of the meetings by the UN and the FED during this month. The UN will be in Columbus, OH, Lansing, MI and other parts of the World. The CFR will be in Bakersfield, CA and Reno will be in Alberqueque, NM. This is just a few examples of what is taking place this month. Kumsec (Southwestern U.S.): This large under earth storage facility has recently been accommodating large numbers of Russian personnel who have been transported by C-130's. Sandia, N.M.: This major underground facility for plutonium storage, which has been considered to be a top secret installa- tion, presently has a large mixture of foreign personnel learning how to run its operations under the authority of the United Nations. This story came to us by personnel that worked there and reverified by another source out of Washington, D.C. Coinciden- tally, this facility is reportedly one of the facilities which produce E.L.F. (extremely-low frequency) waves, which can create weather, cause earthquakes, etc. (see related story). Manzano (Southwestern U.S.): This large underground storage facility, which covers several hundred acres, has been reactivated by an emergency order after being closed for some time. This facility has also been accommodating large numbers of Soviets who are here to over-see the dismantling of American weaponry: Also, many of the people working at this installation have been fitted for chemical and biological warfare clothing. All of the intel. within this report has been re-confirmed by Washington, D.C. sources. Report No. 5 UN INVASION OF COLUMBUS, OHIO On October 17 through the 21st, at the Greater Columbus Conven- tion Center, the United Nations will be holding a World Trade Summit. Now, none of us need to be told that this Summit is designed to destroy the sovereignty of nations in regards to trading with foreign nations. This is common knowledge and is definitely linked to GATT. What is so important about this Summit is what is happening to Columbus, Ohio itself. The fanfare and hoopla that is associated with this is abso- lutely staggering. Busses from the Central Ohio Transit Authority are carrying banners supporting and advertising the Summit. Street signs are being changed to give the appearance that the city is fully supportive of the UN. Ex.: Nationwide Blvd. has been renamed to "United Nations Blvd." Downtown Columbus has been bombarded with banners, placards and full assortment of pro-UN propaganda. After the UN does Columbus they will be moving on to Lansing, MI to celebrate the UN Disarmament Day on the 24th of October. I am quite certain the militia in Michigan will be out in force to welcome the UN. Go get'm guys. Report No. 6 "TIME TABLE HAS BEGUN" (PARTS OF TELEPHONE RECORD- ING BETWEEN MARK KOERNKE AND ANOTHER UNIDENTIFIED PARTY ~ RE- CEIVED 9-15-94) "Former Special Forces from Los Angeles informed me that Jesse Jackson will be assassinated when he meets with Nelson Mandela in 4 - 5 Los Angeles. ...The Washington source today, she told me emphatically, she says I speak with authority, that the countdown has begun. She says to expect things to start happening on the day of the dead ~ Halloween. Which is the holiest day of the satanists. She also said that their timetable is rushed now because they cannot afford to let a new Congress come in, which is gonna happen in January 94 She said the countdown has begun, emphati- cally, she said it's done. She said she did not know how long the countdown clock is. But, she said it's started. There is a lot of elf testing being done right now at Sandia Labs, not far from Alamagordo, which is the microwave stuff that will induce headaches, vomiting, nausea, paranoia, agitation so on and so forth. Source also advised that there are crematoria at federal pens (penitentiaries) ~ the new ones going up." Report No. 7 OPERATIONS (Ed. Note: The following operations have not been confirmed. However, we decided to print them here in order to get feed back from you, the reader. We need to find out more on these. Thank you.) A. OPERATION NIGHT STALKER: We have been informed that this operation is designed to round up 1000 patriot leaders from across the nation. If this operation actually exists, it will more than likely be designed after OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP from the 1980's. This operation is to start within 30 - 60 days. B. OPERATION ROLLING THUNDER: We are not sure at this time what this operation consists of or what its purpose is. However, this could be part of NIGHT STALKER. Not sure on start date. C. OPERATION CHICKEN LITTLE: This operation is more than likely the last in the series. Got its name from the nursery rhyme The Sky Is Falling. referencing the patriot community having this attitude after completion of the above two operations; Or, could this be the top-secret operation for creating a simulated inva- sion of earth from space, when in actuality it would be from their multi-mirrored (300), laser refracting satellites that are now being placed in orbit, creating the ultimate optical illusion upon the inhabitants of the world. Report No. 8 KNOCK & TALK ALASKA STYLE (Ed. Note: We have reported on this in the past that this proce- dure was isolated. We have since found out this is happening state wide. We have also heard of this in part of the lower forty-eight also) The following is a conversation between a From:IN%"snet-l@world.std.COM" 24-OCT-1994 19:22:53.94 To: IN%"snet-l@world.std.COM" CC: Subj:MOM 02/03 barber and an Alaska Highway Patrolman who was vacationing in Idaho. The barber proceeded to ask him about the Knock & Talk Policy in Alaska. Barber asked trooper if they had a knock-and-talk program in Alaska because he had heard of such a program in the Kenai area and he wished to confirm it. Trooper stated that it was not just in Kenai but also Palmer. "That is where I am from and we are doing it there too. It's pretty much state-wide." Barber asked him if they had probable cause to go to these people's homes. He said, "well, sometimes we do and sometimes we don't." He said it really doesn't make any difference. Barber asked the trooper what types of questions they ask people when they open the door. He said they ask them if they have anything illegal in their homes. And if so, What? And if they don't have anything to hide could they (the troopers) come in and search their homes? If the people do not allow them to come into their homes they threaten them with investigation. Simple as that. Trooper stated that once they tell them that, 3 out of 4 people let them search their homes. Barber also informed us that he has a friend in Alaska who travels frequently and who carries a camera. She spotted many, many busses painted blue with UN plates on them. This is a common occurrence now. At Elmendorf AFB as you drive into Anchorage, There are many satellite dishes that have been erected with "UN" written on them. Also, Elmendorf and Fort Ridge are being broken up into many small bases. Gates all over the area. Many foreign speaking people are there. Report No. 9 ELF's (Extremely Low Frequencies) We have reported on these in the past in our Intel. Reports how ELF's are being used against the North American Continent. The UN has admitted that man can control and cause weather and natural catastrophes. On pages 78 & 79 in Basic Facts About The United Nations they state: During the first 40 years, a number of important first steps in the form of international arms control agreements, dealing pri- marily with the threat of nuclear weapons, were taken. Prominent among them are: 1977 * The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD Convention) prohibits the use of techniques that would have widespread, long-lasting or severe effects through deliberate manipulation of natural processes and cause such phenomena as earthquakes, tidal waves and changes in climate and weather patterns. ELF's and EMP's (electro magnetic pulse) were first discovered by Nicola Tesla. The government has been researching and testing his inventions concerning earthquakes, weather modifications, etc. Thomas Bearden and Bob Beck have been investigating these things for many years. Bob Beck was the first to investigate the mysterious Woodpecker signals near Eugene, OR in the early 80's. This signal literally caused people to drive off of cliffs, run into telephone polls, cause epileptic type seizures, etc. Other private investigators have built similar devices and have tested them in restaurants and shopping malls. They were able to liter- ally change peoples eating and shopping habits, by changing frequencies that we normally are not in contact with. For complete details in how this works and how they are chang- ing our weather patterns, etc. send $15.00 to MOM and we will rush to you the video Soviet Weather Engineering over North America, by Thomas Bearden. Mr. Bearden shows you how to spot weather engineering as it takes place before your own eyes. VOTESCAM THE STEALING OF AMERICA (With elections coming up next month, we thought it would be a good idea to let you know how the election process actually works in America. The following article is reprinted, in part, from Contact: The Phoenix Project newspaper who transcribed a radio interview with Jim Collier [author of Votescam] when he was a guest on the Lou Epton Show: 10-21-93) LE: Please hear this my friends, whether you believe it or not; whether you know it or not, your vote has been stolen from you by a Cartel of Federal, National Security, Bureaucrats who include higher-ups in the Central Intelligence Agency, political party leaders, Congressmen, co-opted journalists and the owners and managers of the major establishment news media. They have decided in concert as to how America's votes are counted who they want, by whom they are counted and how the results will be "verified" and delivered to the public. As one of them put it not long ago: "Not a Proper Area of Inquiry". A book, a good book: VOTESCAM, THE STEALING OF AMERICA, that indicts Attorney General Janet "Murder" Reno ~ is a shocking investigation. Our guest is a co-author of this book, Mr. James M. Collier. JC: I got started in 1970. It has been a 23-year investigation into how the vote is counted in the United States. I am NOT the only one who is doing this. There are newspaper men all over the country finding this same story~EVERYWHERE. I'm just the first to come out with an in-depth book on the matter. Actually the first guy to come out with a pamphlet was a newsman from the state of Washington, up near Puyallup, a man by the name of Robert Co- chran, DON'T GET PUNCHED OUT. It started originally with a book contract from the Dell Pub- lishing Company, during the "Chicago 7" trials which would have been called Running the System by Ballots, Not Bullets. We had hoped to prove that the System would work and lead to riots in the streets. In doing that research, however, we found that it can't. The facts are that almost no one who votes knows HOW their votes are counted. It is in an area wherein the media will not talk~ever. This is because the media is involved in rigging the vote in MUCH OF AMERICA. LE: In other words, the media is part of the problem? JC: The media IS the problem. The media is the most powerful entity in the world. In the U.S. it is absolutely THE MOST POWERFUL ENTITY. So, this power has corrupted. We have discovered that over a period of time they have the ability to tap into LE: By computer. JC: By computer! It is probably taken from the precinct after you vote through a downtown mainframe. Right! LE: I'll tell you the interesting thing is that any high school kid who knows computers can rig the computer. JC: Absolutely, they can tap-in. It's that simple. There is no evidence~nothing. Anybody can do it and they know that out there because the computers in most cases are rigged IN ADVANCE. They will come out with pre-determined answers no matter what happens. It is probably happening like that in Vegas. Alright. In 1970 when we ran against Claude Pepper in Miami, he was a Congressman. Pepper is the "father" of Social Security. He was 70-years old and his birth date was on election day, Septem- ber 8TH. We ran a campaign and used no money because part of the Dell contract was that we would run as the poorest "any man" in America. We would just shake hands, walk through the Black, Jewish, etc., communities, which is Miami Beach area (Claude Pepper's area). That's where we lived. We would go shake hands, go to Churches, do all the things usually done and when we got to election day, if it was one percent or ten percent, it was al- right with us. Our intent was just to know what grass roots was worth, if we did it diligently like nobody else had done it. My brother was a great speaker and he really did a terrific job. On election night at four minutes after the polls closed (7:04 p.m.) the CBS affiliate in Miami tells us the EXACT percentage that every one of 250 candidates IS GOING TO GET. Now, remember, that is in four minutes. At 24 minutes after the hour the NBC affiliate does the same thing but it names exactly the amount of final numbers that those percentages represent, like 2,926 votes. Later when we got the read-outs on the television from the sta- tions that were shown on the air, indeed, all of THAT did happen. They did this on the information from ONE VOTING MACHINE CALLED- IN FROM DADE COUNTY~it said. So, now, in tracking that down we found it to be ludicrous. There is a formula for doing this that is interesting. If you get the information off of ONE machine, which they stated and testi- fied to (definitely one machine)~how dumb. If there were ten votes, say, on that one machine for my brother Ken, any mathema- tician in the world would say that now you need to have a formula in the computer to multiply that forward, right? So, if Ken is A, you need times B for whatever the formula is, right ? And then it equals how many votes he will get by the end of the night. That's basically the formula if you use ONE voting machine. Well, in any A times B = C formula, you must know two out of three (A, B or C). You must know the vote before the polls are closed and the final vote and then you get the multiplier or you must know the final vote and the multiplier and then you divide it and you get how many votes the guy is getting. Either way you rig the election if you do it. They held to the "one" in this incident and that was deadly for them. In the back of our book, if people get it and it can be ordered through a book store or write to Victoria Press in New York, there is so much that we got through the years about how the vote is counted in the United States and we will look at the end portion. In the end is how we found out that the television stations themselves, the networks, ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, the two wire services, The Washington Post, The New York Times and the various other clients, belong to a "network pool". This is called "News Election Services". Do you think that the networks compete for the vote on election night? The "Network Pool" is really that the networks DO NOT COMPETE and haven't done so since 1964. This was right after JFK was shot~within six months following the assassination, the networks took over the vote count in the United States. TOOK OVER THE VOTE COUNT. Anyone who wants to research that information can get Election Administration Reports. Every Election Supervisor pays about $30 a year and they get this newsletter~strictly for Elec- tion Supervisors in America. This carried a story in April 1983 entirely detailing this. You can get it from the Library of Congress. That and also a report from the Air Force College in Colorado offers the Bibliography so that people can check where we got our information. I also did my own research. They formed a "central board" in New York City. It's now on 34TH street near 6TH ave. near the Empire State Bldg. All the supposed "exit polls" during the day which are taken are called back to Chilton Publishing in Radner, Pennsylvania. They are like a clearing house. They call back on 67 telephone lines coming in nationwide. You couldn't do one state on 67 lines, much less 50 states. In the field, largely made of representatives of the League of Women Voters, one hun- dred ten thousand of them on election night after the primary, run-off and final, get paid to be in the field to call back this information to Chilton in Pennsylvania. They get paid very big money to do this. They also get paid by the elections departments of big cities, probably yours too, around America, to be involved with the cleaning of the "chad" off of these cards. They get paid around $25 per person per hour. the persons in point don't get it~it goes into the national coffers. We have women in precincts, on video tapes, TAMPERING with the vote cards in both Miami and Cincinnati. On video! [END OF QUOT- ING] If you would like the complete details on how Jim and Ken Collier exposed the massive fraud that the system is perpetrating upon your vote, then you need to order this book from MOM as soon as possible. Our cost has been raised, but we will offer this book to you for the old price of $7.00 (Cash or M.O.), while supply lasts ~ ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY! MILITIA REPORT September 1994 by Paul K. Lander (Editor's Note: Paul is from Leesburg, VA and is a member of the 17th Rifle Brigade. Thanks Paul.) The combined militias now number 7 million, growth is expected to continue at the rate of 10,000 to 25,000 per week for the foreseeable future, if the present regime continues on its course, there will be 25,000,000 men and women under arms within the United States by January 1st, 1996. For every public militia there are, on average, twenty silent militias, it is here where our strength lays, and here it stays. Because the enemy cannot be everywhere at once, but we can be and we are everywhere. It is not the intent of the militia to engage the enemy first. However, enough war material to fight an army of three million four or five times over is in our hands. Feds take note! We will have our country back. The combined militias are in fact defensive in structure, nature, and purpose. We hope to see so many Americans rise up for the constitution that our enemies go back to Europe where they came from. All Americans are welcome within our ranks, if you believe in the constitution, and if you wish to help free our nation. This is not a racial issue, every American has the right to defend the country! This is about the survival of our nation, and here we do not compromise. We have been attacked by the press at the express request of our arch enemy: Janet "Butch" Reno, she wants to tar the militias with the label of "militant pro life anti abortionists":. The militia stands on its first statement, we will fight among our- selves after we get the country back from the banksters, eli- tists, and federal scum. Until then, we cannot endorse any posi- tion on this issue, and we will not get involved with this until America is back in the hands of real Americans. (Editor's Note: MOM holds the position of our founding fathers that we live under the "...Laws of Nature and Natures God..." from which come the rights of "LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", Declaration of Independence. [emphasis added]) SOLDIERS HANDBOOK FOR INDIVIDUAL OPERATIONS AND SURVIVAL IN COLD- WEATHER AREAS With winter coming on we thought it would be an excellent idea to bring this wonderful handbook to your attention. It will lead you through the mental and physical stages of conquering the cold and your enemy at the same time. This book has ten chapters with appendixes covering: 1. Introduction to cold-weather operations. 2. Personal clothing and equipment. 3. Tents and heating equipment 4. Small arms and ammunition 5. Rations and diet 6. Hygiene and first aid 7. Bivouac routine 8. Individual movement 9. Land navigation 10. Survival 11. Wind chill 12. Approximate measurement conversion factors 13. Visual emergency signals. For just a couple of examples why I carry this book in my pack: DETERMINING DIRECTION THE SUN: There are two ways to determine direction by the sun: * At noon, in the northern hemisphere, shadows fall to the north of objects; in the southern hemisphere, to the south of objects. * Estimate direction by using a watch and the sun. In northern latitudes the hour hand is pointed toward the sun. An imaginary line halfway between the hour hand and 1200 will point south. In southern latitudes the procedure is different. Then point the 1200 toward the sun. An imaginary line halfway between the hour hand and 1200 will point north. And of course, it also tells you how to find your direction at night and by nature. You will also learn how to make proper shelter; how to make your own snow shoes, etc. This book was made by the military so their soldiers would be able to survive winter operations. This handbook can speak for itself: Antici- pate every situation which can arise in battle and think out your reaction to it well in ADVANCE. - Hoote The guiding principle for winter movement is arrival at the destination in condition to accomplish the mission. If you wish to include this handbook in your pack you can order it directly from MOM for only $7.00 (cash or money orders only please) PORTRAIT OF YOUR ENEMY (We at MOM found the following article absolutely astounding, sent to us by one of our readers, which was published in a paper called the Wanderer in their From the Mail section. Because of the content we have decided to reprint it in it's entirety.) "The Custodian Of The Planet Call this edition of From the Mail: 'Meet Your World Planner.' Some weeks ago, a Wanderer reader from the Colorado Springs area sent From the Mail a thick packet of news clippings on a Very Important Person who resides (part time) in the region. A first reading of the material was, to put it bluntly, a mind-jarring experience, so FTM put the material aside. Now, with the UN's population conference in Cairo behind us~and its agenda looming From:IN%"snet-l@world.std.COM" 25-OCT-1994 03:15:58.04 To: IN%"snet-l@world.std.COM" CC: Subj:MOM 03/03 in front of us, FTM considered the material again, because the information (though somewhat dated) illustrates the mind set of those whom G.K. Chesterton dubbed 'The New Unhappy Lords.' He wrote of them: They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords, Lords without anger and honor, who dare not carry their swords. They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes; They look at our labor and laughter as a tired man looks at flies. And the load of the loveless pity is worse than the an- cient wrongs. Their doors are shut in the evening; and they know no songs. We may not like our New Unhappy Lords any more than they like us, but it's good to know who they are. The Very Important Person is Canadian multimillionaire Maurice Strong, a former deputy secretary general of the United Nations, executive director of the United Nations' environmental program, chairman of the UN's Rio Earth Summit in 1992, and a person who is working as diligently as he can with his mystic second wife Hanne to help create a New Earth-Friendly Religion. It's hard for FTM to tell who is more daffy and more dangerous ~ the UN official or his crystal-gazing consort~so you, reader, can make up your own mind. Maurice Strong, you must know, is the earth's self-appointed 'Custodian of the Planet,' and from his 63,000-acre ranch in the San Luis Valley on the edge of the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) mountains, he entertains grandiose dreams about how only he can save the earth And he doesn't dream alone. Some equally high-powered and influential people come to his ranch to share his dreams and encourage more dreaming, people with names like Rockefeller, Kissinger, McNama- ra, Trudeau, Moyers, the Dalai Lama, Shirley MacLane ~ along with countless other dignitaries, politicians, businessmen, media moguls, actors and actresses. New Age gurus, and even satanists. Truly. What? You didn't know satanists are concerned about the fate of the world, too? What Strong is doing out at his Baca Ranch in the desert, according to Canada's national newspaper, the prestigious Globe and Mail (July 9th, 1990), is 'laying the groundwork for what amounts to a new world order. 'The plan, ' wrote reporter Miro Cernetig, 'is to be ready for the beginning of a new Dark Age, says Mrs. Strong [profiled by herself, in a companion article to Maurice's], a self styled visionary, whose apocalyptic vision of the future involves the earth's population shrinking to about 400 million people in the next few years as the result of environmental degradation.' The Danish-born Mrs. Strong, who believes she has lived thou- sands of years in other lives, was inspired to settle in Colorado in her childhood dreams. She thinks that in a past life she was a Colorado Indian, and so she planned her life so that she could return to her ancestral home. About a decade and one-half ago, she was site-hunting in Colorado, when a mysterious 'prophet' named Glen Anderson, who lived in the Colorado mountains, materi- alized on her doorstep. He pointed to the place where the Strongs were to build their ranch and conference center for world lead- ers. Reporter Daniel Wood, writing in West magazine in May, 1990, tells what happened next: 'And so when she heard Anderson telling her about his voices, she took it as prophecy. She headed uphill into the mountains carrying an Indian pipe and a pouch of medici- nal herbs and found a promontory on the Baca. For three days she stayed there, fasting, meditating, observing the land.' And when she came down from the mountain, she was determined to do what Anderson directed ~ with the help of her husband's international connections. Speaking to reporter Jack Levand of the (Colorado) Valley Courier, Hanne Strong prophesied: 'It will not be too distant before the Baca attains its true potential. 'You will see more and more world leaders of various fields coming here to help the world community put into action proper enlightened plans that will eliminate problems...solving the political, social, and environmental difficulties of the world.' Her millionaire husband shares her dreams, and is financing the settlement of various religious houses: a Carmelite monastery where men and women live together, a $175,000 solar-powered Hindu Temple, a monastery for Tibetan Buddhists, temples for Sufis and Taoists, a center for the study of Jewish mysticism, a center for environmentalists from the Aspen Institute ~ all in the effort to create a New World Religion based on earth spirituality that will be more tolerant than the 'ancient' religions. Hanne calls it 'The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths,' and FTM's Colorado correspondent says the place is growing by leaps and bounds. Once the religious component is in place, the Strongs think, corporate and political leaders will follow, making the Baca Complex the 'Vatican City' of the New World Order. Today, the area is booming, and there are plans for a complex of futuristic buildings, including a 300-foot pyramid. Making His Mark On The World Just who is Maurice Strong? West magazine reporter Daniel Wood spent a week with Strong and his wife Hanne in preparation for his story, and he found himself 'wondering what dedication, what idealism compels them toward such an unlikely dream. And the more I learn, the more aware I become that I've entered a world of illusions, where the surface conceals things unfathomable. That world sound just like the United Nations! Strong, we learn, was born dirt-poor in Oak Lake, Manitoba, in 1930. He 'decided one day in the early 1940's that he would make his mark on the world...At 25 he was vice president of Dome Petroleum. At 31, he became president of the Power Corporation of Canada. He went on to found and head CIDA (the Canadian Interna- tional Development Assistance program) and later Petro Canada... 'From there, through his subsequent friendship with [Lester] Pearson's successor Pierre Trudeau, the millionaire energy-entre- preneur-turned-international-do-gooder found the cause that has come to dominate the past 20 years of his life. With the support of the Canadian government, he has participated in or directed practically every major environmental initiative that has come out of the United Nations from that time to this. He organized the first World Conference on the Environment, which produced the epochal 1987 Brundtland Report, the incendiary that has ignited the present global 'green' movement...' Strong, wrote Wood, believes that one thing that might save the earth is a 'worldwide spiritual awakening,' and baca is dedicated to that end> Strong, like his wife Hanne, has also had spiritual experiences, as Wood related.'He confesses that a few years ago, while walking with the famed author and journalist Bill Moyers in the desert nearby, something strange, something inexplicable happened. According to Strong, 'We'd been walking, talking, heading back to my parked car. Suddenly, this bush ~ some sage- brush ~ erupted in flames in front of us! I was astounded. Moyers was, too. A bush bursting into flames'....It is the most mystical experience he has had." Wood concluded his profile of Strong with Strong narrating the novel he would love to compose if only he could write. 'Each year, [Strong] explains as background to the telling of the novel's plot, the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over 1,000 CEO's, prime ministers, finance ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead. With this as a setting, he then says: 'What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the principle risk to of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, the rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? And Strong, driving as I take notes, looks at me. Then his eyes go back to Highway 17. The man who founded the United Nations Environment Program and who wrote parts of the Brundtland Report and who in 1992 will try to get the world's leaders to sign just such an agreement, savors the question hanging in the air. Will they do it? Will the rich countries agree to reduce their impact on the environment? Will they agree to save the earth? 'Strong resumes his story. 'The group's conclusion is 'no.' The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civi- lizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?' 'This group of world leaders, he continues, 'form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse. It's February. They're all at Davos. These aren't terrorists. They're world leaders. They have positioned themselves in the world's commodi- ties and stock markets. They've engineered, using their access to stock markets and computers and gold supplies, a panic. Then, they prevent the world's stock markets from closing. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostage. The markets can't close. The rich countries...' And Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as if he were flicking a cigarette butt out the window. 'I sit there spellbound. This not any storyteller talking. This is Maurice Strong. He knows these world leaders...He sits at the fulcrum of power. He is in a position to do it. 'I probably shouldn't be saying things like this.' he says... 'When the truth is finally told, Maurice and Hanne Strong fear the world will come to this. No secret societies. No hostage-taking at Davos. But it will come to the same conclusion: the global economy, sapped by credit and debt loads and environmental disasters, will simply come unstuck. And nothing ~ not even the dreams of Baca ~ can save humanity from itself....They fear that Baca will be, at best, an oasis in the desert of the future ~ and at worst, a place where dreams die.' Waiting For The Spirit To Depart Daniel Wood offers another story that provides a peculiar insight into the 'spirituality' of the Strongs. There was a visiting Tibetan monk at their ranch, who went into a meditative trance. While sitting there, meditating cross-legged, the monk died. The Strongs left him untouched for four days, because, accord- ing to Tibetan custom, it takes that long for the spirit to depart. Powers And Principalities. When there are people like Maurice Strong running the world, is it any wonder some are running away? What's intriguing to FTM is the Strongs' unabashed dalliance with the occult. Not only do they not think it strange, but they trot out their eccentricities and delusions like a prize pony. The couple recalls Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and Sanger's fellow occultists, all millionaires and publicists for millionaires, and all dabblers in astrology, numerology, and Eastern mysticism. It's important to know that it is such visionaries who move the agenda of the United Nations. There's not much anyone can do about it, (Editor's Note: Wanna Bet? Join the Militia) but it does help one appreciate the battle the Vatican has fought over the past few weeks in Cairo. That battle was not one involving individuals, but principali- ties and powers. The Eugenic State Oh, speaking of Margaret Sanger, FTM was just looking at Elasah Drogin's excellent little study, Margaret Sanger: Father of Modern Society (CUL Publica- tions, New Hope, Ky., 40052). Among the curious facts: In 1934, Sanger proposed an eight-point agenda to rid the world of unde- sirables. Article n. 4: 'No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child; no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit for parenthood.' Article n. 5: "Permits for parenthood shall be issued by government authorities to married couples upon application, providing...' At Cairo, the Powers That Be just instituted Margaret's plan. Welcome to what the Pope's spokesman called 'The Eugenic State.'" (Ed. Note: We will be keeping close watch on the Baca Ranch from here on out. If any of our readers can keep us informed and/or has anymore information on this please send it to us. Thank you.) IN CLOSING We have now entered into another stage in the battle for our freedom. The enemy has heightened its activities in trying to shut down the militias nation-wide. They are doing this by caus- ing seeds of discontent among the ranks. Also, they have their agents out spreading malicious lies and rumors that militia organizations are hate groups and/or are dealing in illegal activity. We cannot sway from center. We must keep our eyes on track and not let the enemy get to us. Do not be pulled off center. As long as we stay focused on the ultimate goal and prize ~ we shall prevail. If we allow them to swerve us off track ~ we shall lose. We must maintain unity. We must not allow them to divide and conquer us. We must remain balanced and united. Likewise we must get our food supplies put away, our militia material put away, our clothing put away, and any and all items that we will need for the coming collapse of the system as we know it. For those of you who live in the cities, make your contingency plans now to GET OUT! The cities will not survive. Get your radio networks established now. You will need to communicate with each other when the phones do not work. This is easy and relatively inexpensive. If you need assistance in any of these areas we are here to help. We love you all and we count you as our friends and comrades. We need you to help us wake up our fellow countrymen. The UN is now in total control. Clinton stated the other night that we must carry out the will of the UN. Why else would Clinton have to get permission to invade Haiti from the UN and not Con- gress? We are here, willing and waiting to assist you in forming your networks and getting your supplies put away. So, please do not hesitate to call. Until next month, keep your powder dry and death to the new world order - WE SHALL PREVAIL. 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