From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ AIDS Info If there is a cure for AIDS... How come it isn't front page news? It will be, but the media aren't very fast on the uptake when no one calls a press conference, complete with free drinks and hors d' oeuvres. So let me explain how I came to find out about this completely new approach to tackling the AIDS virus. I'll tell you how it works, then I'll explain how anyone interested in investigating this new approach can perhaps start helping people right away, without having to wait years for some company to ante up the one or two hundred million dollars it usually takes to get the FDA approval for the procedure. This is a simple, non-invasive, totally painless procedure. No needles. No drugs. It's something people can check out in their own homes. The worst that can happen seems to be a possibility that it might also wipe out the herpes viruses. It's odd that a solution to what has been touted as the scourge of mankind, a disease which has cost the American people billions in medical bills, and that's not counting the many millions which have been invested by pharmaceutical companies and government-supported labs in attacking it, turns out to have what seems to be a relatively simple, inexpensive and fast cure. But it's a cure that our "health care industry" wasn't expecting. Indeed, one which if it had even been proposed, would not have been likely to be funded for research. Electronic quackery. The sickness industry aim, from the beginning, has been to come up with a drug which could be sold for big bucks. This is a trillion dollar industry, not a benevolent society, so there's nothing like a new and dangerous virus or germ to get the pharmaceutical companies all excited. Their worst nightmare is what seems to have happened --- a way without medication or expensive apparatus that people with HIV can stop the virus from being able to replicate itself or attach itself to the white blood cells. A cure for AIDS! How it all started. An article in the March 30, 1991 issue of Science News, page 207, reported that researchers had discovered that the AIDS virus had been stopped by shocking it. Let me quote, "Zapping the AIDS virus with low-voltage electric current can nearly eliminate its ability to infect human white blood cells cultured in the laboratory, reports a research team at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City." They discovered that by passing about 50 microamperes of electrical current through the blood, the shocked virus was no longer able to make an enzyme crucial to its reproduction, and "could no longer cause the white cells to clump together, the two major key signs of the virus infection." There also was a report on this on page 14 of the December 1992 Longevity, though this predicted that it would take years before a virus-electrocuting device would be ready for use. Well, they were almost right --- it actually took a little less than a year. But instead of having to drain or recycle the blood out of the body to purify it with the current, a brilliantly simple, non-invasive approach has been developed. I got in touch with Bob Beck, a physicist and ex-amateur radio hobbyist friend of mine who I'd heard had come up with a practical way to clean up the blood without having to put it through something like dialysis, which is costly, time consuming, and can be dangerous. Being a phycist, Bob wasn't blindered by the biochemist's way of thinking. He reasoned that since the blood in our bodies is being circulated constantly, all it would take to clean it out would be to find two fairly well spaced spots along the circulatory system and run the current through the blood that way. He chose the leg ventricals, placing one electrode on the inside of each ankle. In this way the current couldn't reach the heart, which also operates on microampere range currents. Why take chances? Okay, about how much voltage will we need to get that 50 microamperes into the blood stream? I checked an article in the December 19993 issue of Radio Fun (which I publish), on electrical safety and found that the resistance of the dry skin is about 100,000 Ohms. The body's internal resistance is about 500 Ohms, so the combined resistance of two electrodes and the body would be 200,500 Ohms. Assuming that all of the current goes through the blood stream, this would require about ten volts. If we moisten the skin, the resistance for each electrode would drop to about 20,000 Ohms, giving us a total resistance of 40,500 Ohms. To achieve the needed current we'd then only need two volts. I got out an ohmmeter and checked to see what resistance of the body might be. I measured about 200,000 ohms between my fingers, just as the article said. Bob built a test unit that is a little more complicated than just a battery, but still costs under $50 to make and is simple enough so it can be assembled by just about any radio amateur or electronic experimenter. His pocket-sized blood neutralizing device switches the current back and forth about once every two-thirds second. He recommends running this blood neutralizer from five to 20 minutes a day, depending on the severity of the infection. With heavy infections it's obviously going to take the body longer to deal with the problem. The body can only dispose of so much toxic waste a day, so people with heavy infections will have to be given shorter treatments over a longer period of time. He recommends that the subjects drink an 8-ounce glass of distilled water 15 minutes before the treatment, and another after, plus at least four more glasses of water daily to help flush out the waste products. Obviously this isn't a procedure that one would want to use on a cardiac patient, even with the currents being isolated in the leg veins. Eventually, as the procedure is researched, it may turn out that this is not a problem, but it's not worthwhile to take chances while this is still experimental. The Electrodes. The high-carbon conductive rubber stick-on pads used for electrocardiograms are recommended. They are inexpensive (12 cents each) and can be used several times on the same person. The pads can be cut in half lengthwise and pressed lengthwise along the blood vessels in the ankles, wherever the strongest pulse is felt. It's not difficult to make your own electrodes, using a couple nickel coins soldered to test lead wire. Wrap them in three layers of cotton flannel and dip them into a dilute salt water solution containing some bleach for sterilization. Then tape the electrodes in place with "micropore" adhesive tape. Tape the leads to the electrodes to the legs with adhesive tape to stabilize them. Do not put the electrodes over any skin lesions, or use above the waist. How Much Voltage? Once the electrodes are in place, turn up the voltage until the subject feels a thumping or tingling. Turn it as high as is tolerable, but not until it is uncomfortable. You'll be able to increase the current as the subject feels less sensation with time. Subjects may feel sleepy, faint, or headachy after treatment. This seems to be the normal detoxification and endorphin release. The subject should rest and stabilize for at least 45 minutes before driving. If the detoxification becomes oppressive, then treat every other day. Treating for at least 21 days should "fractionate" both the juvenile and maturing HIV cells during their development cycles. Until further research has proven otherwise, avoid treating pregnant women. And make sure the subject has not had any alcohol for at least 24 hours before treatment. Not even a beer. More research is needed before we'll know how to deal with smokers. Tobacco is one of the most addictive and destructive substances of abuse known and it disrupts the cardiovascular function. Also, true vegetarians are missing several essential amino acids absolutely necessary for the successful rebuilding of AIDS-ravaged tissues. Those Pesky Lymph Glands. Ridding the blood stream of the HIV virus is fairly simple. And doing it while leaving the blood in the body and passing a weak current through it saves the trouble of removing it for treatment. But, if you've read much about HIV, you know that the virus tends to hole up in the lymph glands, often for years. So the next step is to flush it out of these glands and into the blood stream, where the current can kill it. There's an item in Business Week for April 5, 1993, page 83 discussing this lymph storage problem. There were also two studies reported in the March 25th issue of Nature on this subject. This calls for a second piece of equipment. It's a simple item that any electronic technician can put together in an hour or so. What we want to do here is give each of the lymph glands a blast of a very strong magnetic field to shake the virus loose so it will enter the blood stream and then be killed off by the electric current. The easiest way to generate the needed field is to take an old photo flash unit and run a pair of wires out to a coil which is put next to the lymph glands. When the flash is fired, a short, large current passes through the flash tube. By running this current through a coil in series with the bulb, we'll generate the needed strong magnetic field. The coil is easy to make. Just wind around 160 turns of #14 plain enamel insulated copper wire on a plastic form about an inch in diameter. Your best bet is to use a plastic spool from a VHS tape cassette. Take the cassette apart and throw away the tape. Use the full length tape spools. You can put a bolt, with a nut to hold it in place, in the center of the spool and use a hand drill to wind on the wire. Then remove the bolt. If you have a problem you can use some plastic or fiberboard disks to stiffen the spool while you are winding the coil. Solder around three feet of rubber insulated test lead wire to the coil ends and tape over the connections for insulation. When you trigger the strobe, that will kick a high voltage through the coil. This is supposed to be a painless procedure, so be sure to insulate the coil and its connections carefully. Unless you flunked (or skipped) high school physics, you should know that when you pass a current through a conductor it generates a magnetic field around the conductor. And conversely, when you pass a magnetic field through a conductor it generates a current in the conductor---and that's the goal with the lymph glands. You can make sure your strobe coil is working properly by putting a razor blade on it and see if it jumps up at least three inches when you hit the strobe button. If you're terrified at the thought of opening an old photo strobe unit which costs around $10 to $15 these days, you can always buy essentially the same thing for around $7,000 at holistic medical and health expos. The medical electronics industry has generated a lot of wealthy entrepreneurs. If you make your own magnetic field generator it should cost around $15 for a used strobe unit, maybe $10 for the wire for the coil, another dollar for the test lead wire, and $3 for four AA batteries. Under $30 for the works. You'll want to check at the library for a copy of Gray's Anatomy so you'll know where the lymph glands are hiding. They're under the arms, around the neck, the thorax, and the pelvis. Look 'em up so you'll know what you're doing. See the diagrams on pages 624 and 633. If you want to buy your own copy of Gray's Anatomy it's available in many larger book stores. I see Hamilton Bookseller, Falls Village CT 06031-5000 has it for $13, plus $3 postage, with the catalog number 386936. And it seems that there may be more viruses hiding out in the lymph glands than AIDS, so it may be possible to get rid of some other recurring virus illnesses. To avoid the strobe flash you can just paste some black paper over it. The Process After you've done a job on the HIV virus in the blood stream for a few days you'll want to start blasting the virus out of its hiding places in the lymph glands. Place the coil flat against the body over a lymph location and give it two or three shots with the coil. The subject should feel nothing. If the subject feels headachy within an hour after this lymph clearing process, then reduce the number of pulses. Be sure to keep the coil well away from computer disks, credit card stripes, or magnetic tape or you'll screw them up. Building The Neutralizing Unit There isn't much to the unit that supplies the voltage for the ankle electrodes. The total cost should be under $40 for everything. It uses a timing IC to switch a small relay back and forth every two-thirds second, thus reversing the polarity of the voltage being applied to the electrodes. Any electronic experimenter or radio amateur should be able to put the simple circuit together. The circuit is simpler than it looks. What you have is a 36v battery (four 9v transistor radio batteries) with a 2200 Ohm current limiting resistor in series, plus a 100,000 Ohm potentiometer to vary the current. The 7555 IC merely flips the sub-miniature double-pole-double-throw relay on and off, reversing the current. The LEDs show which way the current is flowing and indicate that the battery is okay. That's all there is to it. The whole works can be built into a pocket-sized unit. The current reversal minimizes polarization, electrophoretic ion migration, and local skin irritation. Thus the microcurrent is delivered to the normally circulating blood via the electrodes which are placed where the veins are the closest to the surface of the ankles on the inside of the foot. This is over the sural, poplital, posterior tibial, or peronal arteries, where the veins are closest to the surface. The optimum placement of the electrodes can be found by feeling for the pulse. Check Gray's page 584. The microcurrent is so low that it creates no discomfort and hasn't created any side effects in extensive overseas trials. Make sure the ankles are clean before applying the electrodes. Wash them with soap and water, wipe them dry, and apply the electrodes. Before connecting the electrodes make sure the unit is working right. Turn it on, make sure the LEDs are blinking and the incandescent bulb is white When it glows yellow it's time to change the AA batteries powering the relay. The Small Print Using the neutralizer for 10 to 20 minutes a day for three to four weeks should neutralize over 95% of any HIV virus in the blood. Where there are heavy infections, shorter times will help prevent the overloading of the subject with toxins. Simply treat a longer time. Eventually the immune system should recover and be able to handle residual problems. Where there are other illnesses such as diabetes, longer treatment times are warranted. Do not use this on anyone with a pacemaker. One zap with the coil could wipe it out, and even the microcurrents involved might interfere with its operation. Keep in mind that the devices described here are non-FDA approved, as is the procedure. This is experimental, for research purposes only. The writer has never tested the procedure, but is acting merely as a reporter to help anyone interested in researching the destruction of this disease to get information. All this is theoretical and no medical claims are made or should be implied. Since it costs an average of $100 million to get a new drug or procedure accepted by the FDA, there's some question as to who will spring for this, if anyone. It's more likely that a 25 cent electronic cure for AIDS will be vigorously opposed and suppressed by the drug cartel, complete with the support of Congress, which they will buy, as they always have. The simple approach would be for someone to manufacture these blood neutralizers and make them available for experimental use. That's simple, but illegal, since it is not FDA approved. But it does seem to be legal for doctors and experimenters to build their own apparatus to facilitate their research. Until the research has been done and the procedure approved by the FDA, the above is supplied as data, with no medical claims being made of implied. If you decide to experiment with this, please keep careful records and send me copies of your results. Bob Beck is busy with other projects and says he would just like to have me get the word out. And that's my role. The payoff The information I'm passing along as a reporter costs you nothing, but I would like to be able to get the word out on this to the entire world and that costs money. Therefore I ask that if your are successful in curing anyone with AIDS that you ask them to send me a donation of $100 which will be used solely for the promotion and advertising of this technology. Make the checks out to WGI, or send a credit card number to WGI, Peterborough NH 03458-1107. The money will be used first for further promotion. Then we'll start making parts kits available with construction instructions to help non-tech people build experimental units. If there are enough successes I'll look into approaching the FDA for their sanction for this approach---providing the government or the health care industry don't have me locked up or assassinated. Multi- billion dollar industries don't take kindly to subversions like this. If anything does happen to me don't believe it's an accident, suicide, or natural causes. I'm very healthy. Think of it like shareware for computers. The information is free, but if someone benefits from it they are expected to pay. Make sense? You see, I have this psychological aberration which somehow forces me to take on projects that "someone ought to do." Getting the word out. If you have any connections with the media, this is a good time to use them. Do you know anyone at Time, Newsweek, US News, any of the networks, newspapers, radio? How can we get through to Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy, and so on? Bob Beck gave a very well received talk about this on August 27th at a Global Sciences meeting in Denver. It's been published in the peer-reviewed Townsend Letter for Doctors, in the Canadian Pace, and in New Zealand's West. It was also written up in Explore Now, December 1993 issue. But this is news that every AIDS sufferer should get as quickly as possible. Addendum Some people have very dry skin, so you may need to increase the voltage from 36v to 45v by adding one more 9v battery. Just be careful to turn up the 100,000 Ohm potentiometer slowly so as not to cause any discomfort. Wayne Green -- Feb. 1994 Peterborough NH 03458-1107 Fax: 603-588-3205 (retyped for distribution) /D.E. Newkirk Electronic Technician P.O. Box 17277 NLR, AR 72117 1 * AIDS Info ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)