From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ ********************************************************** ********************************************************** 1993 "GUN CONTROL" POLICY POSITION REPORT from The National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers America's Oldest and Largest Association of Professional Firearms Retailers Andrew Molchan, President ********************************************************** ********************************************************** NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FEDERALLY LICENSED FIREARMS DEALERS January 10, 1993 Dear President Clinton: It is of vital importance to your political future to clearly understand that there are two kinds of "gun control." (A) Gun control that affects only criminals and the criminal use of guns. The NAFLFD and all pro-freedom and pro-average worker groups like the NRA have always supported and encouraged laws that take criminals off the streets. The other type of "gun control," (B), is aimed almost exclusively at honest firearms owners and has an effect on crime so small as to be unmeasurable. Type (B) "gun control" is also the ultimate insult to honest firearms owners, and is basically a hate crime based on race and social class. In the four years ahead, your support for type "A" gun control would almost by itself guarantee your reelection. But if you get suckered into supporting type "B," your defeat in 1996 is guaranteed. Guns do NOT cause crime, which means gun control against honest citizens can never reduce crime. Type "B" laws will get one-hundred-million gun owners mad at you, with ZERO benefits to honest working class people. The question you have to ask yourself is this: "Is type (B) gun control worth the White House?" President Bush lost the election for two reasons. In the first place, he really did NOT want to win. He was old and tired. At 68 years old, he'd already been in the White House for twelve years. (With 43% of the votes, YOU really didn't win it either.) In addition, he let the TV networks and big newspapers sucker him into supporting restrictions aimed at honest citizens for "semiauto rifles" when NO SIGNIFICANT SEMI-AUTO RIFLE PROBLEM EVER EXISTED. The 100 million honest gun owners who elected him were outraged. I told President Bush the honest gun owners are the real swing vote in American. But he really didn't want to win, so in 1992 he didn't play "the gun card" that would have won the election for him. Will the networks and big newspapers sucker you in? That's the question on everyone's mind. Are you a winner, or are you really a big-time loser? You can take this advice to the bank. Choose "B" and you can kiss it goodbye in 1996. More unwanted advice: TRUST YOURSELF. You've spoken to thousands of people. When did you ever have somebody tell you: "Bill, I've decided to move my family to _________ City because ________ City really has a lot of great gun control." It's a joke. You've never heard anyone say that, and neither has anyone else in America. Don't get suckered into becoming part of the joke. Gun control in America is NOT unlike Communism in the now destroyed USSR. Many otherwise smart USSR people with Ph.D.'s desperately wanted to believe in the fantasy of Communism. Which was that once the government is the owner of all property, that automatically solves all social problems, including crime. Communism was an attack on PROPERTY as the cause of social ills. Just like type (B) gun control is an attack on honest citizen private property as the cause of America's social ills. Even though the USSR's Ph.D.s and the USSR big media had a mountain of evidence to show that Communism was completely counter productive, they still desperately clung to the fantasy until the USSR itself was destroyed, and the seeds of civil war were planted throughout the former USSR. The United States is making exactly the same mistake with type (B) gun control. Congress and the big media are desperately clinging to the fantasy of type (B) "gun control" as the "no-pain" solution for crime on the streets. In the process, they already have alienated themselves from the average worker. Ordinary people look at Congress and type (B) gun control and say to themselves: "Congress has to be one of three things (l) Nazis (2) Morons, or (3) Both." It's time for Congressmen, Senators, the Supreme Court and political learners to restore the working-class faith in government. At the top of the list is type (B) gun control. It's time to "Just Say NO." It's time to NOT do to ourselves what the USSR did to itself. Say "NO" to Communism and say "NO" to Nazism. It's time to remember that America belongs to the American people, NOT Congress. Remember: Sometimes the people who tell you what you should hear rather than what you want to hear are your best friends. Take the crooks off the streets, and trust honest citizens with firearms rights. Sincerely, Andrew Molchan President AM/kc ********************************************************** ********************************************************** ********************************************************** "GUN CONTROL" IS NOT THE SHORT CUT TO CRIME CONTROL, IT'S THE SHORT CUT TO FASCISM. ********************************************************** Many otherwise honest people, including some honest Congressmen, have been conned into believing that "gun control" is the low cost short cut to crime control. Like a "no-pain" white-glove solution to crime on the streets. In short, they have been conned. The questions they should ask are: "Where has gun control worked?" Where are the results from about 12,000 (twelve thousand) gun control laws on the Federal and state books already? Name one ghetto where gun control reduced the number of car robberies. Name one ghetto where gun control reduced the number of home burglaries. Name one ghetto where gun control has taken the drug dealers off the streets. It's certainly NOT Washington D.C. Name one area, anywhere, where the cost of robbery insurance went down because of gun control. Economically, the insurance companies think "gun control" is worthless, and they're right. Robbery insurance is HIGHER in areas according to how much MORE gun control they have. Nobody moves to a city because it has MORE gun control. The ultimate question is this: "WHERE HAS IT WORKED?" The answer "nowhere." ********************************************************** BIG MEDIA SNOW JOB ********************************************************** Millions of people have been brainwashed into believing that "guns cause crime." There are NO verifiable facts that can stand up to cross-examination that prove "guns cause crime." On the other hand, there are tons of facts to show that firearms are NOT a significant factor in crime. The facts show that firearms do much more good than harm. The idea that "guns cause crime" is a big media fabrication. ********************************************************** EACH STATE IN THE USA IS AN ONGOING POLITICAL EXPERIMENT ********************************************************** Let's compare the six states with the MOST restrictions against honest firearms owners to the six states with the LEAST restrictions against honest firearms ownership. *********************************************************** * * * The states and area with the most restrictions against * * firearms ownership. * * * * California .......................... 12.7 per 100,000 * * District of Columbia ................ 80.6 per 100,000 * * Illinois ............................ 11.3 per 100,000 * * Maryland ............................ 11.7 per 100,000 * * Michigan ............................ 10.8 per 100,000 * * New York ............................ 14.2 per 100,000 * * * * The six states with the least amount of restrictions * * against firearms ownership. * * * * Idaho ............................... 1.8 per 100,000 * * Iowa ................................ 2.0 per 100,000 * * Maine ............................... 1.2 per 100,000 * * North Dakota ........................ 2.6 per 100,000 * * South Dakota ........................ 1.7 per 100,000 * * * * * * Murder rates per 100,000 in 1991: Figures from the FBI.* * * *********************************************************** On average, there is 1400% (fourteen hundred percent!) difference between the states with the LEAST amount of "gun control" and the states with the MOST amount of "gun control." How does this hard evidence from the FBI "prove" that "guns are the cause of crime and murder" like the left-wing insists? The District of Columbia has a 100% complete ban on firearms ownership. It has zero gun stores. It also has a murder rate of 80.6 per 100,000! North Dakota has open firearms ownership for just about anyone, and a murder rate of 1.1 per 100,000. That's almost 8000% difference! How does an 8000% difference "prove" that firearms ownership increases murder? ********************************************************** THE LONG TERM MURDER RATES FROM 1900 TO 1991 ALSO PROVE THAT FIREARMS ARE NOT A FACTOR IN MURDER ********************************************************** Located [at the end of this file], is a graph of the murder rates from 1900 to 1991. From the repeal of prohibition in 1933 to 1960 there was a long term 27-year DECREASE of 50% in the national murder rates. During this time, almost anyone over 21 years of age could buy firearms. Hundreds of thousands of firearms were sold "mail-order" to anyone over 21. After WW II, ten million returning servicemen brought back millions of firearm "souvenirs." The murder rate remained flat and remained low. How do these provable facts "prove" that firearms increase murder rates? Thinking long term, America had HIGH murder rates in 1932 and 1933. Guess what? America is still here. Let's find the real causes of murder before we throw out the Constitution. ********************************************************** BLAMING FIREARMS FOR MURDER IS LIKE BLAMING HOSPITALS FOR DEATH ********************************************************** There are hundreds of things that are always ASSOCIATED with one another, but ARE NOT THE CAUSE OF ONE ANOTHER. Hospitals are associated with death, but hospitals DO NOT cause death. Car seat belts are associated with car accidents, but DO NOT cause car accidents. Lifeboats are associated with ships sinking, but DO NOT cause ships to sink. There are hundreds of things that are always connected, but DO NOT cause the other. ********************************************************** SUPPOSE YOU WANTED TO "PROVE" THAT HOSPITALS CAUSE DEATH? ********************************************************** What kind of experiment or facts would you look for? You would look for states that had very few hospitals per 100,000 and compare these to states that had a lot of hospitals per 100,000. If the areas with few hospitals had long life spans, and the areas with a lot of hospitals had lower life spans for people who were permanent residents of each area, that would certainly suggest that hospitals might cause death. IN FACT, it's exactly the opposite. For permanent residents of an area, fewer hospitals mean shorter life spans. In accident and heart attacks, the victims die before they can get help. Many people die in hospitals, but hospitals DO NOT cause death, just like firearms DO NOT cause crime. Areas of very high firearms ownership have FEWER murders than areas where guns are banned. ********************************************************** HOW NBC, CBS AND ABC HAVE SCAMMED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON "GUN CONTROL" ********************************************************** When the big left-wing TV networks want to scam gun owners, they use a tried and true propaganda technique developed by the Nazis. America is a giant country of 270,000,000 people. You can find isolated examples of anything if you look hard enough. So, in a nation of 270 million people, they will find an example of an innocent person killed by firearms in California, then one in Illinois, one in Indiana, one in New York, etc. They will play up the human emotions with a few specific examples. Then comes the scam. Then comes the "hook." They make a "hyperjump" to national murder figures and leave the impression that every firearms death in American is some innocent person. ********************************************************** AMERICAN TV "JOURNALISM IS BASED ON NAZI "JOURNALISM" ********************************************************** The Nazis did exactly the same thing in the 1930's. They pointed to some Jews who supported the 1919 Communist revolution in Germany. They pointed to some Jews who profited from WW I. Then they made the "hyperjump" to the point where "all Jews were crooks, traitors, war profiteers and enemies of Germany." The rest is history. ********************************************************** I COULD USE THE SAME NAZI JOURNALISTIC TECHNIQUE OF CBS, NBC AND ABC TO "PROVE" THAT HOSPITALS CAUSE DEATH ********************************************************** There are 260,000 hospitals in America, with millions of patients a year. In any big system, you have some mistakes. A big system-wide mistake level of 1/100 of 1% is insignificant as a "system percentage," but still very big in gross numbers. In fact, there are accidents in hospitals There are cases of where hospitals DO KILL PEOPLE. I could go out with a TV crew and find this example here, that example there, etc. and show it on TV. Make it all very emotional. Then make the "hyperjump" and say, "We have shown you all kinds of specific examples where hospitals have killed people. There are 9.3 million people who die in hospitals every year. Congress and the President must ban hospitals immediately to stop this horrible carnage of 9.6 million people!" The Congressmen who are big media ass kissers would never think about it. They would just pass an anti-hospital law. ********************************************************** WHY TV JOURNALISTS LIE ********************************************************** TV journalists spend most of their time thinking of ways to kiss the network owner's ass. Being an "anchor" means a million-dollar a year salary, and it means being a "star." The billionaire owners of the networks want to see blacks and ordinary workers disarmed. They don't want anything on TV that's going to say anything different, and every TV reporter who wants a future knows this. The so-called "gun problem in America" exists mainly in the minds of the millionaire media elite. ********************************************************** THE MAJORITY OF FIREARMS MURDERS IN AMERICA ARE ONE CROOK KILLING ANOTHER CROOK ********************************************************** Yes, in a big nation of 270 million people you can find innocent victims of firearms. As a percentage, they are about 1/10,000 of 1% (one ten-thousandths of one percent) of total population. Hardly a "national problem" as used by the TV networks. If you're not a crook whose friends are crooks. If you're a average honest person, your chances of winning your state's lottery are better than your chance of being shot. FACT: In 1991, the Chicago Police Department did an in- depth study of murder in Chicago. The study covered 20,264 murders from 1965 to 1991. The findings were that 77% of the offenders had prior criminal histories, AND 61% of the victims had prior criminal histories. Also, the report said that rifles of any kind were an insignificant factor in murders. So-called "military-type rifles" accounted for 8 out of 20,264 murders from 1965 to 1991. The TV network "assault rifle" scam of a few years ago was, and is, a fabrication that NEVER had any basis in fact. It was another TV "journalistic" fabrication. Another ass-kiss job to the billionaire network owners. ********************************************************** GUN LAWS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL ********************************************************** The gun issue is the "stalking horse of the government." The so-called "gun control" laws violate the introduction of the Constitution, they violate the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, and they violate the "taking provisions" of the 5th Amendment. When a state outlaws firearms and "takes away" the market value of those guns, THEY NEVER compensate the gun owners for their loss. They're taking gun property today. What property will they be taking tomorrow? ********************************************************** AMERICAN GUN LAWS ARE BASED ON NAZI GUN LAWS ********************************************************** An old friend of mine, Aaron Zelman, President of Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership, did some original research. The kind of reporting all the million-dollar-a- year "reporters" at the TV networks would do if they were honest. Aaron and Jay Simkin went back to the original 1930's Nazi Weapon Laws that were used to disarm the Jews in Germany. What they found after the translation was that a good part of the 1930's Nazi laws were taken almost word- for-word and used in the landmark USA Gun Control Act of 1968! The federal gun laws are in large part a rewrite of the original Nazi laws. To get a copy of this report, call (414) 769-0760. ********************************************************** NAZI LAW IS ALIVE AND WELL IN WASHINGTON D.C ********************************************************** Most people know about "crystal night," November 10th, 1938, in Germany. Synagogues throughout Germany were burned. Jewish homes searched and Jewish stores looted. What's never been reported in America is the connection all this had to the Nazi anti-gun laws that the Nazis had passed. The same laws that our USA 1968 Gun Control Act is patterned after. The Nazis used the anti-gun laws as an excuse to enter Jewish homes and synagogues. The Nazis said they were "looking for unregistered firearms." This is historical fact. Also never reported in American history books: After the Nazi-organized November 10th Pogroms, the Nazis blamed the Jews of Germany. The Nazis charged the Jews of Germany 160 million dollars for all riot damages! (True). Confiscated all insurance payments for the Jewish stores, homes and synagogues that the Nazis themselves had burned. And banned Jews from reopening their stores. This is all true. I personally did the research from the original 1938 European printed newspapers. NOW COMES WASHINGTON D.C. IN 1993. There is a complete 100% government ban on firearms sales in Washington D.C. However, Washington D.C. has the highest per 100,000 murder rate in America. The more government, the more crime. So, even though there are no gun stores in Washington D.C., the government is blaming firearms retailers, firearms wholesalers and firearms manufacturers for Washington D.C.'s crime rates even though these firearms companies might be a thousand miles away! Exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews in 1938! Washington D.C. has passed a firearms liability law that holds the firearms sellers liable for the damages caused by criminals! Philosophically, this is exactly the same as the 1938 Nazi laws against the Jews. The government creates crime with all its crime-creating programs, and then it blames firearms sellers for the crime the government created! Exactly like the Nazis, who burned and looted Jewish stores, then charged the Jews for the damage. And when the Jews couldn't pay because they had been banned from reopening their stores or collecting any insurance, the Jews were arrested for non-payment and sent to concentration camps! Some say it can't happen in America? Well, the Washington D.C. law is FACT! It's already started. ********************************************************** THE CIA WANTS YOUR FIREARMS ********************************************************** Also, never reported in the big media, is the connection between Handgun Control, Inc. and the CIA. The real founder of Handgun Control, Inc. was Edward C. Wells, who was the Director of Plans for the Central Intelligence Agency, the covert operations branch of the CIA! A big, early supporter of Handgun Control was CIA Chief William Colby. While CIA Chief Colby was in America talking about the evils of handguns and the need for more government gun controls against Americans, he was simultaneously running "Operation Phoenix" -- an assassination program that "eliminated" thousands of Vietnamese! Was taxpayer money used to start Handgun Control? And for what purpose? ********************************************************** 99.99% OF CRIME IN AMERICA HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH FIREARMS ********************************************************** The biggest smear from both Congress and the networks is the false impression they create to the effect that most crime is caused by firearms, and "gun control" would cure most crime. Firearms do NOT cause crime. The fact that the networks and Congress distort is that 99.99% of crime has NOTHING to do with firearms. If there were zero firearms owned by civilians (non-police), 99.99% of the crime would still be there. And without firearms in the hands of honest people, crime would certainly INCREASE. The list below contains some questions nobody in Congress ever asks, either of himself or of the anti-firearms left-wing reporters, or of the anti-gun and anti-freedom groups. Questions: 1. If there were no guns, how would that reduce the 1.5 million cars that are stolen every year? 2. If there were no guns, how would that reduce the one million home burglaries each year? 3. If there were no guns, how would that reduce the 14 BILLION dollars in shop lifting theft each year? And how would no guns reduce the 6 billion cost to retailers of trying to combat shop lifting? 4. How would no guns reduce the cost for 3 million public and private police and guards? And reduce the cost of theft insurance? 5. How would no guns take the drug dealers off the streets? We could go on for a full page. BUT THE PROVABLE FACT IS THIS: WITH NO GUNS, WE WOULD STILL SUFFER UNDER 99.99% OF THE CRIME WE HAVE ALREADY. And with no firearms in the hands of honest people, crime would get a lot worse in every category. Firearms in the hands of honest citizens is probably the only thing saving America from sinking into a sea of crime. But crime is what Congress wants, because that gives Congress the excuse it needs for the ultimate Fascist controls. Congress does NOT want to reduce crime. ********************************************************** THE GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER ********************************************************** United States Congressman, Barney Frank, is the most successful gay politician in America. He's a former teacher at Harvard and somebody who knows what's really happening in Washington. He has said that gays have no business supporting the anti-gun control laws that apply to honest citizens. If a people are honest and productive, what they have in their bedrooms is their business, and NOT the business of the government. If an honest person wants a gun in his bedroom because he does NOT trust the government to protect him, that's nobody else's business. Nobody should support fascism because what goes around comes around. The government might be going after honest firearms owners today, but who will they be going after tomorrow? The only difference between honest firearms owners and blacks, gays, women, Jews, Muslims, and other minorities is we firearms owners are at the top of the list, but everyone else is on the list, too. It's not "gun control," it's just control, period. Congress wants CONTROL of everything and everyone. It's "We The People" versus Congress. Ross Perot was right: "Today's government no longer comes from the people, it comes AT the people." ********************************************************** THE GOVERNMENT, WITH THE HELP OF THE TV NETWORKS, HAS SUCCEEDED IN PLAYING ONE GROUP AGAINST THE OTHER ********************************************************** To me it makes no sense whatsoever to think of the firearms issue as blacks against whites, Jews against Christians, gays against people who support traditional families, or men against women. It's an issue of personal rights and personal freedoms against a government that wants to establish national serfdom, and wants to put all of us on a reservation. The so-called "liberal" movement in America is run by rich people who want control over minorities and working class people. ********************************************************** THE "NATIONAL GUARD," ANOTHER BIG MEDIA SCAM ********************************************************** Another Constitutional piece of disinformation from the big media and Congress is the often heard: "The 2nd Amendment only applies to the National Guard." We've all heard that one, right? Get out your Encyclopedia and look up "National Guard." The "National Guard" was created in 1903, some 115 years AFTER the 2nd Amendment was written! Also, the Supreme Court has already ruled that the "people," as mentioned in the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, means THE PEOPLE, not the government, not the National Guard, but THE PEOPLE, you and me. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court, like Congress and the millionaire media elite, is tending towards the belief that America has gotten too big for freedom. ********************************************************** SMART BLACKS CAN SEE THE CHAINS HIDDEN IN THE ROSES ********************************************************** General Laney, who I've known for years, is the President of "The Black Sportsman's Association." He said: "Gun control is really race control. People who embrace gun control are really racists in nature. All gun laws have been enacted to control certain classes of people, mainly black people, but the same laws used to control blacks are being used to disarm white people as well." Truer words were never spoken. Every dictator of the 20th century took away people's rights under the excuse of "protecting them." It's NOT "gun control," and it's certainly NOT the control of crooks. It's people control. You and me control. ********************************************************** "GUN CONTROL" IS THE DEMOCRATIZATION OF SLAVERY ********************************************************** There was "gun control" in America long before there was an America. American slavery started in 1619. Slaves could NOT own guns. That's almost the definition of slavery. Poor white indentured servants couldn't own firearms, either. And through the years, there have been a lot of "gun laws" whose sole purpose was to disarm poor Blacks and Whites. The only thing that changed in modern times has been the democratization of slavery. Now the Congress and big rich media define MOST Americans as a slave class who can't be trusted with firearms. Congress and the millionaire media elite have redefined YOU as the slave class. For them, the means justifies the end. And the end is YOU and your family with the status of slaves in a reservation-like society. The objective is the establishment of serfdom in America with 90% of the American population as serfs. And whatever lies have to be said, whatever facts need to be manipulated, you can be sure that's what Congress and the media millionaires will do. When Congress talks about "democracy," what they really mean is the democratization of slavery. ********************************************************** YOU CANNOT DESTROY ONLY HALF OF THE CONSTITUTION ********************************************************** The point is this: If the 2nd Amendment is "yesterday's irrelevancy" that does not fit current fashionable propaganda, what after that, stops the government from saying the rest of the Constitution is yesterday's irrelevancy? NBC, CBS and ABC have already shot themselves in the foot on this one. They ran to support the California ban on semiauto rifles on the grounds that these kinds of rifles didn't exist when the 2nd Amendment was written. Wake up boys. TV didn't exist when the 1st Amendment was written. Now that the principle has been established, what's to stop the government censors someday from moving into every TV station on the grounds that the 1st Amendment does NOT apply to TV because TV was not around when the Constitution was signed? Can't happen? Let's just keep on killing our rights and it will happen. ********************************************************** WHAT ARE THE REAL CAUSES OF CRIME? WHAT ARE THE REAL SOLUTIONS? ********************************************************** The first thing to recognize is that there are a lot of very powerful groups who make billions of dollars from crime. Two of the most powerful groups in Washington, the Trial Lawyers and the Insurance Companies, profit from crime. It didn't take the insurance companies long to figure out that 10% commission from writing 200 billion dollars worth of theft insurance is a lot better than 10% commission from a billion dollars. For the BMW driving trial lawyers, criminals are their employees. To this you can add all the paranoid millionaires in the media. They have become victims of their own propaganda. They lie so much, they get to the point where they believe their own lies. * * * * * There are good lawyers, there are honest reporters and good insurance agents. But there are also many who make big money from crime, and for their own profit they deliberately muddy the waters by blaming guns for crime. ********************************************************** GUNS: THE UNIVERSAL EXCUSE ********************************************************** At the political end, the government uses firearms owners as the universal excuse for every government failure. I sometimes ask myself: "If God came down and took away every firearm in America, what would the Mario Cuomos of America use as an excuse then?" Every big-city mayor blames firearms for every big-city failure. When a young Jewish kid was knifed to death in New York City, Mayor Dinkins went on TV and asked for more gun control. If Malcolm X were alive today, he'd probably spit on Dinkins. Black people are never going anyplace with Black leaders who DON'T trust Black people. ********************************************************** THE LEFT-WINGERS LOVE CRIME AND MURDER ********************************************************** They point to crime and say: "What causes crime is poverty. That means we need less poverty, which means we need more income transfers, which means we need more socialism, which means we need a lot more power in the hands of the government." It's a classic con game: "We're the government and we're here to protect you. Just step into the cage." It's the devil knocking on the door. ********************************************************** THE NETWORKS ARE A MAJOR CAUSE OF CRIME ********************************************************** There is a growing mountain of evidence to show that violence on TV does make a significant number of people more violent. This can be seen with "sexual liberation." Twenty-five years ago all the media people said MORE sex on TV "would liberate people's psyche so they would not have all kinds of neurosis." They said the same thing about violence: "People will get it out of their systems." Well, what's the historical record? We all know there are more sex crimes, more rapes, more illegitimate births, more sex at a younger age, etc. It's the networks who have created a lot of crime. And just like Congress, they are smokescreening the issue. They create the crime, then they blame honest firearms owners. One thing is certain: The murder and violence rates have gone up and down. But firearms ownership has been a constant. Blaming firearms owners for the recent increases in crime is like blaming wheat farmers for big city air pollution. ********************************************************** CROOKS, NOT GUNS, CAUSE CRIME ********************************************************** It's really very simple. Crooks cause crime, NOT guns. The FACT is 80% of everyone convicted of three or MORE felonies is free and on the street RIGHT NOW stealing and killing. THIS IS A FACT. If we took these people and put them in jail on some island, we would cut the murder rates by half. But politicians DO NOT want crooks off the streets, because crooks are politically useful and profitable. ********************************************************** CROOKS HAVE TO BE SOMEPLACE ********************************************************** The Congress, which benefits from crime, says: "Putting known felons in jail is just warehousing people." What a stupid statement even for Congress. We have three choices: 1) Have the crooks free on the streets killing people, stealing and driving up insurance rates and police costs by a 160 billion dollars a year. 2) Putting them in jail forever. 3) Killing them. That's our only three choices. Congress has chosen the first. That makes Congress the No. 1 cause of crime and murder in the United States. To solve crime, America needs to ban Congress. Ask an honest black person in any big city what he wants. He will say the same thing: "Do whatever has to be done to get the crooks off the street." ********************************************************** CRIME IS A RATIONAL ECONOMIC DECISION ********************************************************** Here is the bottom line for crime. (Are you listening, Congress?) The majority of criminals are making a rational economic choice. I've studied crime for 25 years. Profit is THE MAIN CAUSE OF CRIME. Most crime is a rational economic consideration. Most murders are an economic decision. It's easy being a criminal, it's fun, and with any brains, it's very profitable. The richer a society is, and the more there is to steal, the more crime pays. This is why "gun control" applied to honest citizens ALWAYS increases crime of every kind and especially INCREASES murder and violent crimes. "Gun control" as applied to honest citizens makes the streets safer for crooks. "Gun control" greatly increases the economic value of being a crook by greatly decreasing the risk. "Gun control" is always counter- productive. "Gun control" always produces MORE crime. ********************************************************** "GUN CONTROL" IS EXACTLY THE SAME MISTAKE AS PROHIBITION. ********************************************************** Read your American history. The Prohibitionist blamed every social ill on alcohol. And like "gun control," Prohibition was supposed to be the easy no-pain solution to every social problem. Prohibition was America's first big attempt at socialist engineering. What Congress ignored was the FACT that people had been making home brew for thousands of years. Now comes the same thing in different clothes: Gun control. In the first place, there are 200 million firearms in America. Yes, two hundred million firearms, spread over 100 million owners. More firearms than VCRs. Also 99% of the people who own these 200 million guns will NOT give them up no matter what laws are passed. Congress can create 100 million new criminals, but it can't collect the firearms, even if it started a fascist reign-of-terror to collect firearms. Also, the FACT is this: Firearms, including fully automatic machine guns, are very easy to manufacture. It would be much easier to set up an illegal machine-gun factory than an illegal still. With an alcohol still, you need large amounts of sugar and you have a lot of very smelly waste product. With a machine-gun factory you have none of that. Also, just like Prohibition, Congress assumes nobody could smuggle in alcohol. When in fact, a lot of people did. And certainly if it was profitable to smuggle in machine guns, the drug dealers who already smuggle in hundreds of tons of drugs could certainly do the same with firearms. All the facts and all the evidence points to the same conclusion. "Gun control" applied across the board to honest citizens is a dead end, and probably a dead end for the political party that really pushes it. It's a political "no-win" situation. There is no need for gun control except as it applies specifically to criminals. The solution is to remove the crooks, NOT the guns. Removing the crooks is possible; removing the firearms is impossible. ********************************************************** CURE D.C.'s MURDER RATE ********************************************************** To cut crime, you have to make the streets as unsafe for crooks as possible. If the government armed all the honest citizens in the District of Columbia, the murder rate in four years would be DOWN by 90%. But Congress isn't going to do that because Congress likes crime. There's big power to be had from crime; Congress uses crime to control people. ********************************************************** ACTIONS THAT WOULD REDUCE CRIME AND MURDER ********************************************************** 1) The Supreme Court should start declaring the anti-gun laws unConstitutional. Why? This would short circuit the use of firearms as the universal excuse for the government's failure to address the real causes of crime. Without firearms as the universal excuse, it would break the gridlock. It would force both the Congress and big media to address the real causes of crime. It would also be the single best thing that could happen to the Democratic Party. It would get this loser issue off the Party's back. If the Democrats get sucked into the same old "gun control" game, Clinton will be the last Democrat to ever see the inside of the White House. After 1996, other parties than Democrats will make up the majority in the House and Senate. 2) We give billions of dollars to foreign countries every year. As part of the deal, we should set up prisons in foreign countries. In Egypt, Israel, Russia, Mexico, etc. Using local guards and suppliers, we could get the yearly cost per prisoner down to $2,000. Three felony strikes and you're out. Literally OUT of the country forever. ********************************************************** ********************************************************** [Charts edited to fit ASCii by J. Neil Schulman] IMMIGRATION: Legal and Illegal Plus WWII "Guest Laborers" in Millions 10 * * * 9 * * * * * * 8 * * * * * * 7 * * * * * * * 6 * * * * * * * 5 * * * 4* 3 2 1 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 MURDERS PER 100,000 10 * * * 9 * * * * * * 8 * * * * * * 7 * * * * * * * 6 * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * 4* * 3 2 1 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 ********************************************************** ********************************************************** ********************************************************** IMMIGRATION IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF MURDER AND CRIME ********************************************************** Looking at the murder statistics from 1910 to 1991, the biggest question is: "Why the big 27-year downturn from early 1930's to the early 1960's?" Certainly the fashionable left-wing Democratic Party theory is 100% wrong. According to the Democratic Party, NBC, CBS and ABC, crime and murder are caused by poverty. But the fact is we had a massive DECREASE in murder during the worst years of the depression. What DOES match the murder rates almost exactly are the immigration rates. Not only does external immigration into the U.S.A. almost perfectly match the crime rates, but also internal immigration within the states match the crime rates. States like California and New York are high immigration states with 1991 murder rates of 12.7 and 14.2. States like North Dakota and Maine are low immigration states with 1991 murder rates of 1.1 and 1.2. One thing is clear, if you try to explain the difference based on firearms ownership nothing matches except the fact that higher firearms ownership states have LESS crime and LESS murder. ********************************************************** CLINTON STARTS HIS RULE WITH SOME CLASSIC CRIME-CREATING SCAMS ********************************************************** The very first thing Clinton did after the election. An election where 57% of the voters wanted somebody else, and still want somebody else. The first thing he did was say that what would be good for the poor working class Blacks and Whites of South Florida would be 300,000 or 400,000 illiterate Haitians. People who have absolutely zero modern world skills. People who are coming from an almost Stone- Age background. South Florida is an area where 23% of the native born American Blacks, in their 20s, are out of work. If you wanted to start a crime wave in South Florida, you absolutely could NOT do it any better than dumping 400,000 illiterate people on the streets. But crime is exactly what the government wants. The government is using a "burn the Reichstag" swindle. First, they create a problem. Then, they use the problem they created as a reason for more anti-freedom fascism. Will Clinton be the first dictator of America? He came to power against the will of most of the people. And his very first act came out of Hitler's handbook. ********************************************************** AN IMMIGRATION SOLUTION THAT WOULD BENEFIT AVERAGE WORKING CLASS AMERICANS ********************************************************** The government should charge all would-be immigrants $25,000 in addition to all the qualifications they already need. The payment comes BEFORE they get into the country. The millions of dollars this would generate would be used to help the children of native-born Americans. This would produce a long-term, massive reduction in crimes of all kinds. And, it would be a totally new revenue source to help poor kids. However, because it would be good for average working class American Blacks and Whites, I can give a 100% guarantee that Congress would NEVER pass such a law. ********************************************************** THE COST OF KEEPING CROOKS ON THE STREET ********************************************************** By our calculations, between added insurance and police, it costs tax paying Americans $300,000 a year per felon to have three-time convicted felons free on the streets. Why are we doing this to ourselves? Why are we committing national suicide when the solutions are so workable and cost effective? The District of Columbia right now jails its prisoners in Texas, why not in Egypt or Russia? Americans DO NOT want gun bans, AMERICANS DO want criminal bans. To answer my own question as to why we're NOT doing anything? It's because Congress does NOT want to reduce crime. ********************************************************** A $160 BILLION PER YEAR WASTE! ********************************************************** There are 500,000 public police, and 2,500,000 private police and guards. Three million police and guards collecting wages and a lot of benefits. At $40,000 per man for wages and benefits, that's $120 billion a year! Americans pay $200 billion dollars a year in theft insurance costs. Suppose we could cut these massive costs in half? It would be a $160 billion dollar per year savings to the American people! How much medical care could $160 billion per year buy for needy sick kids? How many free colleges could be built and run for poor kids with $160 billion a year? How many modern video-based teaching pre- schools could we build and run for $160 billion a year? It's criminal waste, and Congress is responsible. ********************************************************** TERM LIMITS ********************************************************** I've thought about "term limits"for a year . In abstract, there is a lot to be said AGAINST term limits. It takes a long time to educate a good Senator or Congressman. However, under today's conditions, I've come to the conclusion that term limits are vital for America's survival. Congress has declared war on the American people. We have to fight back. The much publicized "new 103rd Congress" that was just elected is the same old stew. Of the 122 new members, about 115 were professional politicians and political lawyer/activists at the state level. One, and only one, has professional managerial experience at a large corporation, and only five have any business management experience at all. These people get into politics in their early twenties and stay in one office or another until they die or retire. For many, smoke screening and B.S. are their only real talents. Most of the new members will be big media ass kissers like the old members. It's vital for America's survival to let these people know that they are going to be civilians again. If they know they are going to have to live in the mess they are creating, perhaps that might have a sobering effect. They will know that media ass kissing will NOT keep them in power forever. ********************************************************** CONGRESS SERVES BY THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE ********************************************************** It's a real joke. All the Congressmen who oppose term limits say it's NOT in the Constitution. But some of these are the same Congressmen who say the 2nd Amendment is yesterday's irrelevancy. Fourteen states had term limits on the last ballot and they all passed with massive margins. Congress has already said it's going to use your taxpayer money to tie up the matter in the courts forever. This shows you what Congress really thinks of us "nobodies." This raw power disregard for the voter's choice just about says it all. ********************************************************** THE POLICE ARE THERE TO PROTECT THE GOVERNMENT, NOT TO PROTECT YOU ********************************************************** A lot of people do NOT know that the police have no legal responsibility to protect you. The police only have a legal responsibility to protect the government. What we need for the next Congressional election in 1994, is a nationwide grassroots movement to (a) get more term limits on more ballots in more states, (b) a grass-roots movement to make the government liable and responsible for protecting its citizens. We need referendums on the 1994 ballot which say that if a citizen or business suffers a loss due to criminal activity, the state is responsible. Since the state is responsible, the person or company suffering the loss can deduct the amount of that loss from their real estate tax, their state property tax and personal state income tax. The deduction will NOT be from the gross amounts of taxable salary, but directly from the NET TAX AMOUNT. If the tax for that year does NOT cover the loss, it can be carried forward forever until it is paid in full. This also gets the insurance industry out of the crime industry. ********************************************************** IT'S TIME FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO PAY FOR THE CRIME IT PROMOTES ********************************************************** If the states want crooks free on the streets, THEY CAN PAY. If the states want to kiss the rear ends of the trial lawyers and insurance industry, THEY CAN PAY. If the states want to kiss the rear ends of all the millionaires in the big media, THEY CAN PAY. If the states want to let every big city mayor blame guns for crime, THEY CAN PAY. It's time for a revolution: NO PROTECTION, NO TAX PAYMENTS. ********************************************************** US OR THEM? ********************************************************** Would this bankrupt every state? Sure it would. That's the idea. Bankrupt everything and drive the bastards from power. Let's "transfer" the power from the government and media elite millionaires back to the working class people. Once the government has to pay, they can have all crooks out on the streets they want. They will realize that it's an either/or situation. Either they get the crooks off the streets for good, or they lose their jobs. Then we might get something done. ********************************************************** ARE YOU LISTENING, CONGRESS? WITH THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE, YOU HAVE EVERYTHING. WITHOUT IT, YOU HAVE NOTHING. ********************************************************** Let's look at "gun control," worldwide. In Northern Ireland, there is 100% complete "gun control." A person found with one bullet, NOT a gun, but just a bullet, can be arrested and put in jail without the right to see an attorney and without a trial for a period of years. Every three or four blocks there is a police roadblock which searches people for guns. The end result? There is nobody in Northern Ireland who has NOT had a relative or close friend murdered. Without the consent of the people, "gun control" is useless. On the other hand, in Switzerland every household has a full automatic machine gun. The result: A murder rate of LESS than 1 per 100,000! In Israel, almost every Jewish home has a full automatic Uzi or Calil. Jews might take their Uzi to the coffee or pizza restaurant. The result? A murder rate between Jews that's almost nonexistent. Why no murders in countries like Switzerland or Israel? Because the government has the consent of the people. America, on the other hand, is becoming more like Northern Ireland. Congress has the appalling and loathsome attitude of "Congress knows best." Congress and the big networks are going to cram anti- freedom fascism down the throats of the American people no matter how much they have to lie or distort the facts. The problem for Congress is this: A lot of Americans are onto their game. The more Congress lies, the more it will alienate itself from the average, honest American . ********************************************************** THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF "GUN CONTROL." ONE OF THEM IS SUPPORTED BY THE MAJORITY OF GUN OWNERS. ********************************************************** There are really two kinds of gun control. (1) Gun control that is aimed almost exclusively at honest citizens. This is 95% of the gun laws on the books right now. And (2) Gun control that aims mainly at criminals. The National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers and most pro-freedom groups like the NRA have FOR YEARS supported firearms laws that would take crooks off the streets. The NAFLFD years ago advocated making any robbery with a firearm, even if nobody was shot, a 20-year mandatory jail term. And we still support this type of "gun control." Who opposes "gun control" laws against criminals? Why, the ACLU, Handgun Control, NBC, CBS and ABC, the left-wing Democrats and The Trial Lawyers Association! The ACLU, Handgun Control and the left-wing Democrats in Congress ONLY want laws aimed at honest citizens. They DO NOT want to reduce crime. They want to increase crime and exploit crime for their own fascist ends. ********************************************************** SO WHAT SHOULD CLINTON DO? ********************************************************** If Clinton really wanted to do something for the average, worker, rather than the fat union bosses. If Clinton wanted to do something for the average TV viewer, rather than the millionaire network owners. If Clinton wanted to do something for the on-the-street cop, rather than the big city police chief who got his job by kissing the ass of the mayor and big city newspaper. If Clinton and the Democrats really wanted to do something for the average working person of America, they would clear the decks of all these loser issues like "gun control" that apply mainly to honest people. There is nothing more anti-worker and anti-average person than the typical gun control laws advocated by the big media, rich lawyers and rich Whites behind Handgun Control. If the Democrats wanted to return to being real Democrats, they would be PRO-FIREARMS OWNERSHIP for average working class people. On the other hand, if the Democrats think they can kiss the ass of the paranoiac rich while they pull a Communist party trick of telling the workers gun control is really in the workers' best interest. If the Democrats pull that, they are history. They're gone. They will never see the inside of the White House again. After 1996, other parties will make up the majority in Congress and the Senate. ********************************************************** DEAR MR. CLINTON, In closing, remember that SOMETIMES YOUR BEST FRIENDS ARE THE ONES WHO TELL YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD HEAR, RATHER THAN WHAT YOU'D LIKE TO HEAR. I've told you the truth. Not what you want to hear, but the truth. Andrew Molchan, President National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers ********************************************************** ********************************************************** NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FEDERALLY LICENSED FIREARMS DEALERS January 10, 1993 Dear Big Media of America: Do NBC, CBS, ABC, The Washington Post, New York Times, etc. engineer the news? By selective omissions do they lie? The answer is YES. To PROVE that point, listed below are 18 questions the big media NEVER ASK anyone at Handgun Control or any anti-firearms and anti-freedom Congressmen. 1.) If guns are supposed to cause crime, why are the areas with very few gun laws against honest citizens also the areas with the lowest crime rates? And, why are the areas with the most firearms laws the areas with the highest crime rates? 2.) If guns cause crime, why was there a massive DECREASE in crime from 1933 to 1960, when almost anyone could buy firearms like buying a loaf of bread? 3.) Explain in detail how gun laws against honest citizens will REDUCE the $120 billion dollars per year expense of having 500,000 public police and 2.5 million private police and guards? 4.) Explain in detail how gun laws against honest citizens will REDUCE the need and $200 billion dollars per year expense of everyone's theft insurance. 5.) Explain in detail how gun laws against honest citizens will REDUCE the cost of burglar alarms, locks, expensive doors, etc. for homes and businesses? 6.) Explain in detail how taking guns away from honest citizens is going to REDUCE the cost, pain and suffering of having 1.5 million cars stolen each year? How will it reduce the cost of auto-thief alarms? 7.) How is disarming honest homeowners going to REDUCE the cost and suffering of the one million home burglaries each year? 8.) Explain in detail how disarming honest citizens is going to stop the drug dealers from bringing dope into America? 9.) How would disarming honest citizens reduce rape or sex crimes against children? 10.) How would disarming honest people take the drug dealers off the streets? 11.) How is disarming honest folks going to REDUCE prostitution? 12.) How is disarming honest citizens going to REDUCE counterfeiting? 13.) How is disarming honest folks going to REDUCE embezzlement and fraud? 14.) How is "gun control" against honest folks going to reduce arson? 15.) How is disarming honest people going to reduce vandalism? 16.) How is disarming honest citizens going to keep the crooks from either setting up illegal machine gun factories in America, or smuggling in guns? 17.) What, if anything, has disarming honest folks got to do with taking known criminals OFF the streets? 18.) The ultimate question is this: How is the government going to "take" 200 million firearms away from 100 million people when the people have already made it very clear that they ARE NOT going to give them up? Is Congress going to declare war on the American people? Is Congress, like the Nazis, going to start raiding homes, torturing people, sending them to concentration camps? If the answer is "NO," then gun control against honest citizens is a dead issue. Any time spent on such a project by Congress or Clinton is a criminal waste of time and effort. The big media NEVER ask any of the above questions. NEVER! Therein lies the proof of their "news" manipulation. Therein is the proof of their complicity in using crime as an excuse to further fascistic type controls against honest average working class citizens, both black and white. The big media should be ashamed. They are a disgrace to every honest journalist who ever lived. ********************************************************** ********************************************************** Dear Fellow American Citizen: It's Time For The Good People Of America To Stand Up For Freedom. We need your help. Dictatorship \starts\ when good people don't want to get involved. We want you to get involved for freedom. We are in an information war. We can only win with the help of you. \You\ are important. We so-called "little people" can make a difference. Permission is given by the National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers to copy or reproduce this book. Anyone and everyone has this copy permission. Make copies of this book. Send copies to: (l) President Clinton, (2) Your U.S. Senators, (3) Your U.S. Congressmen. The NAFLFD has already sent them copies, but it would be more effective if it comes from voters in their districts and state. (4) Send a copy to your state Governor, (5) to your state Representative, (6) to your Mayor, (7) to your local Chief of Police. If you are an attorney, send copies to (8) members of the U.S. Supreme Court, (9) members of your state Supreme Court, (10) your state Attorney General, (11) the U.S. Attorney General for your district, (12) your local federal and state District Attorneys and (13) any local and federal judges in your area. Also, be sure to include the media. (14) Send copies to the Publisher and Managing Editor of your local newspaper, (15) to the News Editor for your local TV station, (16) to the Publishers and Managing Editor of any local city or regional magazines. (17) Give copies to your Minister or Rabbi. (18) If you watch people like Rush Limbaugh, Larry King, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed, etc., send them copies. (19) Send copies to your local newspaper editorial writers and your favorite national editorial writers and TV political commentators like William Buckley, Robert Novak, John McLaughlin, David Brinkley, etc. (20) If you know anyone in education, especially at the coLlege level, send copies to them. (21) If you are a member of organizations like the AARP, Moose, Elks, American Legion, 4H, Shriners, VFW, Lions, Masons, Knights of Columbus, etc., send copies to the President of the organization and editor of the groups monthly publication. We can win by short circuiting the big media lies at the grass roots. The big media can still lie, but the cost to them will be what little credibility they still have. You have permission to instant print your own copies. But, if you want printed copies of this report from the NAFLFD, please send $1 per copy to cover printing, mailing and office handling to: NAFLFD "Policy Report" 2455 East Sunrise Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304 Telephone 305/561-3505, Fax 305/561-4129 Your financial help leaves us more funds to work with, and keep the information moving to the voters. The 1994 Congressional election starts here and starts now. It's time for the good people of America to stand up for freedom. Thank you, Andrew Molchan NAFLFD President ********************************************************** ********************************************************** Is there "A Horrible Police Problem With Assault Rifles," as reported by the media? FACT: Police officers being killed by "assault rifles" NEVER was a major problem. FACT: The death rate for America's 515,000 public police officers is about 1/90th of 1%. That means it will take 90 years, to the year 2083, before there is a cumulative one percent. FACT: A police officer has a 3000% higher probability of being killed in an on-duty vehicle accident than from an "assault rifle." FACT: Averaging the last ten years, a police officer had an 800% higher probability of being killed feloniously with his or her own firearms than from an "assault rifle." FACT: As a percentage of both the total population, and the total number of police, the number of officers killed by firearms has been DECREASING for ten years. FACT: The so-called "police problem with guns" was and is a media lie, a media fabrication that never had any basis in fact. ********************************************************** ********************************************************** FIREARMS AND POLICE DEATHS 98% of all the police feloniously killed with firearms were killed by people with previous criminal records. The solution for police deaths is to get the known criminals off the streets forever. SOURCE: Uniform Crime Reports "Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Assaulted" from the U.S. Department of Justice Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. [Chart edited to fit ASCii by J. Neil Schulman] ********************************************************** Year U.S. Tot. Pol. Pol. Pol. Pol. Pol. Pol. Pop. Pol. murd. murd murd kill murd killed in Off. with with with by by with mil. in all own guns veh. asslt weapon 1000 type fire- other acc. rifle other fire- arm than line than arms own of firearm duty (knife, rock, etc.) 1980 226M 459K 95 14 81 55 0 9 1981 228M 439K 86 13 73 58 0 5 1982 230M 424K 82 6 76 62 1 8 1983 232M 499K 74 12 62 64 0 6 1984 234M 494k 66 13 53 63 1 6 1985 238M 517K 70 11 59 59 0 8 1986 241M 505K 62 15 47 51 2 4 1987 244M 503K 67 14 53 65 1 7 1988 248M 501K 76 12 64 63 3 2 1989 250M 505K 57 10 47 70 1 9 1990 252M 506K 56 3 53 59 1 9 1991 260M 515K 71 3 68 55 1 3 ********************************************************** ********************************************************** U.S. HOMICIDE RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION 1900 TO 1991 Murder Statistics from Statistical Abstract of the United States, U.S. Department of Commerce [Comments in <> by J. Neil Schulman added to fit ASCii presentation and are not the opinions of Andrew Molchan or the NAFLFD] The murder rate from 1870 to 1905 was slightly under/over 1 per 100,000. 1900: 1.2 1901: 1.2 1902: 1.2 1903: 1.1 1904: 1.3 1905: 2.1 1906: 3.9 1907: 4.9 1908: 4.8 1909: 4.2 1910: 4.6 1911: 5.5 1912: 5.4 1913: 6.1 1914: 6.2 1915: 5.9 1916: 6.3 1917: 6.9 1918: 6.5 1919: 7.2 1920: 6.8 Prohibition starts. 1921: 8.1 1922: 8.0 1923: 7.8 1924: 8.1 1925: 8.3 1926: 8.4 1927: 8.4 1928: 8.6 1929: 8.4 1930: 8.8 1931: 9.2 1932: 9.0 1933: 9.7 Prohibition repealed. <1933 Fed Gun Control Act> 1934: 9.5 1935: 8.3 1936: 8.0 1937: 7.6 1938: 6.8 1939: 6.4 1940: 6.3 1941: 6.0 1942: 5.9 1943: 5.1 1944: 5.0 1945: 5.7 1946: 6.4 1947: 6.1 1948: 5.9 1949: 5.4 1950: 5.3 1951: 4.9 1952: 5.2 1953: 4.8 1954: 4.8 1955: 4.5 1956: 4.6 1957: 4.5 1958: 4.5 1959: 4.6 1960: 4.7 1961: 4.7 1962: 4.8 1963: 4.9 1964: 5.1 1965: 5.5 1966: 5.9 1967: 6.8 1968: 7.3 1969: 7.7 Jan. 20: Nixon takes office. 1970: 8.3 1971: 8.6 1972: 9.0 1973: 9.4 1974: 9.8 1975: 9.6 1976: 8.8 1977: 8.8 1978: 9.0 1979: 9.7 1980: 10.2 1981: 9.8 1982: 9.1 1983: 8.3 1984: 7.9 1985: 7.9 1986: 8.6 1987: 8.3 1988: 8.4 1989: 8.7 1990: 9.4 1991: 9.8 1992: ? ********************************************************** ********************************************************** This booklet was scanned into plaintext and edited by J. Neil Schulman, founder and chair of the Committee to Enforce the Second Amendment, P.O. Box 94, Long Beach, CA 90801-0094. Voice, fax & bbs: 310-839-7653. No representations or warranties are made regarding the accuracy of the text to the original; if you want to be sure, approach the NAFLFD at the address and phone given above. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)