From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== Online Report to the F I R E A R M S C O A L I T I O N Box 6537, Silver Spring, MD 20916 NEAL KNOX REPORT Another Coincidence By NEAL KNOX WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nov. 1) -- On the eve of the elections, with the crime bill ban on military-style guns a major issue in dozens of close races, a quiet guy from Colorado shoots up the White House. The gun was a Chinese-made SKS -- not on the crime bill's banned list, but no longer legal to import, and illegally converted (under the 1991 crime bill) by adding a folding stock and high-capacity detachable magazine. It was almost predictable because these ill-timed -- some would say perfectly timed -- incidents so often carry the exact message that is currently highest on the anti-gun agenda. The press and Handgun Control Inc. are crowing that the White House shooting shows "how right" those politically threatened Congressmen were to ban so-called "assault weapons." Someone has said: "Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action." In 1962, with Sen. Tom Dodd's mail order gun ban beginning to move, President John F. Kennedy and a Dallas police officer were killed with mail-ordered guns. The day the Senate Judiciary Committee voted on the Dodd bill, two votes were changed -- and the bill came out -- because Martin Luther King was murdered. Two months later, the day the House was expected to kill the bill, Sen. Bobby Kennedy was assassinated. The bill became law. In 1984, with an armor-piercing bullet ban pending and "Uzi's" under fire, James Huberty killed 21 at a San Ysidro McDonald's -- armed with an Uzi rifle loaded with rare iron-cored armor-piercing 9mm's (though most were killed by his shotgun). A couple of years later, Michael Ryan killed 16 people in Hungerford, England with an AK-47S -- for which he had been licensed unusually quickly and easily. That resulted in a law requiring owners to destroy such guns; required pump and semi- auto shotguns to be arsenal-altered to two shots, and even demanded registration of double-barrel shotguns. Exactly the same thing then happened, with similar results, in Australia. In January 1989, with model "assault weapon" legislation from HCI having been filed in several states, and with the California Attorney General already having asked police for evidence to support his planned "assault weapon" ban, Patrick Purdey killed five kids and wounded 31 on a Stockton, Calif. schoolyard, using an AK-47S. With the Senate scheduled to vote on an "assault weapons" ban, Joseph Wesbecker killed 8 and wounded 14 with an AK-47S in a Louisville printing plant, Sept. 14, 1989. When Lepine killed 14 women at a Canadian college with a Ruger Mini-14 -- Canada's laws were further tightened. In 1990, with floor votes pending on semi-auto bills in both houses of the U.S. Congress, a guy with a long criminal record, one James Pough killed eight people at a Jacksonville, Fla., GMAC office with a .30 M1 Carbine. On Oct. 16, 1991, the day before the U.S. House was scheduled to vote on a bill banning "assault weapons" and over- seven-shot magazines, JoJo Henard used 15 and 17-round pistols to shoot 42 people, killing 21, in Killeen, Texas. There have been many other such cases -- as many as five within a year -- each seeming to come at the best time for anti- gunners to pass legislation by dancing in fresh blood. If the availability of military-style guns were the culprit, we would have been seeing such mass murders regularly throughout American history, for there's never been a time when the Army smallarms from recent wars weren't common. The 30-shot M1 Carbine Pough used at the GMAC office has been as common as Chevrolets for 51 years; high capacity 9mm pistols have been plentiful for 60 years; AR-15's and AK-47S's have been abundant for 20 to 30 years. Why have almost all the horrible incidents with those guns occurred within just the last ten years? Is it possible that some of those incidents could have been created for the purpose of disarming the people of the free world? With drugs and evil intent, it's possible. Rampant paranoia on my part? Maybe. But there have been far too many coincidences to ignore. ======================================================================== Copyright 1994 by Neal Knox Associates P.O. Box 6537 Rockville, MD 20916. Reproduction and distribution of this bulletin by any means is encouraged so long as this statement is retained. ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)