From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The ADL: Disarmingly Dangerous :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ============================================================== There has been some discussion here and in other places of the ADL Report, "Armed and Dangerous" which was issued by the ADL arm of B'nai Brith and which was re-issued by the BATF of the US Justice Department almost verbatim as their own analysis of the so called "citizen Militias". The ADL and BATF have painted the patriot movement as a "racist" gun-toting wave of anti-Semites and the Southern Poverty Law Center has been delighted to find a new "target" after the agreed on dissolution of various "KKK" derivatives. One may look into the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry to see the evolution of the B'nai Brith from the SJCR in the 1800's as "lodges" were formed by prominent SJCR Jewish freemasons. This is well documented and the fight by B'nai Brith and the DOJ to keep the statue of Confederate General Albert Pike (author of the pre-eminent Freemasonic "bible", Morals And Dogma) standing outside the DOJ offices in Washington DC, despite the fact that he was the founder of the KKK, is indicative of a greater common purpose. Indeed, the KKK worked hand-in-hand with the B'nai Brith up to circa 1910 in common Political movements of the day as has been documented by Lyndon LaRouche as well as Bill Cooper (heard nightly on WWCR shortwave from 24:00-01:00 EST at 5.065.00 MHz). Now we have the SPLC and the ADL doing "fact-finding" (for which the California ADL paid a $100,000.00 fine last year after being caught using police data-bases for "fact-finding"). There is presently a class action lawsuit in the California courts against the ADL for the abuse of the Civil Rights of some 10,000 American Citizens on whom they were found to be keeping dossiers when their San Francisco Offices were raided by the Police. One must beware of "authoritative" Reports from faux "Civil Rights" groups like the SPLC (issuer of Klanwatch (SM)), and the ADL, issuer of the "Armed And Dangerous" Report on "militias" used by the DOJ as a basis for their Policy and associated "civil rights" Organizations. "The Firearms Sentinel", the magazine of the Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (located at 2872 S. Wentworth Ave., Milwaukee Wisconsin 53207, phone (414) 769-0760), has printed in the Jan. 1995 issue , on page 13, a comment on the role of the ADL as an enemy of Judaism and compared it to the Communal leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto which was cutoff from the world and whose leaders let 410,000 Jews go silently to their demise before the remaining 30,000 of the original 440,000 decided to fight, with guns. Illegal guns. The very same kinds of guns that Jewish "leaders" like Charles Shumer (D-NY) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) have persistently tried to take from law abiding citizens promising Government "protection" and "peace" for those who will go quietly. Quietly, like the 410,000 of the Warsaw ghetto ... I will let an excerpt from JPFO's Jan 1995 Sentinel article speak: "The Anti-Defamation League plays the accomplice role to tyranny. The only thing more dangerous than a tyrannical government is Jews who willingly accept. [...] In the Warsaw ghetto there were 440,000 Jews who were cut off from the rest of the world. It was not until 410,000 of them willingly went to their deaths that the remainder finally began to resist. The most gullible victims of Hitler's propaganda machine had been the Jews themselves. They traded a facade of peace for the comfort of self-preservation. Jewish Communal leaders who sold Hitler's great lie must be held equally responsible for the slaughter and destruction of these gentle souls who only wanted peace, life and liberty." Those who dare to expose the ADL et al for their deceptions such as the JPFO, Bill Cooper, and Dr. Norm Resnick (named in the DOJ/ADL Report as an "enemy" of the ADL) will lead while most say nothing living in fear of the weapon of the "anti-Semite" label. According to the ADL's position, The Jews For the Protection of Firearms are "white supremacists" as would be Conservative Jew Dr. Norm Resnick. The citizen Militia's correspondingly seek peace, life and liberty as did the valiant 30,000 in the Warsaw ghetto. Let's not let the "big lie" from the pages of the BATF Policy paper lead us quietly. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)