From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ NRA-ILA FAX NETWORK NRA-ILA Grassroots Division 11250 Waples Mill Road * Fairfax, VA 22030 No. 12 Phone: 1-800-392-8683 * Fax: 703-267-3918 12/9/94 HCI GOES NEGATIVE NATIONALLY! On Thursday, December 8, HCI held a press conference kicking off a national media blitz attacking NRA's defense of the Second Amendment, and leveling a series of fallacious charges against NRA. The ads are expected to appear in several major cities, including Boston (MA), Kansas City (MO), Salisbury (MD), Salt Lake City (UT), and Tucson (AZ). The ads feature HCI's own Sarah Brady with a new pal, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court - - turned "gun control" champion Warren Burger. The ads erroneously claim that the Courts have never thrown out a "gun control" law on Second Amendment grounds. (Oh yes they have! Nunn v. State in 1846 and in re: Brickley in 1902!) The ads further claim the NRA deliberately distorts the meaning of the Second Amendment. (False - literally every scholarly work on this issue has concluded that the Second Amendment is in fact an individual right!) HCI's new ads further challenge NRA to bring a Second Amendment claim to the Supreme Court. (False again - NRA tried to get the Supreme Court to hear a challenge to the Morton Grove, Illinois gun ban, yet it was HCI who actually petitioned the Supreme Court NOT to hear the case!) ACTION ALERT! We need your help to counter these attacks. If you see these ads or other charges being made in the broadcast media against the NRA and the Second Amendment, please contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at 1-800-392-8683. Let us know what was said, the name of the station airing the broadcast, the time and date it appeared, and if an official NRA representative had the opportunity to respond. NEWS AS IT'S HAPPENING IN THE STATES. In New Jersey, the Assembly passed a "Gun Free School Zones" bill, which will increase penalties for the mere possession of an illegal firearm within 1,000 feet of a school. Basic translation: anybody who owns what the state considers to be an "illegal assault weapon" (semi-auto) will be subject to enhanced penalties, regardless of whether the gun is ever used in a crime. The bill is now awaiting action by the Senate Education Committee. New Jersey members are encouraged to contact the Committee to urge them to vote NO on this punitive measure. In Wisconsin, despite the fact that Madison gun owners have defeated Mayor Soglin's "gun control" proposals at the ballot box, this week Soglin cast two tie-breaking votes to help railroad all of his "gun control" ordinances through the Common Council. Meanwhile, in Fox Point, the Village Board will meet on December 13 to consider an ordinance that will ban the commercial sale of all firearms. Members in the area are encouraged to attend the meeting as well as contact the Board to voice their opposition! Couple these examples with attempts by anti-gunners to pass gun ban referenda in Milwaukee and Kenosha, and it becomes clear that Wisconsin is in desperate need of a statewide firearms preemption law, and passage of such a law will be one of NRA's top priorities in 1995. SUPREME COURT SIDES WITH NRA IN FEC SUIT. Sending a clear message to all federal agencies, the Supreme Court struck down a claim by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) against the NRA. The decision revolved around an NRA challenge that the FEC itself was structured unconstitutionally because the Commission included two members appointed by Congress. Therefore, the NRA argued, and the Court agreed, that the FEC structure violated the separation of powers clause of the U.S. Constitution. -- This information is presented as a service to the Internet community by the NRA/ILA. Many files are available via anonymous ftp from, via WWW at, via gopher at, and via WAIS at Be sure to subscribe to rkba-alert by sending: subscribe rkba-alert Your Full Name as the body of a message to Information can also be obtained by connecting to the NRA-ILA GUN-TALK BBS at (703) 934-2121. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)