From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ Help "Take Back America". ------------------------- It's time we had a *conspiracy* of our own, for a change. We need a conspiracy "of the people, by the people, and for the people". Please help. What can YOU do? Below are some suggestions. It should be easy for you to take part in two or more of these. If you have anything to add, go ahead. And please, spread this to other newsgroups and bulletin boards (even bulletin boards at the supermarket etc.) Rewrite it or rephrase it as you wish. Remember, if you aren't having fun, you're doing it wrong. Nothing wins friends and supporters like a great big grin! 1.) Share your information with two people everyday. Don't come on like a fanatic now, speak to a person according to his understanding. 2.) U.S. Term Limits: 1-800-733-6440 Put term limits on the ballot in your city, town,county or state. You can fight city hall with term limits! 3.) State Sovereignty Resolutions: support the 10th amendment. Find out who is sponsoring this in your state's legislature. Write letters, tell friends. 4.) READ the "Constitution for the united States" Read the "Declaration of Independence". discuss with friends and family. hold a reading circle... 5.) Join the NRA (National Rifle Association) today. 1-800-368-5714 $25 per year and you get a choice of a magazine and they get your money, name, and support. 6.) PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY (why be a slave all your life). Do something today to markedly increase your freedom. Find out more about State Citizenship and getting out from those nasty contracts with the "U.S. Government" (did you know you can have a bank account or credit card without a Social Security Number? --Use a form W8. Your life won't really be much more complicated, once you set your status straight--really, it'll be far simpler! There are many contacts, but one of the best is: WE THE PEOPLE. Lynne Meredith, author of "Vultures In Eagle's Clothing" the best book on the subject. Phone them at 714-375-6631 to order a copy. find out how to stop paying the graduated income tax--legally. Thousands have! Or... Learn about "Freedom Technology". Hey! You don't think your political masters obey all their tyrannical rules and statutes do you? Well neither should YOU. Sure loopholes and work-arounds exist, they wrote them into the codes so they wouldn't be bound by them like the rest of the silly peasants (you and me). Learn how to live free in an unfree world. contact Terra Libra: 2430 E. Roosevelt #998, Phoenix, Arizona, 85008 7.) The Refounding Amendment: This proposed amendment would repeal everything after the Bill of rights (and do many other wonderful things). Phone 602-992-2803. They'll send you a free copy. Get it , read it, share it. Volunteers and Petition Coordinators are needed for a spring drive to get it on the ballot in all states in 1996. NOTE: Even if you disagree with parts of this great document, send a copy to your elected leaders--it might scare them straight! 8.) Seek out and network with other Patriots in your area. Have a picnic, stage an event. Again, share your beliefs with one or two strangers everyday. you'll be surprised at how many of them will agree with you. 9.) Begin to carry a pile of brochures and literature for your favorite Patriot causes at all times. Keep it in your car. Post at shopping malls, supermarkets, etc. 10.) 1-800-BATF GUNS: Turn in that snotty liberal elitist who keeps voting against the will of the people. Chances are, he has an AK-47 or an AR-15. DON'T FORGET--USE A PAY PHONE ONLY. 11.) Sign up for that Kung Fu class you've always wanted to take. Buy a gun--even a .22 rifle, and take up marksmanship. 12.) Legal Reform: Check out "AntiShyster" Dedicated to raising HELL for Lawyers. Learn about the REAL Law. Learn how lawyers screw you! You'll be amazed! $2.95 per issue; Annual (6-ish) subscription $25; OR....send a sub to your favorite congressman, Public Official, or Media Personality for only $15. This magazine is GREAT. If you hate lawyers and politbureau-terrocrats, "AntiShyster" will light your fire! voice orders ONLY call 1-800-477-5508. Write: AntiShyster, c/o: P.O.B. 540786, Dallas,Texas 75354 13.) "Telephone-Tree:" form one today.... You call two people, they each phone two people they know, etc. on down the line. This can raise a huge group of activists to do something like phone a congresscritter or some other (possibly more valuable) activity--such as alerting the public to the latest despotic measures snuck into some fine-sounding piece of legislature. 14.) Share what you glean from the Net with others less fortunate. Imagine how misguided and paranoid you would be if you had to rely on the establishment media for all your "news". Print out. Photocopy. Distribute! 15.) About that book you've been meaning to read for the last four months. Stop procrastinating! If you can't afford it, have your library order it for you or chip in with three friends for one copy. "Lost Rights" is a good prospect. 16.) Think you've been "educated"? Guess again! READ TODAY: "Dumbing Us Down" by John Taylor Gatto. You've been hearing about it for several years now; read it for crisakes! Thinking about sending a child to the government factory-school? Are you a child molester? 17.) Stock up! You need a year's supply of food for every member of your family. Begin with two weeks, but buy more quickly. For starters, pick up some 50 lb bags of rice (try an oriental grocery) for about $20 each. Get a shortwave receiver--even a cheap model. Check out the new newsgroup misc.survivalism for more ideas. 18.) To resist possible police state tyranny: Form (quietly) Patriot support groups. Cellular phones are cheap now, they can't cut the wire. Set up emergency call number so when one of you is besieged by lawless feds, your fellows will know to ru...err...assemble with their weapons and camcorders. Never Again! 19.) VOTE out the clinton supporters this November. Their replacements may be just as bad, but they'll be disorganized for a little while and we can gain time. 20.) Add your own ideas here, but DO SOMETHING! -- ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan site by the archive maintainer. Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)