From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING A DE FACTO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION IS SWEEPING THIS NATION UNDER THE FALSE AUSPICES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS CALLING FOR A NATIONAL "CONFERENCE OF THE STATES" A proposed resolution is spreading throughout the State legislators like a cancer through the body politic. I have obtained a copy of Pennsylvania Senate Bill 12 now called House Resolution 30 that calls for a meeting of "elected officials" only, composed of the Governor of the state, and four other legislators designated from both the State Senate and House. This resolution is to remain standard throughout all the legislatures so they can unanimously call for a convention. Here is the first paragraph: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Appointing a delegation of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the Governor and alternates to represent the Commonwealth at a Conference of the States to be convened under the auspices of the Council of State Governments in cooperation with the National Governors' Association and the National Conference of State Legislatures no later than 270 days after at least 26 legislatures adopt this resolution without amendment; and imposing duties on the Joint State Government Commission. THERE ARE THEN FIVE PAGES OF SUPPORTING MATERIAL THIS IS DANGEROUS, AND RECKLESS! They are not calling this a Constitutional Convention, but the result is the same. If it walks like a duck and it quacks, like a duck, you can call it a pig all day long, to me it is a duck! This resolution would concentrate the sovereign powers of the people, through their state-appointed delegates, in a de facto constitutional convention -- without actually calling it one. The passage of this "resolution" would authorize three extraordinary developments: 1. The formal calling of a convocation of the states is tantamount to, and in possession of, the process essential to a constitutional convention. 2. The formalized appointment of certified delegates emowered to vote at this federal convocation. 3. Resolutions which become legal instruments authorizing the delegates to deliberate, propose, and adopt long-term fundamental structural changes in the U.S. Constitution. If you live in Pennsylvania, call your State Senator and request SB12 and ask your State Representative for House Resolution 30. Ask why you haven't heard about this in the news media. It wasn't in any paper in Philadelphia, why is this so silent? I will post the entire Senate Bill 26 when I can get a decent copy to OCR instead of the fax I just received. THIS CONSTITUTES AN EMERGENCY THIS IS NOT SOMETHING TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY! THE REPUBLICANS GUTTED THE 4TH AMENDMENT YESTERDAY WITH THE NEW SEARCH AND SIEZURE AMENDMENTS PASSED BY THE HOUSE YESTERDAY. WHAT OTHER AMENDMENTS ARE UP FOR GRABS? WHICH AMENDMENTS WILL BE GUTTED OR STRIPPED IN A DE FACTO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION? *********************** Posted by Howard L. Bloom, Vice Chair of the Delaware County Pennsylvania Libertarian Party. All rights reserved per UCC 1-207 without prejudice. If you are in Pennsylvania, the Libertarians will meet Thursday 16th of February at the Villanova Diner in Villanova Pennsylvania. 1/2 mile from interstate 476 at the Villanova exit. Dinner at 6:00 PM Meeting at 7:30. For more information call 610-353-8006 or fax to 610-622-5944. Call your state legislatures, meet, and exert your influence before it is too late. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)