From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ CONFERENCE OF THE STATES ENDANGERS CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES--REVISION BY ONE AMENDMENT BEGINNING AFTER, "WE, THE PEOPLE ...." DISSOLVING EVERYTHING THEREAFTER AND REPLACING IT WITH A CONCISELY WRITTEN, ONE-PARAGRAPH PARTY GOVERNMENT! Using the design for: A New Constitution Now (by NTU advisor, Henry Hazlitt) where on (pg. 271) he stated: "In the same way, an 'amendment' to the Constitution could be proposed that would strike out everything after the paragraph 'We the people ... do ordain and establish this Constitution.' This amendment could be in itself an entirely new Constitution, and if it were ratified by popular referendum, "we the people" would indeed be ordaining and establishing a Constitution in a far more literal sense than did "the people" "of 1789." The absolute Act of Dissolution of the Republic of the United States appears completed by a bold endeavor. The step is taken and ACCOMPLISHED BY EMBRACING THE PARTICIPATION RESOLUTION. This COS method is that desired and suggested by the Banker, C. Douglas Dillon and also by The Baroness, Lady Lirine White of Wales, of the British House of Lords. Lady White agrees stating "...simply by starting over." (see British Fabian Society--founding of Labour Party of Great Britain.) Affiliating the segments of government , i.e., Combining the Guardian State Legislatures with their State Governors.. .A different Guardianship emerges.. Rule by Party Government..One Step From The Royal Rule Restored PREDETERMINED OUTCOME of this Group Dynamics Method, results in the suggested form of government the Banker desired. What steps does this plan require? David B. Truman in The Governmental Process. (second edition 1971) POINTS the SPECIFICITY of an ASSAULT UPON the RULES by a Portion of the ELITE (Introduction pg. xiiv) and makes the plan clear (pg. xiv). "Elite failure through such self-disestablishment as assaulting the rules can prove to be disastrous"... and (pgxivi) "in the public interest." DEFINITION of "in the public interest" is a prerequisite for survival of the system. Such "rules of the game clearly are among such prerequisites." (pg. xivi). "REINVENTING GOVERNMENT" attributed to Clinton, and "A BETTER WAY" government of Mike Leavitt, are simply part of the group process with the PREDETERMINED OUTCOME having the DILLON-HARDIN-CUTLER- BARONESS WHITE-FABIAN CONSTITUTION PROPOSALS ADOPTED. (see CCS package of Amendments for the COS CONVENTION prepared to implement Royal Rule. Charles Hardin on pg 2 of Introduction, Presidential Power & Accountability Toward a New Constitution tells it all when he announces, "It will require constitutional surgery at least as severe as that of 1787." (Using COS, as did the Founding Fathers, a law-breaking convention) "The end result can be briefly stated as Presidential Power and Accountability' or, to put it another way, as presidential leadership and party government." Who are the guardians of the U.S. Constitution? The state legislatures are the guardians. "If the state legislatures could be brought to act under the present Constitution, they could take a great forward step immediately. But they would be likely to act only if public opinion reached a critical stage ...." (pg 273, A New Constitution Now, by Henry Hazlitt) How can these Guardians be tricked? The Elite Governors are to demand that State Legislators ASSAULT the Constitution "IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST." This is the Rule-Breaking method of Amending and if the Elite entrusted with the Guarding of the Constitution can be enticed to surrender it to the NEW GUARDS... THOSE ASSAULTING THE RULES. .THE GOVERNORS, then the REVOLUTION coup is completed. How can an amendment change the entire U.S. CONSTITUTION? SPECIFICALLY, an Amendment which begins "WE, THE PEOPLE..."' and then replaces and dissolves everything written thereafter. REPLACING BY DISSOLUTION of the present Government and writing in one explicit paragraph, thus, the creation of a Party System Government. A TREASON TO BE DONE JUST PRECISELY AS LADY WHITE DESCRIBED. In his blueprint for Parliamentary Government, A NEW CONSTITUTION Now Henry Hazlitt proposed: "I have recommended the intermediate step of an Amendment of the Amending Process before undertaking a more extensive direct revision of the constitution." (pg 273) "Once this is done, we shall be in a position to consider constitutional revision realistically, and with clear minds." (pg 276) SO ALL THE PLAYERS ARE NOW ON STAGE The script prepared by both FABIANS and modern-day JACOBINS. The script is under the DIRECTOR A. E. DICK HOWARD of the CCS Parliamentary Government group. This group has prepared the agenda for the COS convention. Enactment of the participation language IS THE COUP D'ETAT; while the plot is after the PARTICIPATION COUP. Then the PARTICIPATION COUP is to be disguised as a great debate with full cooperation of the CFR-controlled media. The Governors have been led by the Director through a dance from one romantic encounter group of Governors to another and another until most of them have been wooed and/or seduced to play a part in reenacting the War of Independence; HOWEVER, IN REVERSING STEP BY STEP ...AND TURNING UPSIDE DOWN ALL THAT WAS DONE BY THE FOUNDING FATHERS....The COS group would destroy each of our liberties. While the COS creation, using Executive Order 437 (1994) by Gov. George Allen sets up the Control of COS, its Direction, Outcome and Agenda (in step 1), there appears to be at least one other peer in this anxious-to-be-deceived category, who indicates a knowledge of his predetermined role. Such key Governors emerge, as needed, among the original twelve members on the (Step 2) Steering Committee of COS peers being utilized by the British Fabians' American Branch, The Royal Institute and American Branch CFR, and the modern-day Jacobins interlaced and overlapped. (See how to Stop The Crisis Plot .1987 by Marshall Peters) for a Partial Revelation. AS THE SCRIPT PROCEEDS (step 3) with the attempt to get the majority of state legislators to vote to dump the system of constitutional government, THERE STANDS IN THE WAY OF THE PERPETRATORS: all of those now reading this! RALLY TO THE AID OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL GUARDS: THE AMERICAN LEGISLATORS WHO ARE NOW RAPIDLY BEING SUPPORTED BY THE SOVEREIGN CITIZENS WHOM THEY REPRESENT. TO STOP THIS PLOT TO REWRITE THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, TELL YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS TO VOTE NO! PARTICIPATION RESOLUTION. DO SO AT ONCE! THE SOVEREIGN CITIZENS OF OVER TWELVE STATES HAVE ALREADY HAD THEIR SOVEREIGNTY GUILLOTINED. AS OF MARCH 7,1995, THERE ARE TWELVE MORE HAVING PASSED THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTICIPATION COSPEERACY (Cos-Peer- Acy) IN ONE HOUSE OF THEIR LEGISLATURE. The Fifty Governors, as a body, have been picked by the design of the Participation Language because a majority of them have embraced certain Internationalists' schemes such as GATT, WTO, NAFTA. Others have endorsed the scheme of rewriting the amending device, and are now also embracing the Permanent, Incorporated, Convocation, Convention Body being constructed by the "Participation Resolution." This permanent Convention Body, with a design following that advocated by Benjamin Read (See German Marshall Fund) as set forth in the CCS Papers "Reforming American Government". Party Government is the door which opens the Translational Unions. Among these are the Trilateral Schemes. The CFR Internationalists become advocates through the CFR Directors' Founding of the CCS. Co-Founder Lloyd Cutler, white House Counsel of Carter and Clinton, writes of this in "Reforming American Government." Some who envision a world empire see changing the American form of government as a step assuring the creation of; and popular election of; a translational congress. Party government has appointed, as well as elected, senators and congressmen, therefore the motives of the more ambitious politicians involved are revealed. By the patient conditioning of Constitutional Amending over the past twenty years, for many good sounding reasons, such "KEY" elements as the BBA have been exclaimed by CCS Director Dick Thornburgh. The driving force behind the BBA is the British-educated James Davidson who is business partner of Sir William Rees-Moog of the British House Of Lords (see BLOOD IN THE STREETS, co-authored by this revealing pair). Always speaking and writing to two (2) categories within the OUTREACH of the Balanced Budget Amendment, those who claim that even though a majority is held capable of balancing a budget, it must await those behind this power using to BREAK OPEN THE CONSTITUTION FOR RADICAL REVISION. Consider Arizona, among the most egregious errors, in the Revolutionary Revision, now being attempted as COS. The Legislators in Arizona were led to number the COS "Participation" HJR 2002! THEREFORE, THE SHEEP FOLLOWED THE GOAT. FARMERS REFER TO THIS BILLY AS "JUDAS." All lynch mobs are intrinsically evil whether the noose be about your neck or mine. This noose about the neck of Lady Liberty has upon the rope a small tag. THEREON IS WRITTEN... MADE IN THE BRITISH ISLES FOR USE IN HANGING THE GOVERNMENTS OF FREE MEN! THERE MUST BE AMONG THE FABIANS, LAUGHTER IN THE IRONY THAT THE REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT OF ARIZONA, IS NOW A PARTY GOVERNMENT DEMOCRACY WITH THE NOOSE STILL LOOSE... INCREDIBLY NOT ONLY HAVE OF ALL THINGS EMBRACED THIS FORM OF GOVERNMENT AND BEEN TRICKED INTO THE OUTLAW ATTEMPT TO REVISE THE CONSTITUTION WITH THE DECEITFUL COS CONVOCATION. THE GELDED AND PURPLE-ROBED GOVERNOR HAS DONE PRECISELY WHAT ARIZONA DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR ADVOCATED IN 1980! BRUCE BABBITT IN THE OPENING PLENARY SESSION OF THE NGA ANNUAL MEETING IN DENVER, 1980 SAYING: "LAST, I WOULD JOIN WITH GOVERNOR SNELLING IN URGING THAT THE PRESIDENT AND THE CONGRESS AND THE GOVERNORS CALL FOR A NATIONAL CONVOCATION OUTSIDE THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROCESS"... (OUTSIDE MEANS NOT WITHIN THE RULES OF THE GAME) A NEW CONSTITUTION WAS ALWAYS THE PLAN! -2002 THE KEY BBA USED TO DECEIVE. MARSHALL PETERS FAX 410-357-5629 ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)