From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ Posted for Marshall Peters Comments may be posted to this e-mail address or faxed to Marshall at 1-410-357-5629 ***************************************************** Once TO Every Man And Nation Comes The Moment To Decide....To Choose Between Truth Or Falsehood...For The Good Or For The Evil Side. COS VS "WE THE PEOPLE" THE GOOD: You are the sovereign in our Constitutional Republic of separation of powers with 280,000,000 "KINGS" as SOVEREIGNS. THE COS: Is an attempt to create colonial-style governors in each of the fifty states. COS participation resolutions create a governor who would thereafter have both legislative and executive powers and could appoint another to have these powers as his deputy or prime minister. You as an American have the sovereign rights of citizenship. These rights are the same whether you were born in this land or choose to become an American. You have the same sovereign rights whether your forefathers were from any of the worlds peoples seeking the liberty now held by you. If you become elected to serve others you temporarily become a servant of the people instead of a sovereign citizen. You choose to elect as your servant to represent your sovereign citizenship: the servants of the people, your state governor, state house delegate, and statehouse senator. At the present time the governor is your servant. Your forefathers struggled in creating this form of a sovereign people, with the power separated to keep citizen control over the human tendency of 6000 years of evil rulers. The central principle of your constitution is to separate the powers of a KING which is you as sovereign ruler. This is why I am not a slave in Egypt, not a serf in England, not a subject of a Roman Emperor, and I thank my God for His gifts to me that I AM NO LONGER RULED BY GOVERNORS! Citizens who hold office on your behalf may not exceed the powers you divide between them. A judge may not write or execute laws, a governor may not judge laws nor write laws, and your state senator and representative may not execute laws, or judge them. Lawmakers are only makers of law, judges are only judges of law and governors are only executors of laws. Governors may not propose changes in the federal Constitution unless they become a part of a convention of all the people to revise what "We the People" HAVE NOW. The resolution for your participation by your state to participate in the Conference of the States (COS); proposes a ruling-style party governor with both the executive and legislative powers in one body of state. The leaders of both parties join with this parliamentary governor to form a new party form of government in each state. The majority party of the governor would be the deciding vote. The minority party in the next election could become the majority party in power. Ten states have already joined this parliamentary form of government creation effort. The all powerful new governor also is vested with the power to delegate his powers to his appointed minister. By process COS is creating parliamentary government over the fifty states right under the nose of state after state legislatures. Now, you are involved, and no sovereign citizen will allow the citizen sovereignty to be replaced by state guardians of the constitution being tricked into reversing the war for independence and the citizen to be sovereign under GOD. COS is destructive by this usurpation of powers you have prohibited. Over 40 governors together have passed the CSG model participation resolution to their respective legislatures. All the resolutions have been designed alike to result in your lawmakers (ALL 50 STATES) appoint them with powers you have allowed only to your lawmakers....that which only legislators have under ARTICLE V of the Federal Constitution...proposing amendments to the federal Constitution. COS is a group of governors seizing unconstitutional powers by using a group of lawmakers who are assisting them in doing so! Thousands of lawmakers belong to a private group with original offices at 1313 60th Street in Chicago, since having moved to Lexington, KY. The officers of this organization are under direction of executive Director Dan Sprague. Sprague's coterie is following what is printed as "A MESSAGE FROM CSG'S Executive Director"...."Together with the states, we seek out solutions that will work now and well into the 21st century". Sprague's meaning is further clarified by "the CSG International Committee" ... "Goals of the committee include..increasing interaction with other international organizations..." "The Council of State Governments believes that interaction with the international community in the increasingly interdependent world is essential for the states as they prepare to usher in the 21st century." (DOES THIS MEAN 21ST CENTURY CONSTITUTION?) Most CSG members have no idea that participation resolutions for COS empowers Sprague's CSG "GOVERNING BOARD" to incorporate CSG members and agents as this parliamentary form of government (USED IN ENGLAND TO APPOINT COLONIAL GOVERNORS). The governor limited by you under the state constitution becomes a creature of COS, a dangerous new type known by form of government as a "PARLIAMENTARY" governor. This new form of governor under COS is vested with both the executive power you have assigned him, and (THE POWER ONLY LEGISLATORS HOLD) legislative official credentials to propose "STRUCTURAL" changes in the form of our government. Most CSG members did not know what the governing board is attempting in creating 50 parliamentary governors to rule America. COS requires legislatures create an Adolph-style governor with both state executive and legislative powers merged into the hands and mind of one state absolute sovereign in each state. The CSG is the convenor of a convention of the new state sovereigns to incorporate July 6 or 9th as the new form of government for the states. The CSG plans to convene the parliamentary governors in Philadelphia October 22-26, 1995. The new government may then announce the coup completed and proclaim themselves the interim parliamentary government. Dissolving the states and the United States formed by the people may then be possible. This government would then be the sovereign, and you would be a subject of the government. Thus, you can see how COS actually is in the process of restoring the colonial parliamentary powers in this COS new form of empowered governor. "PUTTING TOGETHER WHAT THE FOUNDERS PUT ASUNDER" by "TURNING THE FOUNDERS UPSIDE DOWN". Emulation of the founders but reversing our independence to colonial status with liberties gone. Contact your state legislature at once! If you are an American and you read this, I beg is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. Attend the hearing in your state. Even better meet with your state legislator for your own hearing where he or she can sit while you read this to him or her. COS can not capture your state legislature unless you remain silent. Tell them why you love this land and do not want the old world form of government. Tell them to vote to keep America independent and under the present constitution. Say no to the NEW WORLD ORDER in control of our constitutional destiny, your citizenship...use it or lose it! Sincerely, Marshall Peters Fax 410-357-5629 ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)