From the Radio Free Michigan archives If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu. ------------------------------------------------ James and John, I liked this particular piece by Dennis L. Cuddy because it mentions Rhodes, Quiqley, round-tables, CFR, etc all in a compact article. I got reprint permission from Dr. Cuddy to spread this over the Internet. I don't have newsgroup access and "posted blind" via the "e-mail mechanism" to a number of Internet groups. I have no way of checking whether they made it.... I got no personal response on the posting. If you haven't seen this go out, please feel free to post it anywhere on the Internet as long as the credit goes to Dr. Cuddy and no money is made on it. If you like, you can leave the notice below with my name on it because I was the one who received Dr. Cuddy's permission. ---- cut here ---- +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | From "The New Hampshire Sunday News" dated December 22, 1992. | | Reprinted with the permission of the author, D.L. Cuddy, for | | non-profit distribution on the Internet. -- P.J. Daly | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Clinton and the New World Order By D.L. Cuddy, Ph.D. ON NOV. 24, THE U.N. VOTED 50 to 3 against the latest U.S. em- bargo against Cuba, with even Amb. Thomas Richardson of Britain, who abstained, saying the U.S. law was "a violation of a general principle of international law and the sovereignty of independent nations." Thus one can see what would happen to the U.S. if it formally accepted the international law of the "New World Order" (NWO) under the U.N. And on Dec. 3, the U.N. voted to send troops to Somalia, including U.S. forces which will have to ac- cept some oversight by the U.N. Many think of the NWO as a concept of President Bush, but on the evening of the Nov. 3 election ABC's Peter Jennings said that if Clinton won, he'll turn "to Sen. Sam Nunn for advice on inter- national affairs and the New World. Order." Because of Clinton's lack of experience in foreign affairs, he'll of course turn to others for advice, such as Warren Christopher, who is vice- chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), of which Clinton has been a member as has Jordan. For many years, the CFR has been against what it has viewed as "narrow nationalism," instead extolling the virtues of an inter- national system of law and a global economy. That Clinton is sen- sitive to these concerns is the fact that even though he cam- paigned on a theme of "chance," he immediately rushed after the election to assure international money markets that he wanted "stability" as well. Similarly, while he had berated George Bush for supporting Most Favored Nation status for China, with its hu- man rights violations, Clinton's office faxed to me a press release dated Sept. 14 indicating he wouldn't revoke MFN status for "private enterprises in China" or "U.S. joint ventures." These are, of course, loopholes one could drive trucks through! ANOTHER INDICATION OF Clinton's internationalist bent is that he was selected as a Rhodes scholar, and it was part of Cecil Rhodes' last Will that his scholarships be used to promote his plan for world dominion. Furthermore, the average American wouldn't have the slightest idea of who Carroll Quigley was, yet during Clinton's acceptance speech at the Democratic convention, he made a point of stressing that Quigley had been his mentor at Georgetown University before Clinton became a Rhodes scholar. In Quigley's famous book, "Tragedy and Hope" (which was available to Clinton), he described the network for world dominion set in mo- tion by Cecil Rhodes as follows: "I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for 20 years and was per- mitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments." Quigley described why Rhodes' effort led to the Round Table organization, and "it was known that the Council on Foreign Relations was a front for J.P. Morgan and Co. in asso- ciation with the very small American Round Table Group ... The board of the Council on Foreign Relations have carried ever since the mark of their origin." Perhaps this is why right after a conversation with John Pier- pont Morgan, President Franklin Roosevelt on Nov. 21, 1933 wrote a private letter to Col. House (President Wilson's closest adviser) saying: "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." And perhaps this is why 41 years later, prominent Council member Richard Gardner (former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, appointed later by President Carter as Ambassador to Italy) wrote in the CFR's Foreign Affairs (April 1974): "An end run around na- tional sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, is likely to get us to world order faster than the old-fashioned frontal attack." On Dec. 1, 1992, a "National Security" official with Bill Clinton's Transition Team in Washington, told me that Gardner had been one of the Clinton campaign's informal advisers. It seems clear that Bill Clinton will do nothing to reverse the trend toward the New World Order, especially when he has a global environmentalist, Al Gore Jr. (Cochair of the Congressional Clearing house on the Future), as vice president. Indeed, Clinton himself has said that if he takes action against Saddam Hussein or in what was Yugoslavia, he'll go through the U.N. ===================================================== - D. L. Cuddy, Ph.D., is an international political analyst and author of a new book, "Now Is The Dawning Of The New Age New World Order." D. L. Cuddy has written several good books, all available from A-albionic Research: New World Order, Chronology and Commentary Part I See The Network of Power for Part II Dennis Lawrence Cuddy, Ph.D. 00901 year 1992 pp 55 hc/pb Paperback price $5.00 Publisher's blurb: "a singular service...'must' reading for anyone who wants to know the true background of historical events...full of irrefutable quotes from the mouths of plotters and planners of the New World Order and the New Age Movement. This unique Chronology and Commentary with its invaluable index reveals the sinister origins and development of the New World Order from 1902 to 1992. Network of Power/The New World Order Part II by Henry Goldsborough/Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D. 00902 year 1993 pp 70 hc/pb Paperback price $6.00 The Network of Power: "This is a fast reading story of money manipulations and political intrigue which exposes plans that have already cost Americans trillions of dollars and will cost trillions more...Revealed for the first time is the handful of powerful unelected men who secretly rule America. Through interlocking directorates, they control the debt and destiny of America -- they elect and tell Presidents what to do. They are above the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Federal Reserve System! This is a five-star blockbuster book." Reviewed by William Gill author of The Ordeal of Otto Opteka. The New World Order Part II: "This eye-opening chronology details the century-long effort to promote the New World Order and its socialist totalitarian one-world government. This book is a brilliant piece of research exposing the planners all the way into the year 2000." Reviewed by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, Dept. of Ed Official in Reagan Administration. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Radio Free Michigan archives by the archive maintainer. All files are ZIP archives for fast download. E-mail bj496@Cleveland.Freenet.Edu)