Just thought you'd all like to know about an interesting newspaper I came across. A friend stopped by recently, *raving* about THE CHRISTIAN INTELLIGENCE ALERT. "You've got to start getting it", she said, "Just look at the articles...and the *videos*." So I looked. Great stuff! The paper, abreviated to "CIA" [!], scans global news, looking for political developments etc. in relation to the New World Order, among other things. It's about 20 pages of small type! The videos offered include...hang on to your chair!... * THE COVENANT - the laws, planning, Executive Orders, detention centres, gun-confiscation preparations, martial law arrangements, etc. already in place to deliver the U.S. to U.N. control. 2 hours, 40 minutes long. $39.95 [delivered by UPS] * IRON MOUNTAIN - BLUEPRINT FOR TYRANNY: the ecology movement - Randy Weaver - Rio Summit - black helicopters - MJTF police - FINCEN - Area 51 - Waco - US Concentration Camps - - Project RED LIGHT - Project SETI - Public Law 87-297 - Gun Control - UN troops in US - MAJESTIC 12, and much more. 2 hours long. $37.77 [delivered by UPS]. Both videos are in full colour, prices include shipping, and they can be ordered from 1-800-257 2672. The "CIA" newspaper, the SCANNER, can be ordered at the same number for $34.77 a year, and bills itself as "a watchdog on the CFR/TC/BILDERBERGERS/COMMITTEE OF 300." Their mailing address is: CIS P.O. Box 69 WHEELER, WI. 54772 And our old friend Texx Marrs [of BIG SISTER IS WATCHING YOU and DARK MAJESTY fame] is the motivating force behind it all! Seems to me that these videos would wake up *a lot* of your friends and family, and save *you* a lot of energy and eloquence! Cheers! John W. ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Patriot FTP site by S.P.I.R.A.L., the Society for the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail alex@spiral.org)