-------- BEGIN BBS POST ------- Date: 09-Aug-94 04:48 From: Linda Thompson To: All Subj: SEPT. 19 MILITIA ASSEMBLY CANCELLED ************************ ALERT! ***************************** ************ SEPTEMBER 19 MILITIA ASSEMBLY CANCELLED ************* by Linda Thompson - PGP key must be attached to verify authenticity. The September 19th militia assembly in Washington, D.C. is OFF for several tactical reasons, the first and foremost being that the reason for calling it at all was itself tactical. Many militia commanders are well aware of this and have been since the inception of the assembly. So what's the deal? There was no one in the country effectively calling attention to the problems we are facing and at the same time, offering a solution to the problem that would actually work, or any solution other than "write your congressman" or "vote them out." Why? Because to propose any actual solution kills the "cash cow" that so many of these "information sources" thrive on. Secondly, it invites public ridicule -- most of it from those who don't want their cash cow cut off, but also, from all the lame, lazy and cowardly who *MUST* find a way to attack anyone actually doing something so they don't look like the lame, lazy, cowards they are!. It is guaranteed to invite media ridicule (due to the control of the media and how the media is used to sway public opinion); and most of us already rightly fear and are well aware of the direct attacks that will be made by the feds, via the IRS and other harassment. Additionally, few people seemed to be able to even RECOGNIZE the fact that the MILITIA *IS* a CONSTITUTIONAL and wholly legitimate method for ridding ourselves of tyranny. The obvious "solutions" such as "writing our congressman" or "vote them out" are just simply dead issues that make people yawn and change the channel. Even people who don't know what is going on, recognize that these measures are futile. At some gut level, we *all* know this doesn't work. We may not know why. But suddenly, here's someone offering something most people didn't even know existed -- our "educational" system has seen to that, but they remembered enough about their Constitution to recognize truth when they saw it. Their interest was awakened when they realized that -- hey, wait a sec, this might actually work! The results achieved from calling the militia assembly in Waco were immediate and nation-wide. First and foremost, came the attacks on me: "Who does she think she is, calling herself the 'Adjutant General' of the militia!" Why, how pleasant of each of YOU to volunteer for the job, dear fellows. Oh, you didn't? Well, perhaps you'd like to discuss exactly "what is the militia" before you cry "it's not legal!!" "You'll be indicted for sedition!!", etc. ad nauseum., as well as publicly debate how assembling for an armed, peaceful demonstration in Waco was going to "get us all killed," was "playing into the hands of the NWO," -- all the same garbage I also heard about the Sept. 19 march. Plenty of radio stations interviewed me, motivated solely by their desire to publicly ridicule me and make a spectacle of me, only to discover it backfired, because the Constitution, and the law, were behind me. Their programs woke up a lot of people. All of this public debate, first of all, served to identify the whiners, liars, cowards and thieves, but more importantly, proved to be the SINGLE FASTEST, MOST EFFECTIVE method of getting a lot of information out to the public, while at the same time, actually getting people to pay attention. The radio would hype it up in advance -- "Wait'll this dumb broad with her dumb ideas gets on here! We'll tell her a thing or two." Many have been the sorry announcers who got their butts kicked up one side and down the other with the law and the Constitution, as their listeners eagerly picked up the ball and ran with it! Two U.S. Attorneys discovered to their own chagrin, that, son-of-a-gun, the militia assembly was absolutely, surprise, legal. What vendication, when they could not indict me, though they tried, for calling the militia assembly in Waco -- and more publicity, too, that helped even MORE people find out what "this militia thing" is all about. Would it have worked as well if someone, particularly a woman, had not been willing to play the role of "dumb broad," proposing an "outrageous" idea, to be publicly ridiculed? Once people were paying attention, they listened to the problems AND the solutions. Suddenly, instead of 50 years of whining from the Birchers and tuning out the din, they were, many for the first time, HEARING the problems *AND* they also quickly realized that here really WAS an alternative, legitimate solution that just might work, besides the lame "write your congressman" or "vote them out" that all of us know is a waste of time. The 2nd Amendment became something more than just a useless line in a document most of them had heard of but never read. Suddenly, they were whipping out copies of their pocket Constitutions -- shoving them on their friends, explaining this "militia" thing to them. And jury rights, too! And finding out about how the courts work, how to unrig the rigged systems -- whoa, all of a sudden, "We the People," began to take its original shape. It is, after all, WE, THE RIGHTFUL MASTERS, OF BOTH THE CONGRESS AND THE COURTS. The NRA, for all of its millions of dollars and so-called "lobbying power" was exposed as the impotent, government-controlled lame horse that it is, doing nothing but misleading people into believing the NRA would "save their rights," deceiving people into giving up the fight themselves. Preserving our liberties is a duty that cannot be delegated. It requires vigilance. If we can be tricked into believing that someone else will fight for our liberties, when we cannot or will not fight for ourselves, then the battle is already lost. This was one of the very reasons the NRA was such an effective tool for those who have stripped us of the present ability to exercise our rights. But no one can take our rights from us against our will. Our rights are God given. Preserving the ability to exercise these rights is the very purpose of the militia and the need for the militia is why the right of We, The People to keep and bear arms is absolute and inviolate. In the process of writing the ultimatum, the problems were identified and in such a way, that not even my detractors could disagree. Thus, it was impossible for ANYONE to attack me or the ultimatum, without (first, and this was hilarious to watch) AGREEING with every point in the Ultimatum. This forced the fed propaganda operatives, as well as the "pay patriots" into my corner, whether they wanted to be there or not. Many were literally stealing our information and publishing it, while simultaneously denouncing me. It was sad to see that some people were duped by this tactic and embraced these sources of information -- coming from our work and research -- used by mongrel dogs to gain credibility for themselves, but they were easy to detect. For at the same time they used our work and agreed with the positions set forth in my writings, they were left scrambling to achieve some shred of credibility after they would then turn around and attack me, personally, with such pathetic ravings, some of which were nothing more than, "She's just a woman, pay no attention," to outright lies, such as the claim that I ran for governor of Illinois on the Socialist party ticket, as was put out by Mike Dillon, the Orlando Sentinel, and others. Could they attack what I said? Of course not. It is the truth. The call for a militia assembly to arrest Congressmen, has, in that regard, been the best little snake catcher, ever. If you needed a barometer of who was able or willing to back up what they claim, this was it. The back-peddling -cry-babies and outright liars, are not friends nor patriots. They are selling us out and serving only to lull people into the false belief that "someone else" is "taking care of the problem" or that false solutions, such as "writing our congressmen," will do the trick, keeping us busy, so we do nothing at all, all the while, feeding THEIR cash cow. By calling for the militia assembly, the following has been accomplished: (1) In the process of publicly ridiculing me, radios, televisions, newsletters, magazines, etc. had to give publicity to the entire issue, i.e., the Ultimatum (what it says) -- with which EVERYONE agrees; next, exactly WHAT it is I called for as a solution: An armed assembly of militia units, thereby giving exposure to: What, exactly, is "the militia", is an "armed assembly legal" (of course it is -- look at the 1st and 2nd Amendments), thereby raising the consciousness of hundreds of thousands of people to what is a BASIC and PROTECTED RIGHT in this country that many were unaware of. (2) In the process of publicly ridiculing me, people who "had a better idea of what to do with a militia" had to first FORM a militia. Leaders began to lead and militia units appeared where none had ever existed before --hundreds of units -- and those already in existence, tripled their numbers. (3) In the process of trying to talk me out of the "tactically stupid" march on D.C., all these units had to come up with their own, better plan, to propose -- and they did. (4) In the process of preparing for either their own plan or the Sept. 19 assembly, militia units TRAINED, RECRUITED, STOCKPILED WEAPONS, AMMO, FOOD, AND MEDICAL GEAR, arranged safe houses, and actually GOT PREPARED. Until now, many would say, "Hey, when they come to MY door, I'll be waiting." Big whoop. When there's 50 of them and 1 of you, you are going to die, period, end of subject. But until now, a better alternative hadn't been suggested. Has anything, in the history of this country, since the Revolutionary War, accomplished this much towards actually solving our current problems, mobilized so many, so quickly or so effectively, or done so much to literally scare the absolute bejeebers out of the opposition, as the public announcement, by a dumpy broad in Indianapolis, that, enough is enough, we are going to arrest the traitors, man the weapons? The call for the militia and the resulting mobilization that has occurred ALSO forced THE OPPOSITION to reveal several tactical deficiencies on THEIR side. The most REVEALING, OBVIOUS and GLARING deficiency, on their side, that was exposed through the course of public debate of this "dumb idea," is that they CANNOT PUT DOWN A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE, period. They do NOT have the ability -- they lack the sheer numbers in manpower, and the training and they have stretched their assets too many places. Additionally, they ARE NOT SURE (and rightfully so) if they can count on the US Military to back them up or to fire on US citizens (and they CAN'T); lastly, they DO NOT HAVE the U.N. troops to do it, either. If they use U.N. troops (if they could -- since those troops don't train well together, don't speak the same language, use the same signals or equipment, and overall, work together like the Keystone Cops), then they will most CERTAINLY *LOSE* the support of the majority of the U.S. military the first time a foreign troops kills a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil. In other words, they are SCREWED, either way they go, whether they call up our military or UN military, to put down the militia. Were they scurrying? Did you notice that OJ Simpson's hot-media-propaganda-distraction- trial date was actually moved UP to, get this, SEPT. 19 (no, the court did NOT miscalculate the original date of SEPT. 20) or that Sen. Dole said he was going to have an important public announcement in response to Clinton's proposals on SEPT. 18 -- A *SUNDAY* -- when did Congress ever do ANYTHING on Sunday? Coincidence? A military unit was called in from Europe and guard units were put on extended duty -- they didn't even have active duty units to RECALL, period. Is all this a clear enough picture? But thanks to the fed propaganda machine, the KNEE-JERK reaction I received to my call, initially at least was, "You'll all be annihilated. You're trying to get patriots killed!" Everyone immediately ASSUMED that the feds were "the great all-powerful Oz." Few people BOTHERED to even do BASIC INTELLIGENCE.,i.e., just how many troops COULD they call up, anyway? Once that thought process was started, the answers were obvious. Gee, wow, golly -- we outnumber the SOB's 100 to 1, easily. With only 1% of the population, we outnumber them 5-1. Again, those claiming "you'll be annihilated" were revealed to either be total asses, traitors, or nothing but pay-patriots sucking down people's money. No, we wouldn't "all be annihilated" -- far from it. But we WOULD take unnecessarily large numbers of casualties if there were a large assembly. There's no reason to do that, when we can accomplish the same goals, while limiting our own casualties, with a widespread, national militia action. So, scoff if you like (I'm plenty used to it!) -- it's been a 100% success, period. (B) Secondly, there are two warring factions in the bid for global domination (or at least, U.S. domination). The first of the two warring factions are what could be called a rogue faction of CIA working with rogue factions of mlitary special operations groups and private corporations comprised of past/present CIA and very wealthy people. The other warring faction is what most of us think of as "the international banker" group (also called "The CFR/TRILATS/ONE-WORLDERS," etc.) Both want global domination. For now, they work towards many of the same interim goals, though not necessarily because they want to, but merely because they have what could be called a "convergence of political viewpoints" on some issues. One goal that they have in common is to disarm America. For the time being, both are working towards this goal, but for different reasons. The CIA group wants the money and power to be had when the biggest black market in the history of the world is created by banning guns in the U.S. They are nothing but organized crime, who will capitalize on the black market. They have done this in every country where we have gone to "war" or "conflict" or "peacekeeping." In many cases, they have CAUSED these wars, precisely to profit from running guns and bomb supplies/pharmaceuticals to the warring countries and/or to get one of their chosen leaders in place in a country, in preparation for global domination. The CFR group must disarm the people to prevent successful rebellion. Both groups want to terrorize the people into submission, which is accomplished through media disinformation, convincing us all that "it is useless to fight the government machine." The CIA and military have perfected mind control and mass propaganda techniques, which they teach to the leaders of government (i.e., NLP programming, "Non-lethal weapons", etc.), thereby utilizing their own opposition to their advantage. Tactically, I figured one group or the other would back us up in our bid to put down the one-worlders. I was right. We have been approached numerous times in efforts to sell us unbelievable weaponry, whether these were attempted "set ups" or legitimate, I don't know. We have been approached with numerous schemes that were obvious attempts to set me up very similar to the way the guys were set up on the world trade center bombing, so that "middle east terrorists" could be blamed as their connection -- all set up by the CIA, I might add. These efforts to set me up failed, but in the process, were great for telling me exactly who is running the show. We have established excellent intelligence networks. Our sources have indicated that the CIA and a rogue faction of military and God-knows-who-else, plan to attack Washington, D.C., perhaps using nukes or Hawk missiles (we have confirmed reports of both in the possession of the CIA in this country). Originally, they planned to blame it on N. Korea, but now, instead, plan to blame it on "the militia." Clearly, this would go the same way as the guys who were convicted of bombing the world trade center or the Waco assault -- the media would do their part asthe lame, idiot sheep that they are -- regurgitating whatever tripe they were fed "by official government sources" and would convince the world that "the militia" nuked D.C. (C) The Congress is only one part of not one, but two, well-oiled machines that are dominating this country, indeed, the world. Most people who have heard of the march at all, had to first inform themselves of what is going on (or else tune out entirely). Once learning what is going on, you should have come to the obvious answer that arresting Congress would provide, at best, a minor part of the solution to the problem. The bottom line: We now have very well-organized militia units throughout the U.S., ready, willing, and able, to do what needs to be done, who KNOW what is going on and WHY we must fight, and not only must fight, but be ABLE to fight. New units, literally, are forming daily. We can't keep up with the demand for information, the demand has been so great. Many took the "she's a woman, what does SHE know" approach -- more power to 'em! -- and in the process of "outsmarting" me, developed excellent alternatives. One would hope that YOUR militia unit was one of the hundreds of units that figured this out and has developed their own alternative plan and targets. But these units DO NOT need to be EN MASSE, ANYWHERE, to do what needs to be done, nor organized under ANYONE's "main umbrella." The infiltrators WILL be in your units, like it or not. Deal with that reality and recognize the limitations it imposes. There are FAR BETTER times and methods than a combined march on Washington, D.C. to do what is painfully, obviously, the only solution. Many of us, indeed at times it seems the entire nation, have succumbed to a nearly numb state of mind and an inability to think on our own. We seem to beg for someone else to provide our answers, instead of seeking them ourselves, someone to hold our hand, tell us what to eat, drink, think. We have come to accept that there "must be a law" or "a rule" for everything, like blind sheep, not realizing that for every "law" or "rule", there is someone to impose it and someone to enforce it, and we will be the targets of those impositions. We've nearly lost our faith in the decency and rationality of our fellow man, and the media and power mongers have done their best to reinforce the notion that our society is riddled with criminals, murderers, whoremongers and thieves. But that faith isn't gone, nor is the basic decency, heart or spirit of our people. It just needed to be awakened. All I have done is provide a catalyst to reach that spirit and the love of liberty that lies inside most of us, having faith that Americans are still the hardy, liberty-breathing people who, once the evil was exposed, would refuse to knuckle under and would fight these dogs to our last breath. I have not been dissappointed. If you have come this far, and understand enough to know why we must do what must be done, it should be plain by now that this is not a game -- it is deadly serious. We are at war, right now, make no mistake about it. God bless us all. Death to the New World Order. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.3 mQClAi4KbWwAAAEEwMaArlUlJ+NtWUcF0YLN8e0bF06DA0zAUHNXXEVm7EuQ8Ux4 7u3Sd3H7uuYc1TXU8A2P924hQgldp4ECHvwPTHXd30KiAb9CymtFDOgidXXzst8q YStvbIyQuYnqa8C2TmWrcmidBEce0foSBwXy1CrjWDPVpvniB9tNvZO1dONaffBY nE0sNcEMJMZwhDo43MxQUM7Ik/ppAAURtA5MaW5kYSBUaG9tcHNvbokAswIFEC4L ho/EmuA0x3UcwQEBxasE72cEfgcsivRG+w/S8MrZv1Z+3w1l/8GdTgkXkGQ952Y5 wn2MZeh3FaRpJonACD/cSMCs/0Y0ytvrLpVgpOg9BE1dMh27GQhA7qLKPJ2JoG0O xxVFdKpTx3K/tL4JQ/0XakWRs1twC2BuYlqHYrbW8xr+EI6Cnm5GosvwadKuV/w2 pIu7jG4CvdS/OIY7loB2XIR7qDgJ3owrvrxp+pvGiQCVAgUQLgpUntnKzqZy0XxH AQGafgQAiAbH5/zSidfL06nnEC5cwnukQgR+VR9x0ft2+Br07sx50QEYw1+sXKYK AhJ0o6+ljx4q5w5foctqCjcjedPeuViel3iGNvNM1qy9C0Grl2otol8KRG4nDHZu Q7S9gfQsFGqqQGWZ0xNwJ9Q+knwHZx+6JZXyBT6rHzafkF8c5cg= =Ora4 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- --- QuickBBS 2.76 Ovr * Origin: Gun Control=Criminals & Gestapo vs. the Unarmed. (1:231/110) -------- END BBS POST ------- ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Patriot FTP site by S.P.I.R.A.L., the Society for the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail alex@spiral.org)