Grab NiceGrab
******************************************************** NiceGrab II Release 1 - Written By Cat! - (c)1996 MAYDAY ******************************************************** This is the ultimate (so far!) grabbing program for the PC!!! It requires CLK to be on pin 10, DATA on pin 15!!! If u don't know what I mean then don't use the program ;-) NiceGrab II is the offspring off NiceGrab (which used 2 be the best grabbing program for the PC!!!), in this version I've made it less compatible (it now won't work on 286's), but it has a better chance of getting a grab (386 code!). It will now work with almost any grabber (with suitable pin conversion), it used to work only with DirtyGrab - the grabber built by Dirty Mind/MAYDAY. ESN's are logged in a log file, they are dumped (if not repeated) in the esn file. NiceGrab II never dumps the same number twice! (unless told 2). Nicegrab II ignores the CRC check - some phones do phoney CRC numbers, this maybe a security feature - instead It votes that valid bits are at least 3 out of 5 correct. This WILL make sense to some people out there! If u need grabbing hardware 2 go with this software, contact a member of the MAYDAY crew. Just a littel note to all those writing text files about grabbing and other cellphone info, why copy US texts - the header info is the exact opposite of the US!!! LAMERS! Hi 2 Dirty Mind, Disk Wiz, etc... - Cat!/MAYDAY