Information Source for Cellular Telephony, PCS,
and Wireless data
New York Times article descibing the Celco 51 sting.
Operation CyberSnare was the ominous name the FBI gave this operation.
GTE Mobilenet continues their on-line game (in which one has to track a cellular hacker) in HackerX The Revenge
SMS (Short Message System) sends text messages to GSM mobile phones.
RadioPhone Cellular Programming Information, The authoritative source on the internet.
Monitoring Cellular System Data streams.
Visit MoToRoLa's (The hacker, not the corporation) Page, including info on programming Motorola cellular phone. Though I do disagree with him on one technical point.
Cool8's U.K. Cellular Web Page
CDPD means data transmission over AMPS cellular.
Okipad is a new Windows 95/NT program for the Oki 900 Cellular Phone. OK THE LINK REALLY WORKS NOW....
ColdFire's page on U.K. Telephony. Its pretty darn good.
Why we should stop the spectrum auctions and advance to spread spectrum and other modern radio technologies. part 1 part 2
information from SuperCall in
South Africa.
Even more information on cellular technology is available on the Web. Some nice quality pictures of GSM cellular telephones.
Radio Design Group offers a wide variety of specialized RF, Digital, and Analog services for the communications industry. I really want the POCSAG encoder and software package.
Miscellaneous Cellular-related Web Pages.
If you want to read boring business propaganda from some telecommunications companies who really don't seem to understand that you have to provide some information of value on a web page, go ahead.
Check out these newsgroups:
A few FTP sites around the net have cellular info. Most of the stuff I have seen is old, duplicated a thousand times, and poorly maintained. But try your luck.