P A T I E N C E S O L I T A I R E Version 1.01 by Richard R. Sands This is a fast-paced killer solitaire card game. Copy the PATIENCE.EXE, PATIENCE.HLP, and VBCARDS.DLL into the directory where you keep all your games and add Accordian to your Games Group in the Program Manager. Online help is available by pressing the HELP Key (F1) or using the Menu. This program requires VBCARDS.DLL, a library that provides the card designs. This library uses the "Grinning Jack" card deck. This program was written with Microsoft's Visual Basic and requires the VBRUN100.DLL file which should be located in your Windows Directory. Although this program is FreeWare, and no registration is required, you can purchase the source code to the game, which includes the source code to the VBCARDS.DLL library, and help file from me for $5.00. It contains several interesting techiques on using Visual Basic (eg. Displaying playing cards, using DLL files, accessing the module filename etc.) If interested, mail $5.00 to: Richard R. Sands P.O. Box 3917 Portland, Oregon 97208 Please include the following information: Your name, address, zip Compuserve ID if applicable Where you found PATIENCE.EXE