This is the Read Me file for Parsec v. 1.0, released as Guilt-Free Shareware on April 11, 1993 by Brad L. Rucker. PARSECND.ZIP: This is Parsec zip file that does NOT include VBRUN200.DLL. As Parsec is written in Visual Basic 2.0 Pro, you need to have VBRUN200.DLL to run Parsec. The Parsec zip file that contains VBRUN200.DLL is called PARSECWD.ZIP. You should be able to find it at the same BBS that you found this zip file. INSTALLING PARSEC: You must have Microsoft Windows 3.1 to run Parsec. To install Parsec, please follow these simple instructions: o Make a directory called PARSEC on your hard drive. Example: if you wish to install Parsec on drive C, type the following: C: cd\ md parsec cd parsec o Then, copy the file PARSECND.ZIP to your new parsec directory. See your DOS manual for how to copy files. o Unzip the PARSECND.ZIP file. See your PKZIP documentation or type: pkunzip /? for assistance. o PARSEC consists of two kinds of files. The first kind (the vast majority of the files that you just unzipped) can stay in the directory you created for them. The second kind are .VBX files that need to be copied to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you took the defaults when you installed windows, this would be in directory C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM. Please copy the following files to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: GRID.VBX SPIN.VBX THREED.VBX If you're curious as to what these files are, the .VBX files are custom controls from the Visual Basic Pro package (free to distribute). o Now, start windows (if you haven't already) and use the pull down File menu in the Program Manager (the main screen in Windows) and select "New..." From here, you want to click the button next to "Program Item". A new menu will come up and you need to enter the "Description" of Parsec (probably just the name "Parsec" (without the quotes, kids), the "Command Line" (the directory where you installed Parsec and the name of the EXE file in PARSEC -- example: C:\PARSEC\PARSEC.EXE), the "Working Directory" (the directory where you installed Parsec -- example: C:\PARSEC) and then click the "OK" button. o This should have installed Parsec in one of your Windows Program Groups. You should be all set to have fun with Parsec! o Trouble Shooting: If you get a run time error with Parsec with a "File Not Found" message -- it's because you failed to type in the directory where Parsec resides in the "Working Directory" field of the "New..." program set up window. Just click on the Parsec icon, select the "File" pull down menu in the Windows Program Manager, select "Properties", and type (in the "Working Directory" field) the directory where you installed Parsec (example: C:\PARSEC). o To clear the Hall Of Fame scores, just delete the two files named: PRSCMEDI.SCO (the Large game score file) PRSCSMAL.SCO (the Small game score file) The program will recreate them as blank if they're missing. If you pass Parsec along to a friend, it would be a nice idea to delete them before distributing the program (so as not to discourage them with your insurmountable high scores). o Feedback on Parsec: If you wish to comment on Parsec, you may write to me at Brad L. Rucker c/o The Church of Christ 776 Monticello Circle Allen, Texas 75002 Copyright 1993 by Code Toad Incorporated (CTI)