The Puzzle work down Windows 3.0 in mode /S o /E This copy is only for evaluation. The register for value of 7.00$ give to be entitled to receive the copy of program in diskette with the some puzzles without be protected. The register for value of 12.00$ give be entitled to receive the copy of program with every puzzle than be grayed, without be protected, and without ADULS ONLY. The register for value of 17.00$ give be entitled to receive the copy of program with every puzzle than be grayed, without be protected, and with ADULS ONLY. After this you can solicit one colection of puzzles of 200 x 200 pieces for 22.00$. PUZLLE INSTANT REGISTRATION FORM. Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________________ Country:___________________________________________________________ State: ___________________________ Zip: ___________________________ Diskette 5 1/4 _____ 3 1/2 _____ Grayed Copy 7.00$ QTY.______ Normal Copy 12.00$ QTY.______ Adults Only 17.00$ QTY.______ 200 x 200 22.00$ QTY.______ Send your Check or Money Order (US Dollars only) Delta International C/O Carlos Fragio P.O. BOX 1218 Miami, Florida 33243 If you like to contact the author or any other information regarding this program you may contact : C.I.F. - B.B.S. (809)-544-2929 1200/2400/9600/14400HST 24 Hours Santo Domingo, Dom. Republic Messages should be address to JiffySoft or Carlos Fragio(SYSOP).