Concentrate Ver 3.0b Copyright © Daniel G. Melvin 1994 Requires Windows (TM) 3.1 or greater (America Online Version) Contents: 1 Load Instructions 2 General information about Concentrate 1) Load Instructions: Concentrate 3.0b requires VBRUN300.DLL to already be loaded on your system. This .DLL file is available in the Windows download libraries on AOL. The files contained in should all be copied to the directory where you want the game to run from (usually CONCENTR). You can build an icon in an existing group to the concentr.exe program by selecting New from the Program Manager File Menu. If you already have Visual Basic 3.0 Pro or greater loaded on your system, you do not need to keep the three .vbx files on your system. 2) General Information: Concentrate Ver 3.0b is CharityWare. Please feel free to share this program with anyone you like. The only stipulation is that it be distributed in it's original form as downloaded from America Online. No agency, company or individual other than the author may charge money for this software. If you use this program, please send at least $5.00 to your favorite HIV/AIDS charity. Or if you prefer, send the money to the address below and I will donate it to "The HIV Day Center" in Portland, Oregon. Daniel G. Melvin 4132 SE Harrison Portland, OR 97214-5951 USA Have fun! Please let me know if you like this game by sending a postcard to the address mentioned above. If you do register this game by sending money to an HIV/AIDS charity, please drop me a postcard and let me know that as well. You can also contact me on America Online email DanielGene or internet email Concentrate was written while I was living in the country of Brazil. Many thanks go to my good friend Eugenio C. Assis from Sao Paulo for his ideas and assitance in the development of this game and in the translations of the game text. Additional thanks to Angelo Soares for his help with translations as well. Concentrate is a game that will tax your memory. There are 24 picture squares presented. There are twelve pictures. You must find and match the pictures by clicking on the picture squares with the mouse. You have 3 minutes to play as many rounds as you can. (Advanced game level contains 12 pictures, Intermediate contains 10 pictures and Beginner contains 8 pictures.) The Chalice (or Holy Grail as it is called in the game) will give you a special surprise if you match it the first time you encounter it in any given game. The files concentr.msg and concentr.ini must reside in the CONCENTR directory. If you move the game to a different directory, be sure to keep the concentr.ini and the concentr.msg files in the active directory for the game. You may add your own pictures (.ico files) to Concentrate 3.0b by modifying the setup file. Use the Icon created in the Concentrate group to edit this file. You need to add the path to the icons you wish to use in the game behind each Picture{n}= line in the setup file. (e.g. Picture1=C:\windows\myicon.ico). Once you have setup your custom icons, use the Options Menu function Pictures to activate your custom pictures. You also may add your own language to Concentrate 3.0b. It is a bit more complicated than the custom icons, but not overly difficult. To add a language first use the Icon created in the Concentrate gruop to edit the setup file. There is a section called [LANGUAGE] with four language setups. Language one is English and Language 2 is Portuguese. You may add lanaguages three and four. Below the [LANGUAGE] section is a section called [TITLES]. Each Language has a section of messages with a numeric prefix that matches the selected language. You will notice the the 1. messages are all in English and the 2. messages are all in Portguese. You will need to add 3. or 4. sections that match the languages you setup in the [LANGUAGE] section. Use the English or Portuguese sections as a guide for how to translate the title information to your language. If you want the Help Text to be in your language you can also edit the Help file by using the Icon created in the Concentrate group. This file is also in sections by language. The messages in the 100 level number sections are English, 200 are Portuguese, 300 and 400 are for your new language sections. Use the 100 or 200 sections as a guide for how to translate the Help text to your language.