BCRYP.EXE requires Windows 3.0 or greater. Description of the program Bcryp.exe - Bible Cryptogram, the program will encrypt a Bible verse and have to guess what the verse is by substituting different letters. The easiest way to run the program is to copy everything on this disk into a subdirectory on your hard drive. Then from Windows you can run the program. Technically Microsoft suggests that 'VBRUN300.DLL' be copied into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. This program require VBRUN300.DLL to be present either in the current subdirectory or in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM subdirectory. This program requires 'THREED.VBX', this file should be placed in the same subdirectory as VBRUN300.DLL. The file 'BVERSE.DAT' is the data file, and should be kept with BCRYP.EXE. Thank you for playing BCRYP and may God bless your Christian walk!