ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿGlossaryS,ã‡lˆ' €X€6„Œä²€‚ÿDisplays the glossary of Rummy 500 terms.)ˆ•ˆ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ7 lˆ̈* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿSearch...K$•ˆ‰' €H€6„Œä²€‚ÿDisplays the topic search window.)̈@‰& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ8‰x‰* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿOrder Formi@‰Š' €Ò€6„Œä²€‚ÿDisplays a form for you to enter your name and address and print the order form to register Rummy 500.)x‰1Š& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ@ŠqŠ* $€,€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿEnter RegistrationùÀ1ŠjŒ9 @€€6„Œä²€âÃP‰âìP‰‚ÿPermits you to enter or re-enter your registration number. While Rummy 500 is unregistered, the five-second shareware notice will appear before each game. Registering Rummy 500 both makes your copy legal and removes this notice.Should the Rummy 500 options data on your hard disk ever become corrupted or is missing, Rummy 500 will return to the unregistered status. In this case, you will need to re-enter your registration details.)qŠ“Œ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ3 jŒÆŒ* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿAboutŽa“ŒT- *€Â€6„Œä²€â›P‰‚ÿDisplays information about the version number and author, and the registration confirmation.)ÆŒ}& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ,T©) "€€4N¤²O€‚ÿ3 }Ü* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿNote:sG©O, &€€6„Œ¤²€€‚ÿLike many other Windows programs, Rummy 500 supports the "F1" function key to provide context sensitive help. You may press "F1" at any time to get help about the specific facility you are using. For example, pressing "F1" when in the sound options window will display the help information for setting the sound options.)Üx& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ*O¢' €€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿ: xÜ19 u ‡ XÜÀ"ÌShortcuts7 ¢À* $€€6ˆˆ˜²€ÜÀ¢€‚ÿShortcuts˜iÜ·À/ .€Ò€6„Œ¤²€âòP‰‚ÿYou may click on the following parts of the status bar in order to achieve the associated actions:)ÀàÀ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ<·ÀÁ* $€$€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿStatus Message˜pàÀ´Á( €à€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿClick on the status message to display the "Assist!" window with more detail about the current alternatives.)ÁÝÁ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ<´ÁÂ* $€$€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿError Messages€RÝÁ™Â. ,€¤€6„Œ¤²€âÂP‰‚ÿClick on an error message to clear it and see the underlying status message.)ÂÂÂ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ8™ÂúÂ* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿLight Bulb‰aƒÃ( €Â€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿClick on the light bulb to get a hint. (Equivalent to "Suggest" under the "Assistant" menu.))ú¬Ã& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ2ƒÃÞÃ* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿUndoí¸¬ÃËÄ5 8€q€6„Œ¤²€âP‰âíP‰‚ÿClick on the undo symbol to undo your current turn and start over. Note that you cannot undo taking a new card from the stock. (Equivalent to "Undo" under the "Player" menu.))ÞÃôÄ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ<ËÄ0Å* $€$€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿCard AlignmentU ôÄ…Æ5 8€A€6„Œ¤²€âÄP‰âìP‰‚ÿClick on the card alignment symbol to switch between normal and staggered display of the player's hand. (Equivalent to the "Stagger Player Hand" option under the "Configuration" menu, except that the change is not automatically recorded when "AutoSave All Options" is in effect.))0Å®Æ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ8…ÆæÆ* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿSort Order\3®ÆBÈ) €g€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿClick on the sort order symbol to switch between rank sortation and suit sortation of the cards in the player's and opponent's hands. (Equivalent to the "Sort By Suit" option under the "Configuration" menu, except that the change is not automatically recorded when "AutoSave All Options" is in effect.))æÆkÈ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿBBÈ­È* $€0€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿColor Opponent Meldsf1kÈÊ5 8€c€6„Œ¤²€âÇP‰âëP‰‚ÿClick on the tint symbol to switch between white backgrounds and tinted backgrounds for cards melded by the opponent. (Equivalent to the "Color Melded Cards / Always" option under the "Opponent" menu, except that the change is not automatically recorded when "AutoSave All Options" is in effect.))­È<Ê& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ9ÊuÊ* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿPlayer NametL<ÊéÊ( €˜€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿClick on the player name to invoke the "Change Player" selection window.)uÊË& €€4N¤²€‚ÿBéÊTË* $€0€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿOpponent Skill Level{NËÏË- *€œ€6„Œ¤²€âñP‰‚ÿClick on the skill level to invoke the "Opponent Skill" selection window.)TËøË& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ*ÏË"Ì' €€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿ; øË]Ì1° P  Y]Ì•Ì Strategies8"Ì•Ì* $€€6ˆˆ˜²€€‚ÿStrategies*]Ì¿Ì' €€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿ)•ÌèÌ& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ;¿Ì#Í* $€"€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿTaking A Cardñ¢èÌ O l€E€6„Œ¤²€â¿P‰âP‰âÆP‰âÄP‰âñP‰âëP‰‚ÿProvided that the rule variation inhibiting the practice is not enabled, you should consider taking the last card from the discard pile as an alternative to a new card from the stock if the card increases the number of potential meld possibilities in your hand.Remember, however, that the next unseen card from the stock may be equally or more useful. At champion skill level, the opponent rates the usefulness of the last discard based upon its proximity to other cards in the opponent's hand. The opponent will then only take the last discard if the rating is higher than a specified guideline,. You might consider a similar strategy f#Í "Ìor your own play.)#ÍI& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ@ ‰* $€,€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿSelecting DiscardsªgI3C T€Ï€6„Œ¤²€âÇP‰âP‰âîP‰‚ÿSelect and meld discards from the discard pile rather than taking a new card if the result will leave you with more net points (those you have melded less those left in your hand). If the opponent has more than a few (say, five) cards in its hand, you might choose to end up with a worse net situation from taking the discards if there are a number of melds on the table to play to in subsequent turns. Note that if the opponent only has one or two cards, there probably won't be many subsequent turns, and the excess cards in your hand will score against you.The opponent, at average skill level and above, employs the same logic as described above.As a general rule, it is better to take and meld discards than to not do so. You cannot score more than 90 points (four aces and three others at ten points) in a round if you only take from the stock.)‰\& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ5 3‘* $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿMeldingÜ\ 3 4€¹€6„Œ¤²€âóP‰‚ÿThe advantage of melding is that you get cards out of your hand to count for you, which would count against you if the opponent empties its hand first. The disadvantage of melding is that you provide the means for the opponent to empty its hand faster, as and when it can play to your melds. Except when employing "Champion" or "Master" skill level, the opponent always melds when it is able to. At "Standard" skill level and above it takes cards from the discard pile with consideration to how many points it will have melded, how many left in its hand after melding the ones selected, and how many cards remain in your hand. Thus the opponent is more likely to pick up discards when you have more cards in your hand.)‘É& €€4N¤²€‚ÿ8 * $€€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿDiscardingÇÉÈ * "€;€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿSelect which card to discard based upon which is the least useful in comparison to others in your hand, and which is probably less useful to your opponent.Remember, if the opponent has only one or two cards left, that aces will count fifteen points against you if the opponent melds its remaining cards on its next turn. Tens, Jacks, Queens and Kings remaining in your hand will score ten points against you.)ñ & €€4N¤²€‚ÿ*È  ' €€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿ; ñ V 1¹‡ z‡ ZV Ž JHow To ...8 Ž * $€€6ˆˆ˜²€€‚ÿHow To ...*V ¸ ' €€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿ)Ž á & €€4N¤²€‚ÿP&¸ 1 * $€L€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿHow to change the default settings€Oá ± 1 2€ž€v„Œú²:‚l€ƒâíP‰‚ÿ1 If you are not playing as "Player: Default", change to player "Default"i>1  + &€|€v„Œú²:‚l€ƒ‚ÿ2 Make the setting changes you require to the menu choicesÞ¦± ø 8 >€M€v„Œú²:‚l€ƒâìP‰âëP‰‚ÿ3 Select "AutoSave All Options" from the "Configuration" menu. This will save all option settings under the Configuration, Player, Opponent, and Rules menus.– º , &€-€v„Œú²:‚l€ƒ‚ÿ4 Unless you wish it to be the default option, deselect "AutoSave All Options" from the "Configuration" menu and then select "Save Configuration".Z1ø ) €c€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿNOTE: The default settings are used when a player does not have options settings saved under their own player name - for example when a new player is added - or when colors are reset to the local default settings. Default option settings are not used if a player has their own personal options saved.)º =& €€4N¤²€‚ÿZ0—* $€`€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿHow to save personal color and sound choices¡x=DA) €ñ€6„Œ¤²€‚ÿAll options changed via the "Configuration" menu are saved by t—DA he "Save Configuration" option. Even though the color and sound settings are altered via their own setting forms, they are saved when "Save Configuration" is selected. However, if "AutoSave All Options" is selected under the "Configuration" menu, the changes to choices are always saved as they are changed.)—mA& €€4N¤²€‚ÿO%DA¼A* $€J€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿHow to recover a reset scoreboard´mApC5 8€ÿ€6„Œ¤²€âðP‰âïP‰‚ÿScoreboards are only permanently saved when you select "Save Scoreboard", or when you respond "Yes" when exiting Rummy 500 or changing players. If you have reset your scoreboard and would have preferred no to have done so, just exit Rummy 500 and respond "No" to the prompt "Save updated scoreboard...?" When you restart Rummy 500, your previous scoreboard will be active.)¼A™C& €€4N¤²€‚ÿIpCâC* $€>€6ˆ„¤²€ €‚ÿHow to speed up the displayå«™CÇI: B€W €6„Œ¤²€âÄP‰âP‰‚ÿThe Rummy 500 and Gin Rummy user interface was originally developed for use on Intel 386-based systems. Considerable effort went into making the display of cards as fast as possible. By factory default, Rummy 500 is set to use the configuration sett