The file PatchWork.tar contains source code and examples for using PatchWork, a symbolic compilier for creating audio signal processing algorithms graphically on the NeXT computer. Two applications are supplied with this system. The first one is PatchWork. PatchWork is the symbolic compiler. It's output is Motorola 56000 assembly language files. In a similar manner to the way NeXT's interface builder calls "makefile" PatchWork calls the command line routine "assembleCode" from within the Shell application. In the sample assembleCode file included with this system the Motorola assembler is called and then the second application DSPApp is run to load the NeXT's built in DSP with the new code. You will probably need to modify the assembleCode file for your system so that the assembler knows the correct location of the macros directory. Also, you might want to put the Apps in your Apps directory and also assembleCode should be in the path. The second application is DSPApp. It simply loads the executable DSP code into the DSP and then allows the user to control values within the DSP through sliders. DSP executable files are normally given the ".lod" extension, however, the assembleCode command file renames these files with the ".lodPW" extension, so that the DSPApp application will be run when they are double-clicked within the workspace manager. The PatchWork.tar file contains the following : Apps -- Contains DSPApp and PatchWork SourceCode -- Contains the source for the above programs PatchWorkFiles -- Contains a number of example sound synthesis/processing designs. macros -- Contains the macro library of 56000 routines for sound processing. This directory also contains a file called manual.txt which contains some helpful information if you want to write your own macros. cPatchWorkFiles -- Conatins some example designs using PatchWork to generate CSound orchestras. This information is completely independant from the "real-time" DSP based synthesis described above. However, if you are running CSound, PatchWork makes a nice front end for designing CSound instruments. Notice that the assembleCode command file is significantly different than the real time version. This version takes your source code, renames it, and then runs a CSound job on it using the sample score test.sco. At the present time only a small number of CSound devices have been drawn and placed in the "devices.PatchWork" file but more will be coming. And, you can easily add your own by drawing them in any application, cutting them to the clip board in TIFF format and then selecting "new device" within PatchWork. If you have questions or comments you can reach the programmer, Keith Lent, at the following e-mail address: Have fun !