This is my library of EPS system-exclusive routines. It includes routines that implement most of the SysEx messages defined in the Ensoniq Performance Sampler Extern Command Specification. Those messages that are not implemented can be simulated by using the Virtual Button Press message. These routines were written in Turbo C, for the IBM PC and MPU-401, which explains some of the identifiers. However, it should be simple enough to port them to any other platform. All of the MPU-specific routines are defined in 'mpu.c' and 'mpu.h'. There is some IBM-specific stuff in 'eps.c' and 'eps.h', too. These four files should be the only ones you need to modify. I've also included 'epsl.lib', a Turbo C large model library, containing all of this stuff, for those who can use it. If you find any bugs, have comments to make, or just want to send me a line, I can be reached at .