SCOREMID V0.9 email: (C) Christoph Luebbe 1993 Haid und Neu Str. 2 7500 Karlsruhe 1 Germany Tel: 0049 721 691928 What is Scoremid? Scoremid is a utility to convert one ore more score files created with the Notation program SCORE V3.X in a standard MIDI file. Major features of Scoremid include: - full support of cross staff beaming - key and clef changes - multiple voices on a staff - chaining the information of multiple SCORE files in one MIDI file The following equipment is required to use Scoremid: - the SCORE Program V3.0 or higher written by Leland Smith - a Sequencer program - a Sound device (Soundcard, MPU-Card+Keyboard ... ) Scoremid V0.9 is a free Trialversion with limited features: - only five SCORE files can be chained. - only the musical Information of staff 1 to 4 is processed. - slurs and ties are not processed to get additional pitch information. If you are interested in the full featured Version or if you want to report any bugs please contact me via email phone or letter. Usage: The file !sc2mid.exe is a self extracting file package containing the following files: SCOREMID.DOC this file you are reading now SCOREMID.EXE the program RH170.MUS a complex SCORE file RHAPSODY.MID a MIDI file generated with Scoremid. If you are ready you can run SCOREMID.EXE: Scoremid will prompt you for the 1st file and the number of files you want to be processed. It works in the same way as the PAGE program included in the SCORE package. Then Scoremid let you add time to the fist bar. If you don't want to do that enter 0. The time add helps you to synchronize the Sequencer if there are pickup notes in the beginning of the piece. For example: your piece has a 3/4 key signature and a quarternote pickup. If you add 2.0 to the 1st bar the 1st bar has also 3 beats. At last Scoremid prompts you to enter the name of the output file. Use the file extention *.MID because Scoremid creates a format 0 Standard- MIDI-file. I use format 0 because all sequencers can read it. In the package included are a SCORE file (RH170.MUS) and a Midifile (RHAPSODY.MID). I created the MIDI file with scoremid. I read the file in a sequencer added some tempo-information and saved it in a format 1 Standard MIDI file. It is the Russian Rhapsody for two Pianos by Sergei Rachmaninoff. The file RH170.MUS is the bar 170 of this piece. Load it into SCORE and have a look to get a feeling what scoremid is able to process. Scoremid is a copyrighted program. It may not be changed or modified in any way except by the author. Scoremid may be freely distributed so long as all files are included and no money is charged. All warranties are disclaimed, including damage to hardware and/or software from use of this program. In no event will I be liable to you for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages. Every effort has been made to ensure that Scoremid is as clean and free of bugs as possible. However, no program can ever be guaranteed to be free of all defects. Christoph Luebbe March 30, 1993