Software     Videl Inside 2
Category     Utility
Reviewer     Roy Goring
Status          Freeware
System        Falcon only
Score          70%



Videl Inside (VI) is a compact software-only video mode enhancer utility programmed by Francois Galea, aka zerkman of the Trisomic Development group.
To install VI two programs have to be added to the Auto folder. On rebooting selecting 'Set Video...' from the Options menu displays a selection of screen resolutions. Select the desired resolution and - if it works - save it and select OK. If it doesn't work, reboot and try a different one. Any resolution which works in 16 colours will also work in 256 colours.

Video mode editor

VI video modes can be customised to enable the optimum settings for your Falcon/monitor combination to be established.
Once you have determined which video modes work you can use the editor to increase/tweak the settings for this resolution. Load the editor, select a video mode that works, click on 'New mode' and a copy is added to the end of the mode list. Work on the copy because once edited there's no way to reset it.

Increase the 'Pixels per line' and 'Horizontal resolution' checking regularly, using the Test button, to ensure a neat white box on a black screen is displayed. After setting your desired horizontal screen resolution repeat the procedure for the 'Lines per VBL' and 'Vertical resolution'.

VI also supports virtual screens, enabling a resolution larger than the actual screen size to be used and scrolled around. This is ideal for displaying large images etc.

VI is freeware, which compared to the commercial hardware resolution enhancers such as ScreenBlaster/BlowUp, is a good deal! Initial setup is easy but editing video modes can be time consuming, frustrating and many reboots. Used together with Nemesis VI allows larger and more stable resolutions but doesn't seem to work properly in TrueColor modes.
Overall a definite improvement over version one but needs further development.

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