New User Group?

If you've been amazed at the formation and rapid expansion of user groups around the country, including the successful STAG, WAG and WRAG Atari user groups and you live in or around the Northants or Cambs area now is your chance to meet other local Atari users.
The group will be called the Northants Atari Group (NAG for short). We've already have a nucleus of people interested and we plan to make the first meeting free entry at a venue in Northampton. For more details contact:
Dave Hollis on 01604 416933
Dave can also be contacted via the All At Sea and 42BBSs.

The A|C|G wishes the group every success and looks forward to reading the report of their first meeting...

Belgian User Group

The Atari A4 Usergroup hold meetings fortnightly, every second and fourth Sunday morning in the sports centre Palaestra in Deinze.
They held an 'Info day' on Sunday January 26th 1997 in Deinze. Unfortunately we didn't have this info in time to publicise the event before it happened - sorry! Hopefully Karl will send us a report telling us all what we missed. For more details contact:
Veldstraat, 3, B-8570 Vichte, Belgium

Email address:

Correspondent: Karl Samyn

WAG meeting report

Most members attended the 14th December 1996 meet which was also the AGM. Mick Lock was re-elected as WAGmaster, Roy Goring as WebMaster, Norman Bland as Treasurer.
The final beta of WebSpinner, an HTML code writing package was shown of by its author, Simon Coward, expect the release version to make waves.
Virtually everyone helped convince Roy the shiny new CD-ROM drive he'd bought was faulty. Happily Colin Fisher-McAllum had bought along an identical drive so we could still play.
Mick Lock brought along a copy of PixArt 3 but couldn't find anywhere to set up his ST. There were five Falcons and an ST on the table so it was a bit of a squeeze.
A guy from Oxford had part of his ST housed inside a PC case, with the Freekeys separate keyboard unit from System Solutions. Judging by the dangly bits protruding from his ST's cartridge port he was into music!
The meeting ended around teatime and we sent Chris's Holland and Bloy sent off to the fish shop to get everyone some fish and chips.
Because I volunteered and verbally agreed with Roy to write this report I have decided to stand for the post of Secretary at the next meeting. Hopefully you'll all support me!
Correspondent: Richard Spowart(Felice of Maggie Team)