Software Super Tetris
Category Games
Reviewer Joe Connor
Status Shareware
System Any Atari ST/STe
Score 85%

Apart from being an excellent Tetris clone this version includes lots of nice extras which enhance this classic game without spoiling its elegant simplicity. All the classic features are present and correct including the ability to drop bricks and tuck them under other bricks without which any Tetris game quickly becomes tedious. In particular the 'screen shake' is fun but the main attractions are the 'Specials' - bricks with extra abilities. Here's just a selection: Bonus points, speed up, slow down, ghost, dis-jointed, levitating, heavy, random, clear well and next level. I'm still working my way up the 99 levels and the sampled sounds add atmosphere missing in other versions. The vertical guide lines do made the early levels too easy and ideally these should be optional. Overall Super Tetris is the best Tetris clone I've played on the Atari platform.
A level editor is included to design your own levels or edit the existing ones if you feel the urge. Messages can also be added and these appear in the message window at the top left of the screen during play.
The full version costs £10 has 99 levels plus 10 bonus levels, extra options and extra level sets compared to the demo version.

For more details contact:

Digital Dan, Happy Hippy Productions, 1 Hine court, Wellbrook Street, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 5JW.

Unlike some Tetris clones, Super Tetris makes good use of the entire screen

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