We believe our Reader disks offer outstanding value for money with over half our subscribers opting to receive the disk with the magazine.
However, for those readers who prefer to see what's on the disk before buying they are available separately.

Reader Disk AC#1

GEMTrek v1.1e 
Exclusive, Freeware, Jürgen and Uwe Holtkamp 
Tribute to Star Trek in guise GEM based battleships game. 

STD Codes v1.4 
Freeware, Mark Baines 
CPX to find location from STD code and vice versa. 

RS232 Config 
PD, Martin Cubitt 
Ease serial port problems using Ghostlink between Atari<>PC. 

ST-Guide v1.4e 
Fairware, Holger Weets 
Hypertext viewer, de-facto Atari standard utility. 

AppLine v2.1e 
Fairware, Holger Weets, MagiC only 
Windows 95 style task bar and much more! 

Exclusive, Shareware, Gary Priest 
Monitors on-line time with OASIS2/ICE, CoNnect, CixComm, MINTnet and STiK. 

Start Me Up! v1.10e 
Freeware, Thomas Much, MagiC/MultiTOS only 
Windows 95 style Start button and much more! 

Reader disk AC#2

Thing v1.09e 
Exclusive edition, Shareware, Arno Welzel and Thomas Binder 
Premier Shareware Desktop for TOS and compatible operating systems. 

Crystal Atari Browser (CAB) v1.5 
Exclusive edition, Freeware, Alexander Clauss 
CAB is the leading HTML document browser available for the Atari platform. 

STOS Compiler Fix version v1.0 
PD, Les Greenhalgh 
This STOS fix can insert tables for up to 11 different TOS versions. 

AVR and SYN format samples 
PD, Colin Monro 
Samples created using Sound Chip Synth to accompany review. 

And more!

Reader Disk 3

Edith Pro v1.221P 
Exclusive release 
ZFC Software 

Edith Pro is a commercial text editor originally costing over £30. ZFC recently switched development to other platforms but kindly released the final Atari version as Freeware. This is normally only available direct from ZFC but with their permission we are delighted to include it on this Reader disk. 
Edith Pro offers features such as cut and paste columns you won't find in any other Atari software and it is an ideal HTML document creator capable of using Martin-Eric Racine's HTML KRZ file... 

HTML3.2 KRZ v1.x 
Exclusive release 
Martin-Eric Racine 
If you're creating HTML documents this collection is a gold mine: 

  •  Martin-Eric Racine's keyboard shortcut (KRZ) file for use with Edith, Everest and other text editors. All the HTML 3.2 and CAB v2/NetScape extensions are included.
  •  Martin-Eric Racine's standard RGB colour codes table which includes the standard hex values and valid colour names.
  •  Kevin Werbach's Bare Bones Guide to HTML which lists all the tags recognised by current browsers.
  •  Bill Weinman's ISO 8859-1  Character Entities Table. If you're wondering how to add a pound sign into your document you need this.
Videl Inside v2.02 

Trisomic Development 
François GALEA aka Zerkman 
Falcon software only resolution enhancer which only requires around 1.5Kb memory. Includes video mode editor. 

Cadenza utilities part 1 
Matthew Bacon 
A collection of utilities programmed in HiSoft BASIC v2.10 including source code, more next issue. 

HTML tutorial 

Neil Jones-Rodway 
HTML format file and GIF to accompany tutorial. 

STOS listing 
Martin Milner 
Routine to display a single image bob in the correct place on the logical (background) screen, ready for the screen swap later in the program. STOS sprites could be used instead of bobs. 

UVK Demo v6.9 
Richard Karsmakers 
The Ultimate Virus Killer is the best rated virus killer for the Atari platform. This demo version has the following restrictions: 

  •  You can detect viruses but cannot kill them
  •  You cannot immunise disks
  •  Bootsectors which can be restored cannot be written to disk
  •  No extensive system status screen for memory analysis
  •  You cannot repair damaged BIOS parameter blocks
  •  Not MultiTOS compatible
  •  No manual, online help, ACC, CPX version or support
The full version naturally removes these restrictions and includes additional extras. 

Atari Computing Database #1 

Norman Bland 
Atari Computing's own database guide to AC#1 in ST-Guide format. Includes comprehensive vendor and who's who guides. ST-Guide was included on the AC#2 Reader Disk.



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