Comms Tutorial

 Harry Sideras

On the NeST


Having dabbled with BBSs, Harry Sideras thinks it's about time we were assimilated into the Network...

Using terminal programs and QWK readers to connect an Atari to a bulletin board is an effective way of grabbing messages and files on a piecemeal basis, but once we're messaging regularly we'll want to make even better use of our on-line time and get maximum benefit from our BBS and the network as a whole. To do this we need to set ourselves up as a "Point".
The principle behind the networking of messages and files is that BBSs are allocated numbers according to three main factors: the network, a region or node within the network and a hub within each region, representing the BBS itself. An example would be 90:102/140, where 90 represents the NeST network, 102 is the node for the south west region of the UK and 140 is the Tavern BBS. A Point would join this network setup as 90:102/140.16 - quite simply, Point 16 at the Tavern.

Tooling up

Hardware requirements for a practical minimum Point setup are 2Mb and a hard drive. The initial files require up to 3Mb of disk space and ideally a total of 5-10Mb should be set aside for your message bases and file downloads.
As ever there's a choice of software available, some of which we've already been using for our QWK setups. I've chosen: All are available from NeST BBS file lists, but ask the Sysop before grabbing them - he'll ensure there's sufficient download time and he may already have an archive prepared containing the full suite and a partial setup to start us off. In any case, we need to agree a unique password with the Sysop and confirm both his network addresses and the Point number to be allocated. After that it's down to us.

Nodelist compiler

Create a folder for the Point setup and two folders within it - one named NODELIST, in which put BTNC and the arealist for each network you will be joining, and one named LOG. Edit the sample NODELIST.CFG or create a new one in the format shown.


Domain  nest.ftn  nestlist
[repeat for each network domain]

As well as NeST several other networks exist - Atarinet, Fidonet and Turbonet among them - each with their own arealists and each requiring a seperate Domain line. Run BTNC and files will be created that will be used by both Semper and LED.

Wait a minute Mr Postman

Semper deals with connection to the BBS and the uploading and downloading of files and messages. Configuration is done via the options in the 'Config' menu.
The 'System' menu requires that an 'Alias' be set up for each network you will be linked to. The first address must be for NeST as Semper will define this as your default, after which your address for other networks can be added. The 'Fakenet' field needs to be completed and it will need to be used in another configuration file, so make a note of each one.

The 'Link' menu should be set up with each network address of the BBS and the password agreed with the Sysop.

Seperate folders for each setting in the 'Path' menu are needed, with the 'PInbound' path being the one our password-protected downloads will be directed to and the 'Outbound' path being the default for the NeST address set up earlier. The 'Nodelist' and 'Log' folders are the ones created for BTNC.
The 'Executables' menu allows programs to be run from Semper with a single keypress - see Semper's 'Execute' menu. 'Message Reader' should be directed at LED.PRG and the options for Import, Export, Scan and Maintain should all be directed toward IOSMAIL.TTP with the following entries against the CMD line - respectively, -E IMPORT, -E EXPORT, -F, -E MAINT. We'll see the significance of these commands later.
The 'Function' menu allows us to set up calls or a sequence of programs to be run by choosing a function key. Two buttons need to be set up - one to dial the BBS and one to deal with the mail packet once it's downloaded.
Click a button and select 'Add'. On the Path/Name line put the NeST address of your Sysop's BBS and select the 'Call' button. Before going onto the next function key, double click the button we just set up and label it.
The next button should be named Aftermail. This time when we select 'Add', double click the Path/Name line and select IOSMAIL.TTP from the file selector. Type -E IMPORT on the command line and select the 'Program' button.
The nodelist produced by BTNC contains all BBS phone numbers in international format so the 'Translate' menu is used to convert them back to a usable form as shown in the screenshot. Substitute your own dialling code in the 'For' column in the first line - 44-121- is Birmingham and 44-181- is Greater London.

The final menu to set up is named 'Other'. In the Aftermail area select 'Function' and double click the Name/Cmd line. Select the Aftermail function we created earlier so that messages are imported into the message reader after every call.
Save the configuration and quit Semper - there's a long way to go yet!

Mail tossing

IOSMail is controlled by two essential ASCII files in the main point folder - AREAS.BBS and IOSMAIL.CFG - as shown in the boxouts.

AREAS.BBS initial settings


AREAS.BBS only requires 5 lines at first, but will eventually have details of all the message areas we connect to automatically added by using a single keyword in IOSMAIL.CFG.
The first line defines our 'Origin' and can be any text up to 65 characters, the second line defines the Netmail area, while the next three relate to important system files. Ensure that the folders already exist for the paths used.
IOSMAIL.CFG settings

; Command Labels
commands -ilrt
commands -cloprstx
commands -dlprst
; Names, addresses and passwords
SYSOP Harry Sideras
Address 90:102/140.16@nest.ftn 21016
[repeat for each network]
Password 90:102/140.0@nest.ftn <PASSWORD> * ! # %LZHmail
[repeat for each network]
; Archive settings
ZIParchive H:\PACKER\ZIPJR.TTP -x -a -edf
LZHarchive H:\PACKER\LHARCENG.TTP x a /ackmL2
Arc-For *
; Paths
; Routings and packet headers
ApplZone 90 I:\POINT\OUTBOUND\ nest.ftn
[repeat for each network]
Route  90:102/140  90:*
[repeat for each network]
Move-Mail 90:102/140 100:1011/0 2:254/108 etc
File-To *
DefaultPKT 2+
; Log and display formats
DateFormat %a %d-%m-%y %H:%M
NoDisplay >
Nolog -*#>
; Special keywords
AreaConsultant -q -l -r
Dupelog 1000
MSGBuffer 65535


IOSMAIL.CFG begins with three sets of command-line parameters, each grouped under a label. The labels used are the ones we entered into the CMD line when completing the 'Executables' menu in Semper, so they must match exactly. By using labels we ensure that the command-line only ever needs to be changed in one place.
Next, IOSMail needs to confirm our name, our various addresses and our passworded links to the BBS for each network. Contrary to the IOSMail documentation, 5d addresses need to be used as shown in the examples. Be sure to distinguish between our own point addresses required for the 'Address' lines and the BBS addresses in the 'Password' lines, where you substitute the password agreed with the Sysop for each network we entered in Semper's 'Link' menu.
Either %ZIPmail or %LZHmail can be used for packing and quick and efficient parameters for each need to be specified, as shown.
Next we need to ensure that the upload and download paths are set to match those specified for 'PInbound' and 'Outbound' in Semper.
Routing commands need to be set up for each separate network, in the format shown, to ensure our mail reaches the correct destination. The 'ApplZone' paths should be directed to the empty folders created by Semper for each named network - only the NeST address is directed to the default Outbound folder.
Further routing commands are used to combine messages for several networks into a single archive for upload. The first address in 'Move-Mail' must be the default NeST address of the BBS, with all other networks following.
With so many parameters needed a logfile is vital to record any errors with IOSMail. The settings shown produce readable output directed into the LOG folder we set up earlier.
Other required keywords are placed at the end of the file.

Message editor

LED is a sophisticated and powerful message editor, but for basic operation and integration into a Point setup only one small configuration file needs to be prepared.

LED.CFG settings

Sysop     Harry Sideras
Address   90:102/140.16@nest.ftn
[repeat for each network]

With this complete we're finally ready to connect and join some message areas.

Joining up

Run Semper and press 'R' to go into the LED message reader. In the 'Area' menu select 'Open' and we're presented with a choice of the 4 areas that we set up in AREAS.BBS - select 'Mail'.
Our first task is to ask the BBS what areas are available to us, so select 'Enter Msg' in the 'Edit' menu and send messages to "areafix" for each of the BBS's network addresses. The subject line for each must be in the form <PASSWORD> -q -l and the body of the message should remain blank.

Once each message has been saved, exit LED back to Semper, select 'E' for IOSMail to export the messages into a reply packet and press the function key that dials the BBS. Semper will upload the packet using its built-in file transfer protocol.
Leave an hour for the BBS to do its work and get Semper to dial again to collect the replies. On receipt, Semper will call IOSMail to import the replies into LED's 'Mail' area showing us the names of all areas available on each network.
Send another message to areafix for each network in the same way as before but now list the areas to join, one on each line, in the body of the message. Save, quit LED and export as before and upload the messages again and when you call the following day you will begin to receive every new message written in those areas.
Welcome to the Pleasuredome...!

Software Status

IOSMail is Public Domain, currently developed by Darren Hook.
BTNC is Freeware by Daniel Roesen.
Semper is Shareware by Jan Kriesten. œ27 registration permits simultaneous two way file transfers and fax receive capability.
LED is Shareware by Stephan Slabihoud. œ22 registration removes nag screens and allows reading and writing of UUEncoded files.
UK Registration of Semper and LED is through Kevin Osborne, Sysop of the Fortress BBS 90:102/0.0@nest.ftn

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