Software COPS v1.05
Category Utility
Reviewer Joe Connor
Status Freeware
System All Ataris
Score 87%

COPS, short for Control Panel Server, is an XControl replacement. COPS is
visually different compared to other XControl replacements, such as
ZControl and Freedom 2, which have both stuck with the scrolling list
design. COPS displays CPXs in a GEM window as icons and can display as
many CPX modules as you have installed. COPS uses less memory than
XControl and the competition and can be iconified on start up if desired.

A right mouse click on any CPX icon displays a popup enabling the CPX to
be configured and enabled/deactivated on the fly. A right mouse click
anywhere else in the window displays a popup with options to tidy up the
icons, call the ST-Guide format online help, set the CPX path and
configure COPS itself.

COPS remembers the screen position of each CPX module and opens it up at
the same location each time. Support for long filename support with spaces
means a CPX module called 'MagiC configuration.cpx' could be loaded from a
folder called 'Control Panels'.

With COPS installed as an application to open *.CPX any desktop, which
understands the VA_START message (MagXDesk, Thing etc), can be used to
launch CPXs by double clicking on their desktop icon. Thanks to Atari CPX
modules have no selected icon (the mask is missing) but once installed on
the Desktop full colour icons can be assigned to individual CPX modules.

COPS was programmed by Thomas Much and the Behne brothers. To use COPS
with TOS (and Geneva?) you need to install WDIALOG.PRG in your Auto
folder. WDIALOG is a compact system extension which adds support for
windowed dialogs, popups and listboxes along with a comprehensive
selection of fonts. These functions were integrated into MagiC from v4.

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