Software     : Cadenza utility collection
Category    : Utility
Reviewer    : Martin Milner
Status         : Freeware
System       : All Ataris
Score         : 60%

The software in this collection are the first efforts of programmer Matthew Bacon. They are all written in HiSoft BASIC v2.10, all freeware and, most importantly, all include the source code and support files. This unusual step by the author should encourage other BASIC programmers to learn from the source and go on to develop their own applications.

Autoclock v1.00b

Autoclock is a simple, but effective way of setting the system date and time. A nice feature is the menus of choices, which pop up when you click on some fields, for example, the day field. Under a multitasking OS an alarm option can be set to display a pre-defined message at the preset time. One down side is the number of other programs which do the same job including X/ZControl and Stewart under MagiC. It also doesn't appear to support years beyond 1999.

Calc It v2

This simple calculator accessory works well enough, but it would have been a lot more useful if keyboard support to enter characters had been included.

LockOUT v1.04

This utility provides an effective way to prevent casual unauthorised access to computer while you're out of the room. Call it up before leaving, enter a code and press the lockout button.
The computer can't be used without first re-entering the password apart from rebooting, of course). It would have been better if the program could have disabled the ability to reboot via the keyboard, but of course if you knew how to do this, then you'd also know how to use the reset button, etc. Preventing use of the computer after a reboot is the job of the next little utility...

Password v1.0

Similar to LockOUT this program requires a password to be entered before the computer can be used but this time at system boot time.
The disadvantage is the password is hard coded into the program, so you either have to edit the program file or - if you've got HiSoft Basic change the source file and recompile the program. It would have been a simple matter to store an encrypted password file on disk, so maybe someone will add these features - maybe Matthew himself.

Print It v1.0

There are two versions of this program. V1.00 allows text files to be printed out using different fonts/styles etc.
The only disadvantage is when dragging a file onto its desktop icon, it doesn't automatically open the file ready for printing.

Print It v2.05
V2.05 performs a different task. Print It allows different control codes to be defined for different printers and saved as Print It printer drivers. Batch files containing pre-defined sequences of control codes can be defined to configure your printer but doesn't actually output files!


All the programs were designed to be colour depth and resolution independent from ST mono resolution upwards (although they run fine in ST low/medium some of the dialogs many appear squashed with some objects in the wrong position). Overall an excellent first effort by a new programmer who deserves encouragement in the expectation he will go on to produce even better software.

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