PD & Shareware


Software: Dump-It! v2.31

Category: MIDI/music
Reviewer: Carl Lofgren
Status: Shareware £5
System: All Ataris
Score: 90%

After a zillion beta releases, Ben Hall's System Exclusive dump manager Dump-It!, has finally been released.
If you are a MIDI synthesiser owner, a dump utility is essential. Dump-It! eliminates the need for expensive RAM cards by saving patches (or other synthesiser-related data) directly on your Atari.
One of the most important changes in this release is Dump It!'s ability to receive SysEx data.
Other features include full request control, the ability to load and save in other formats (including MIDI file format), superb ST-Guide documentation and much more.
Dump all other SysEx managers you have around, it's been a long wait, but Dump-It! beats them all.

Software: GEM-Rec96

Category: MIDI/music
Reviewer:Carl Löfgren
Status: Freeware
System: Atari Falcon030 only
Score: 76%

GEM-Rec96 is a two track hard disk recorder, programmed by Craig Drummond.
Since I last wrote about GEM-Rec, some significant developments have taken place.
The two most important changes are:

There are plenty of hard disk recording applications for the Atari Falcon but GEM-Rec96 is delightfully easy to operate - it's almost impossible to go wrong!
It is a pity the internal editor has been removed but development is proceeding in a sensible direction, let's hope Craig gets enough encouragement to continue development.

Software: Bad Mood

Category: Game/Utility
Reviewer: Martin Milner
Status: Shareware
System: Falcon only


by Martin Milner

If like me, you own a Falcon, you may have heard about something about a Doom-type game engine being developed. ,br> Some months ago, a colleague sent me a copy of an early version of something called Bad Mood which turned out to be that game engine. Actually, there is more than one doom-type program available for the Falcon, but The Bad Mood project is the one being most comprehensively worked on.
About Bad Mood
Bad Mood is a program being written as the basis for a 3D (Doom-type) game engine for the Atari Falcon and compatibles. It is being written more as a generic game engine rather than a specific game to encourage the devlopment of other generically similar games on the Falcon. Bad Mood itself will eventually be developed into a fully playable game in order to demonstrate it's power.
It supports 16-bit truecolour graphics, variable viewport size up to 320x240 (smaller is faster), Doom, Doom II and Heretic I/PWAD files, perspective mapped (and textured) walls, floors and ceilings, wraparound sky features and scaled player movement. It supports many CPU accelerators (not that it needs them as it uses the DSP for speed) and is FastRAM compatible. The sources are also available from various FTP sites.
Parameters can be supplied to the program via the command line, such as the I/PWAD filename(s) and which episode/mission to warp to. Once the program has loaded all it's data and done it's initial calculations, you can just press space to start wandering round the game levels.
Movement is controlled either by mouse or keyboard cursor keys, and there are keys which can be used to rise and drop, to change the size of the viewport, etc. There's also a map which can be switched on and off, which gradually builds up as you explore the level.
It's quite absorbing actually, just seeing where all the corriders and doors go!
It'll be great when it's eventually released as a full game.
Bad Mood Tools
To help the members of the Bad Mood team develop the program, a number of useful Tools are being developed:-
  • FalconWadTool - Allows the contents of a I/PWAD file to be examined in detail and samples played, graphics viewed, etc.
  • GEM-DEU - Allows levels to be created, edited, saved and viewed (via Bad Mood itself).
    Player start positons can be defined, objects added or removed, etc.
  • Badshell - Allows Bad Mood to be run from a nice Gem interface. (See screen shot).
    A list of program versions can be maintained, as can a list of I/PWAD files.

The Future
Although some of the tools are a little unstable, they are still under development, and it is actually possible even now to design your own levels, objects, incorperate your own graphics, etc. It's also intended I believe to eventually produce a Bad Mood specific IWAD file format, so that it will have absolutely no problem with copyright, etc. (The IWAD files are commercial). I, for one shall watch progress with great interest...

(If you're on the Internet, point you web browser at http://rand.thn.htu.se/cgi-bin/buildpage?bad_mood for more information).

Software: Splitter v2.0

Category: Utility
Reviewer: Denesh Bhabuta
Status: Shareware
System: All Ataris
Score: 68%

Going back some years the amount a ST could hold on a 720Kb floppy disk seemed huge.
Now however it is not uncommon for files to be much larger than a single floppy with some graphics and most music files being as large at 10Mb... even more!
So what do you do if you want to move these large files to another machine?
Enter Splitter which will break up large files into a number of chunks to be stored on separate disks.
These can be rejoined again when requested.
The program is very easy to use when using it in its GEM format.
It also comes with a PC version.
One drawback though is you have to copy the multiple files to your hard disk before they can be joined.
Nonetheless an excellent utility if you need to move large files between a PC and the ST

Splitting and rejoining files is easy by this mouse controlled interface

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