PD & Shareware


Software: ZControl v0.24

Category: Utility
Reviewer: Martin Milner
Status: Shareware
System: All Ataris
Score: 90%

ZControl is a replacement for Atari's own XControl program - one of several recently released alternatives.
Although widely used XControl suffered from some irritating bugs so any improvement has to be welcomed. ZControl does the job with the bonus of being able to multitask CPXs.
This is the first release capable of running as a desktop accessory under TOS - previously ZControl only worked under multitasking operating systems.

The first time you launch ZControl you'll be informed there's no ZCONTROL.INF file so make sure you select the Settings option from the popup, configure ZControl to your requirements and save your settings.

ZControl can be keyboard controlled, includes ST-Guide format hypertext help and supports the latest standards including iconify, Drag&Drop and the AV-Protocol.
ZControl is much nicer than XControl and I can't think of a good reason for sticking with XControl. The ability to auto start CPX modules on booting, both iconified and to their previous positions would be a welcome enhancement.

Software: BPM Counter v1.00

Category: MIDI/music
Reviewer: Carl Löfgren
Status: Postcardware
System: All Ataris (ST medium)
Score: 62%

BPM Counter is a dedicated utility for DJs and dance musicians.
As the name suggests BPM (Beats Per Minute) Counter is a tempo calculator.
Unlike similar utilities BPM offers two ways to approximate the tempo.
Either hit a key on the keyboard for each beat or, more interestingly,
hit a key when the beat begins, and another key after 16 beats - both methods are accurate enough so if you need this facility BPM Counter does the job.
There are however, a couple of limitations, BPM requires ST medium and does not run under MagiC.

Software: PlaySID 030 v1.0

Category: MIDI/music
Reviewer: Chris Holland
Status: Freeware
System: Separate Falcon and STe versions
Score: 80%

PlaySID was written over the summer of 1996 by German Demo coders Cream. PlaySID is a Commodore 64 music player which almost perfectly emulates the Sound Interface Device (SID) chip in that famous 8-bit computer.
A selection of tunes from bygone games is also included, so nostalgia freaks can happily enjoy classics from the good old days, along with several famous Rob Hubbard compositions in their full and unadulterated glory.
PlaySID is one of those pesky TTP programs, but at least it displays a smart info screen while the music is playing along with various key options to control the volume and individual sound channels.
Falcon owners can enjoy stereo sound output.
It's also possible to run applications such as the Audio Fun Machine before running PlaySID and then alter the sound quality using the DSP - although I'm sure purists will shudder at the thought!
PlaySID is highly recommend for anyone interested in sound chip generated music or retro-computer nostalgia.

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