The Spanish Atari Scene

Andrew Harvey looks at a small but determined Atari community in a part of Spain off the tourist track...

Imagine being an Atari user in a country where the majority of software is in a foreign language, and where the number of suppliers of hardware is diminishing rapidly.
I'm talking about Spain, not the UK, although the scenario does have a familiar ring to it.
I visit Spain several times a year and often wondered if there even was an Atari scene, since I had never seen an Atari magazine for sale.
It was with surprise and curiosity I came across an address for an Atari user group in Valladolid in the centre of Spain in an old copy of ST Format. Around a year ago I attended an annual film festival there, so to satisfy my curiosity, I wrote to the group. Since then and over the course of the year I've kept in touch. It's been interesting to compare how they how they have developed and changed compared to the UK Atari scene.
I first made contact with Feranando Carrasco in 1995, he was known in the group as FernandiTTo, partly because he owned a rare "Spanish" TT and partly because it means "little Fernando" - and he is vertically challenged.
Meeting Fernando made a pleasant diversion from darkened cinemas. He told me about the ParAtari Group ("para Atari" meaning "For the Atari").

A local computer shop used to provide a free meeting venue which resulted in the formation of the ParAtari club. Unfortunately the shop closed but the group has carried on meeting in each others' flats or houses for nearly three years now. The members each pay a small annual fee to cover the club's running costs plus a little extra to collectively buy hardware and software to try out. They are also in contact with Atari users in other parts of Spain who, although not club members, are happy to advise and support where they can. Of the fifteen members in 1995, two had TTs, four Falcons and the rest STes, most using their machines for tasks such as DTP or music.
A couple of days later I met Fernando again and two other club members. Augustín has been using computers since the Spectrum era and now enjoys writing utilities and adding to the tiny pool of native Spanish programs. Joaquin also programs (as do the majority of the club members) and had recently completed a tracker program for the MegaSTe and TT. He also has Internet access via the University making him the natural source for the latest PD/Shareware releases.
I recently contacted Joaquin again who brought me up to date.
Over the last year, two hardware suppliers have closed down and ParAtari has lost Fernando, he changed platforms for work reasons, sold his TT and left the group, which currently has nine active members. It's not all doom and gloom though! Joaquin has taken over from Fernando and is enthusiastically promoting the use of the Atari for the internet. He's set up his own web pages and a mirror for the French ftp site:
Joaquin uses CAB and OASIS and is happy to help Spanish Atarians get on-line. The group produces a 36 page A5 photocopied fanzine called "Atari Power" which is still going strong. The content is impressive, with well researched articles and page layout which puts many glossy magazines to shame.
"Atari Power" is produced by Kike who lives in San Sebastián (a smart seaside town on the north coast) using Fernando's old TT - still being put to good use.
If you are Spanish, or learning Spanish, why not subscribe to "Atari Power"? Bi-monthly issues cost a mere 100 pesetas (50p) per copy, plus delivery.

ATARI POWER, Kike Fernandez Bertolari Txirrita 5-4°D, 20017 San Sebastián, Guipuzkoa, Spain

Finally there are plans to organise a user group meeting in Barcelona. Please get in touch with Tito Teclado for more details.

ST/TT/Falcon Users Group, Joacquin Ferrero,
c/La Vida 8, 6D 947009

Email:Joaquin at

Website URL:

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