
What is MiNT, what does it do and am I missing out?

Mark Wherry takes a fresh look...

MiNT is an acronym for Mint is Not TOS, which adds a level of UNIX (UNiplexed Information and Computing Service - UNICS) compatibility to your system. UNIX is a powerful operating system which became established on mainframe computers during the seventies. It is a multi-user system ideally suited for use in any large organisation.
Educational and research establishments took the lead which helped UNIX become established as the operating system of choice for the vast majority of Internet servers.
Originally, like DOS (Disk operating System), UNIX was a text based user interface but nowadays, with GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) being so popular, UNIX has its own GUI called X-Windows. MiNT is not the only UNIX implementation for Atari computers, there is also Linux and NetBSD. Both are ports from other platforms requiring at least a Falcon and maths co-processor to run so they're unlikely to appeal to the vast majority of Atari enthusiasts.
MiNT retains TOS compatibility and can run from a floppy based Atari ST system with 1Mb memory - although you won't be able to run many programs. Realistically you need a hard disk based system with 2Mb memory.

UNIX is a multitasking operating system and MiNT enables multitasking of TTP and TOS programs alongside one GEM application. I'm sure this will come as a disappointment - but don't stop reading just yet!
This basic system would allow you to run a MiNT compatible GEM program and be able to use a shell at the same time. A shell is an environment for running programs, similar to a Desktop, except in this case the shell has to be a Command Line Interface (CLI), similar to DOS.
For example you're working away and suddenly need to make some files read-only, create a new folder or delete some files. Normally under single TOS you would have to stop what you're doing but with MiNT you can use the shell to perform these operations and continue working in your GEM application.

MiNT is modular which makes it easy to add extras such as loadable file systems and drivers, opening up all sorts of possibilities. You can install drivers to support long filenames, networks, CD-ROM drives and a replacement AES (Application Environment Services), the part of TOS which handles GEM windows, icons, dialog boxes, menus and resource files.
One example of a replacement AES is Atari's own MultiTOS. Atari licensed MiNT from the author Eric R. Smith so Mint is Not TOS became MiNT is Now TOS! Atari employed Eric to work on TOS development but unfortunately pulled the plug before the project came to fruition. You can still buy MultiTOS but there are several better "free" alternatives which offer more potential for the future.

Suck it and see

Let's take a look at how to install MiNT for various requirements, starting from a basic system then adding the extras.
The current distribution, v1.14, consists of three parts, the binaries, the sources, and the documentation.
This is the standard line up for most MiNT applications. A binary file is a ready-to-run executable program whereas source files are program code which has to be compiled and are designed so other programmers can get involved with MiNT development.

Soft Mint

To install MiNT proceed as follows:
  • Copy MINTNP.PRG to your Auto folder.
  • Create a folder called MINT on the root of your boot disk/partition.
  • Copy the file MINT.CNF into the MINT folder.
  • Copy the files TOSWIN.ACC, TOSWIN.RSC and TOSWIN.CNF to the root directory of your boot disk/partition.
  • Disable any alternative desktops to keep things simple.
  • Reboot.
Some dramatic changes have taken place at the system level but the desktop does appear boringly familiar so let's try out a few things:
  • Open the TOSWIN accessory and select the "Open Std Window" option from the File menu.
  • Using the file selector select a TOS/TTP program followed by OK.

Selecting a TTP program displays a additional dialog to enter parameters which is followed by a TOSWIN window displaying the output. If this works you can proceed to setup TOSWIN to run a shell such as TCSH, BASH or INIT. Typically these shells are only supplied with a few built-in commands and you have to build up a collection of MiNT compatible "commands" (TTP programs) in you BIN(ary) folder.

Double Mint

If you want "true" multi-tasking you have to add a replacement AES.
You could add a commercial product such as MultiTOS or N.AES, but for the ultimate free solution, check out the non-commercial AES alternatives, oAESis and XaAES (XaAES ain't AES).
All these perform the same task but differ both visually and in concept. XaAES uses an alternative GEM interface which is a cross between the MacOS and Windows '95 whereas oAESis builds on a traditional 3D look GEM interface with iconification support. Both are still under development but at this early stage oAESis seems less ambitious but more compatible with better window management. Having said that, XaAES looks great!

oAESis installation

oAESis can be run from the desktop or setup to auto boot as follows:
  1. Copy the OAESIS folder on the root directory of your boot drive/partition.
  2. Load the file, MINT.CNF, into any ASCII text editor. 'NIX purists would probably use EMACS but personally I prefer Everest.
  3. Look for the line beginning with: "INIT=" and change it to "INIT=C:\ OAESIS\OAESIS.PRG -PHYSICAL"
  4. oAESis will now auto boot but ideally you should configure oAESis to load its own shell, such as a Desktop. My personal preference is Thing:
  5. Load the file OAESIS.CNF into your text editor.
  6. Change, or add a line, which reads something like: "shell C:\THING\THING.APP", where the path and Desktop suit your own system and preferences.
  7. Reboot and MiNT, oAESis and your desktop should automatically load in turn. You'll arrive at the desktop ready to multi-task GEM programs.

oAESis running Thing, the TCSH shell, GEM-View and XEDIT

XaAES installation

This is slightly more complicated:
  1. Copy the XaAES folder with either the colour or mono system into the root directory of your boot drive/partition.
  2. Copy the mouse device driver, MOUSE.XDD into your MINT folder.
  3. Change or add the following lines to read:
    • "CD U:\C\XAAES_M.BIN"
      (If you are using a colour system substitute "_C"'s for "_M"'s)
  4. To load your Desktop change, or add, a line in XAAES.CNF to read: "run u:\c\thing\" adjusting the path and Desktop to suit your system.

Don't try and install both at the same time and be cautious until you figure out which programs run and which cause problems.
Do take the time to read the documentation which includes lots of helpful advice and system specific information. Do report problems back to the authors - look after your OS programmer! Geneva, the commercial replacement multi-tasking OS from Gribnif software offers co-operative multi-tasking. However, with MiNT installed Geneva offers true pre-emptive multi-tasking - just like MagiC.
The benefits of pre-emptive multi-tasking are beyond the scope of this article.

LONGlongLoNg, CaSE- senSItivE FilE.NaMeS!

Most platforms offer support for case-sensitive long filenames and using MiNT so can your Atari. The MiNT/oAESis combination supports loadable file systems such as Minix, which can handle long filenames up to 126 characters. Minix requires its own partition or drive because it erases all the existing data. Although Minix is pretty reliable you cannot use normal disk editing tools so if you run into problems the only recourse is to FSCK (File system Consistency checKer) included in the Minix distribution. Make sure you back-up your data regularly - it is good practice anyway. MagiC 5 now supports long filenames up to 64 characters, via its [vfat] option, so I expect to see the number of programs supporting long filenames increasing. In the meantiem you may have to retire some old favourites!

Long filenames are commonplace on the internet but your mileage may vary.
Why not give it a try on a floppy?
You've got nothing to lose.

In the following example I'm working from floppy in Drive A: but you can setup a hard disk partition or removable media such as a ZIP or EZ cartridge.

  • From the Minix distribution copy the MINIXFS.XFS driver to your MINT folder.
  • Install an alternative file selector which supports long filenames such as Boxkite or Freedom, then reboot.
  • Execute MINIT.TTP from the Minix distribution and enter the parameters: "-V -n 2 -P A:"
    • "-V" installs a V2 file system for the longer names
    • "-n 2" tells Minix to allow up to 30 character filenames
    • "-P" adds protection to stop TOS trashing your partition.
  • Reboot and test the installation by calling the file selector from TOSWIN. When you access drive A: the filename space should have automatically increased and you're up and running. Now read the Minix documentation!

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