User Group News

New Atari User Groups

Building on the success of the User Group displays at the recent Atari shows, new user groups are being formed on Merseyside and in Yorkshire.
To register your interest and obtain further details, please contact:
Mark Dyas,
10 Apollo Way,
Merseyside, L30 7PH
Telephone: 0151 284 2307


Stephen F Barszczak,
White Rose Atari Group,
14 Camberley Mount,
, Bradford, BD4 9HD
Telephone: 01274 826353

Both Mark and Stephen can also be contacted in the N.ST.USERS area of the NeST bulletin board network.

The Cheshunt Computer Club report

Derryck Croker reports...
At its October meeting the Cheshunt Computer Club paid host to Steve Llewellyn, editor of Calamus User magazine. His demonstration of MagiC Mac running DA's Vektor at a good turn of speed in full colour demonstrated MagiC running on other platforms is a practical alternative to owning a Falcon or TT.
Meanwhile I had brought my BBS setup and although it wasn't possible to dial from the clubroom, members could browse the messagebase using the LED off-line reader for point systems. The Syquest EZ135 removable disk system proved ideal for portable data storage.
The Cheshunt Computer Club meets monthly at:
The Garden Room, Wolsey Hall, Windmill Road, Cheshunt

- which is just over a mile from J25 of the M25.
The next meeting will be held on December 18th and the following one on the 22nd January. Reminders are posted in the T_Ataris and N.ST.Users echos in TurboNET and NeST respectively, and in the atari.user.gps conference on CIX.

For more details write (with SAE) to:

Derryck Croker, 196 Coates Way, Garston, Watford, Herts, WD2 6PE
Telephone (answerphone if out): 01923 673719
BBS Netmail: TurboNET: 100:1011/0.24 or NeST: 90:102/140.24

STAG party

The next meeting of STAG will be on 21 January (we're having a break in December). It will take place, as usual, in the upstairs lounge of The Railway Inn, Main Street, Howwood.
The doors open at 7pm with a formal opening at 7:30pm, everyone is welcome.
The Railway Inn is easy to find if you have your own transport. You'll need to find your way onto the A737 between Johnstone and Lochwinnoch - the new bypass completed a few years ago. Between Johnstone and Lochwinnoch take the Howwood exit and follow the road into the village of Howwood where The Railway Inn is on your right hand side just after entering the village. For more information send an SAE to: Sandy Thomson, 41 Mayfield Crescent, Howwood, PA9 1BL Email:

The inaugural meeting of STAG (EaST/Central) will be held on 10th December, as we go to press the venue is still to be finalised but it will be in the Stirling/Alloa area.
Contact Paul Walsh for details:
Telephone: 01259 720230
Email: or NeST: 90:100/300

Bunch of Wags

Roy Goring reports from the Wessex Atari Group (WAG) meeting held 14th September 1996...
About fifteen Atarians gathered for an informative MIDI demo given by Owen Philip. One member in particular was asking probing questions and I expect we shall be listening to some MIDI files soon! Owen explained it was relatively cheap and easy to start producing music. All that's needed is a MIDI control keyboard, a MIDI box, an STe and some speakers. Owen played some of his own compositions then showed how to build up a song with different instruments all from the keyboard. The rest of meeting he was kept busy answering questions from individual members.

Virtual Website

The UKAAUG Virtual Web site, put together by Chris Good, was previewed before making its debut at the Atari Shows.
The next WAG meeting will be held on Saturday 14th December 1996 at 2.00pm in the Whitchurch Fire Station, Hampshire.
Whitchurch is just off the A34. When you reach the roundabout in the centre take the B3400 to Andover, the Fire Station is 100 metres on the left.
Everyone is welcome, ST and Falcon demos will also be on display.
For more details contact:
Roy Goring
Email: or NeST 90:100/310
Telephone: 01705 611847

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