** PD/Shareware review / 324 words ** Clocky v2.37 83% ** On RD logo here ** ** BC ** Utility Fairware, all Ataris Email: stehlik@cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz http://cas3.zlin.vutbr.cz/~stehlik/ ** /BC ** ** Please use at least the first two images ** ** CLKY_COM.GIF here ** ** CLKY_PRG.GIF here ** ** CLKY_KB.GIF here ** Clocky, programmed by Petr Stehlikm in assembler, is a compact multi-purpose Auto folder utility. In addition to adding the date and time to the menu bar Clocky also offers: ** UL ** * Support for two different keyboard layouts, ideal for programmers and anyone using a non-native keyboard. * Dead key special character entry. The dead key is two keys to the left of the [Backspace] key (why?) and supports up to 30 keys. In use pressing the dead key followed by a pre-defined key displays the desired special character. * [Alternate]+ASCII code entry for pre-TOS 2.06 versions. * Mouse accelerator offering x2 and x4. * Screen saver which works for mono monitors connected to ST or Falcon (with special support for NOVA graphic cards). On the Falcon this also serves as an accelerator because the screen output is disabled which frees up the data bus. * Latin2 real-time conversion for printer, currently hardcoded for Czech characters. * Keyboard clicks and/or bells can be toggled. * Screen colours can be inverted - this also works on a Falcon running 16/256 colour resolutions. * Option to enable 16MHz and caches to speed up Mega STe bootup plus subsequent switching between fast and slow mode. * Finally, all the above options can be enabled and disabled by pressing a hotkey combination. ** /UL ** The individual features can be set using Petr's own utility program from the desktop or via a very neat CPX programmed by Jay software - they're both included in the distribution archive. I'm not a great fan of multi-purpose utilities because there are often better stand alone alternatives but, as Petr points out, you can replace a whole bunch of Auto folder utilities with this tiny 5Kb program which should also help minimise conflicts. The choice is yours. Joe Connor