GEM program and resource files

GEM Program and Resource Files

Mark Baines takes a beginner's look at files you use every day...

A GEM program (a file with the file name extender *.PRG or *.APP) is
something you are all familiar with. It consists of menus, windows and
dialogs through which you and the program communicates. The program
uses this input to process various instructions which eventually
produces some kind of output which may be characters or images on the
screen (soft copy), or control signals to disk drives or the printer to
produce a letter (hard copy) or maybe noises through the speakers.

Low-level languages

These instructions are supplied by the programmer and processed by the
Central Processing Unit (CPU). These instructions are sequences of bits
(such as 10010011) called machine code and control what the processor
does, what you see on your screen and how a program behaves. Each type
of processor has its own version of machine code.

These patterns of bits are very hard for programmers to use directly -
they are just series of 1s and 0s. So over the years programmers have
developed forms of codes that represent these bit pattern instructions
that the computer understands. These representations are called
programming languages and use characters, words and numbers more
familiar to us. There are many languages and many more variations or
dialects of them. Some are not far removed from the patterns of bits
themselves using very short character sequences and numbers. These are
termed low-level languages and assembly language is the most common
example. On the whole, one line of assembly language carries out one
machine code instruction.

Here is some assembly code for the 68000 processor chip, the kind that
controls the ST.
clr.l -(sp)
move #32, -(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
move.l d0,-(sp)
eori.b #1,$484
move #32, -(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
clr -(sp)
trap #1

The "trap #1" line, for instance, is a far easier way of remembering
this instruction than its machine code bit pattern of 0100111001000001
which the processor itself requires. Getting any one of those 1s or 0s
wrong would mean a totally different instruction!

High-level languages

Even so, many programmers, including myself, don't find assembler
language easy to understand and remember and need something a little
more like English. These languages add extra layers between what you
write and the ultimate machine code instructions it generates so that a
word or "phrase" usually brings about many machine code instructions.
Such languages are termed high-level languages and include C and BASIC.

Here is an extract from C which more or less does the same as the
assembly code above:
int click;
unsigned char oldconterm;
volatile unsigned char *conterm = 0x484;
void *save_ssp;
save_ssp = Super(NULL);
oldconterm = (*conterm) &~ 0x05;
if (click)
oldconterm |= 0x01;
*conterm = oldconterm;

Immediately you will see that it contains some familiar expressions, an
"if" statement, brackets and equals signs, for instance.

These program languages are written in a text editor and the resulting
files are called source code. On their own they are useless. What is
required is a means of converting or translating these text files into
the machine code instructions that the computer needs so that it can
execute the program. There are two types of these translators -
interpreters and compilers. Interpreters are programs that enable you
to type in programming language instructions and have the computer
carry them out one line at a time. No program file is made - your
program only exists in the computer's memory at run time and then
disappears. The source code only works when run from within the
interpreter program.

Compilers are more common and take the source code text file and
translate it into a file called object code which are the machine code
instructions of your source code. This object code is then joined
together or linked with other object code files that come with the
compiler that contain the machine code instructions for many of the
language key words that you may have used in your source code, such as
Super(NULL); above. The program that does this is called a Linker and
the resulting single file is the program file which can be run from the
desktop by double-clicking on it.

Resource files

A resource file is a separate file with the *.RSC filename extender
that contains the objects that form the graphic user interface of GEM
programs. These objects consist of the menus, dialog and alert boxes,
icons, images and text strings that are drawn and manipulated by the
resource file's program. Each GEM program has its own *.RSC file
although some programs have the resource data embedded within it rather
than a separate disk file. CPXs and most accessories are like this.

To look at the contents of these files you need a Resource Construction
Set program such as WERCS, Interface, NRCS or ORCS - the latter being
shareware and available from all PD/Shareware libraries. These are
graphical programs that enable you to draw and paste the required items
on the screen to create the forms and other objects of the GEM program
interface (apart from the windows which are supplied by the AES part of
TOS itself).

Before you start to investigate resource files for yourself you must
work from copies of the files you intend to explore. It is very easy to
load a resource file into, say ORCS, and alter it in some way and
accidentally save it in a state that the program file will not
recognise. One of the reasons for this is that all the objects in a
resource file are strictly ordered and numbered. The program file
contains the number of these objects hard coded into it. So, one thing
you must never do is to alter this order by sorting, deleting or adding
objects. By the way, be careful with ORCS as it does have the nasty
habit of sometimes altering the order of objects without your knowledge
particularly if you use the Next buttons in the "Edit" dialog. You have
been warned!

Editing resource files

There are several reasons for editing resource files, not least
translating German text into English. Another is that the patterns,
size of borders and other attributes may not be to your liking. For
instance, one thing I have done is to redraw the icons at the bottom of
the NeoDesk windows (quite tricky), changed border sizes, changed some
text from American to English Ok! to OK), made several dialog buttons
the default ones, altered patterns, hidden other objects and generally
tidied it up (quite easy). It is best that you have some idea of the
different terms used for the various objects and states they can exist
in (such as "Default" or "Radio") to help you understand what you can
and can't do and programmers' books and program documentation may help
here. However, if in doubt - leave it alone! More than anything, make
sure that your efforts do not in any way add to or subtract from the
resource file (except text lengths which can be changed). Items can be
edited not added or deleted. If you must remove unwanted objects you
can use the "Hidden" attribute so that they become invisible but you
mustn't delete them from the file altogether.

Another thing I often do is to go through the menus of programs and
change the symbol for the [Alternate] key short-cut symbol to my own liking. Some programmers use the Atari character set character 5,
others character 7 or the letter "a" or "[Alt]". It is an easy matter
to load the resource file into WERCS and edit them.

Again, I must stress that the word I keep using is "edit" - not
"create". If you edit an object and effectively change its meaning or
purpose then the program won't recognise it and act on it. There is no
point in changing a menu item short-cut key from ^W to ^U and expect
the program to use ^U from there on (although some programmers have
catered for this, but this is rare). The key command ^W is coded into
the machine code by the programmer, what appears in the resource file
is not program code but only a visible reminder to you of what the
programmer intended at compile time. You cannot change his intention.

The Can's and Can't's box offers a general guide, some of the "Can"
list may cause problems, especially the Hidden and Default flags. It's
no co-incidence most of the "Cans" are cosmetic changes and most of the
"Can'ts" are functional. You certainly won't be able to change the way
a program operates, that was determined long ago by the programmer.

Finally, any changes you make to resource files should be for personal
use only. If you intend to pass copies of an edited resource file to
anyone you must obtain permission from the programmer. True public
domain programs can be altered and redistributed in any state you wish
- that's the meaning of public domain -but true PD programs are few and
far between. Most non-commercial software is released as shareware or
freeware and the programmer retains copyright - they are not public

Attributes - Can's and Can't's

Can ChangeCan't Change
Pattern Selected flag
Border colour Exit flag
Border size Radio flag
Border position Touchexit flag
Fill pattern Editable flag
Fill colour Disable flag
Character colour Crossed flag
Most text+ Checked flag
Text justification Object index number
Text size Object positions
Images Object type (BOX to IBOX etc)
Image size*
Icon size*
Shadow flag
Outline flag
Hidden flag*
Default flag*
Key + be careful with length
* Not always safe

Using ORCS

Load ORCS, click on a drive icon and folder until your reach the *.RSC
file icon (look for a dog and the letters RSC).

Drag the icon to the desktop and a window appears with five types of
object at the top. These are for creating resource files and must not
be used here. The forms that make up the resource file are shown before
the horizontal line. Double-click on one. As you move the mouse a
cursor shows the bottom right corner of the object rectangle.

Single-click on an object to highlight it and a drop-down menu appears.
You can Hide the object here, for instance.

Click on "Edit" to change the object's definition and attributes. Here,
a dialog's background pattern is being changed.

Other attributes can also be changed to suit. Here, a button in a
dialog is being made the Default one so that it can be activated with
the Return key as well as clicking on it.

Some common German computer-related words

Abbruch cancel or abort
alles all/everything
anmelden log on
Anzahl number
ausfuhren export
Auswahl selection/choice
bearbeiten work/process
Bild picture
Bildschirm screen
Datei file
Dateiname filename
Daten data
Datum date
drucken print
Drucker printer
Fehler error
Fehlerbeseitigung debugging
lesen read
loeschen delete
nicht gefunden not found
Pfad path
Platz drive
schreiben write
sicherstellen save
Speicher memory
speichern store/save
Zeichen character
Zeit time

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