Paul Jones and PJCO present... __ ___ /'\_/`\ /\ \ /\_ \ /\ \ ___ \_\ \ _____\//\ \ __ __ __ \ \ \__\ \ / __`\ /'_` \/\ '__`\\ \ \ /'__`\ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \_/\ \/\ \L\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \L\ \\_\ \_/\ \L\.\_\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\\ \_\ \____/\ \___,_\ \ ,__//\____\ \__/.\_\\/`____ \ \/_/ \/_/\/___/ \/__,_ /\ \ \/ \/____/\/__/\/_/ `/___/> \ \ \_\ /\___/ v1 \/_/ \/__/ A DSP MOD player for HiSoft BASIC Disclaimer --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PJCO, Paul Jones or Atari Compuing can not be responsible for any damage caused to your computer, when using MODPLAY. What is it? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODPLAY is a DSP560001 library which lets you play .MOD files with HiSoft BASIC. It runs under interupt (in other words you call it and you don't need to check on it again) and speed tests show it only uses 12% processor time. Installation -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) First you need to update your libraries. To do this find your LIB folder (which contains your library .BIN files), copy BAS_MOD.BIN there and double click on BUILDLIB.TTP. For parameters, enter "BAS_MOD -q" and press [return]. The program will now make a file called HBASIC.LIB. 2) Copy the new HBASIC.LIB file to the same directory as your HBASIC editor. Usage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The name of the library is MODPLAY, and it is used in the same way as the GEMAES, GEMVDI, XBIOS etc libraries. To use the MODPLAY library in your program, add this line at the start of you code: LIBRARY "MODPLAY" Four commands are provided to support the playing of MODS this: InitMod dummy%() InitMod initialises the modplay engine. This routine should be called with a dummy integer array parameter (any old integer array, it's not actually used). PlayMod modfile& PlayMod actually starts a mod playing as a background task. Usage: a&=lof(1) x&=malloc&(a&) bload "FILE.MOD",x& playmod x& StopMod modfile& StopMod will stop the currently playing MOD - you MUST always call this to stop a MOD from playing before exiting a program or before starting another modfile playing. GetModName modfile&,name$ GetModName will return the title of the modfile (NOT the filename, the actual mod title) in the string variable NAME$ The accompanying demo program PJCOMOD.BAS illustrates the use of the modplayer routines. It produces a simple .ttp program which will play any MOD which is passed to it as a parameter - there's one limit to the size of the file of the MOD file - how much memory you have! :-). Legal --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODPLAY is freeware, which means that no money should be payed for using this software. I suggest you mention that any programs you create which use MODPLAY should say they used it. MODPLAY is based on the work by Craig Graham. Thank you Graig for letting me distribute this.