XURL version changes/bug fixes. v2.50 15/06/97 Atari Computing Special Edition .BubbleGEM support added. BubbleGEM is the creation of Thomas Much and was included on the reader disk of Atari Computing magazine, issue 5. v2.40 07/06/97 .Menu bar added to allow use of desk accessories. .OLGA aware. Using the OLGA protocol, XURL can notify any interested applications that the extraction file has changed. What this means is that, any changes to the extraction file will automatically be displayed in CAB without having to click reload. This will only work with CAB2 and above, and only if you have the OLGA Manager installed. .Slightly faster extraction code v2.31 04/01/97 New: .Support for ftp:// and mailto: URLs. .Ability to view the .html file in a browser (ie. CAB) immediately after extraction. VASTART is used if the browser is already running else it is launched via shel_write. Full path to the browser must be specified in an environment variable "BROWSER=" (see documentation). Generic term of 'browser' is used, along with VA Start instead of CAB protocol. Hopefully it will be compatible with both CAB and Webspace. .
Horizontal Rule written to separate 'new' extractions from existing ones. So you can see at a glance which are the new ones just extracted. Thanks to Roy Goring for this suggestion :) .Status bar now shows a realtime count of how many urls extracted/ignored during processing. .XURL now accepts a full pathname via a command line and uses it as a default 'source' path. ie. dragging a file from the desktop onto the xurl icon results in that file being defaulted into xurls 'source' field ready for extraction. .New 'About' dialogue which allows 'copying' of my email address/url to the clipboard, ready for pasting into a relevant program. Double clicking on the email address/url will launch it into a email program/browser (see documentation). This is going to be standard in all my programs from now on. It's a bit gimmicky but hey, so what! Bugfix(s): .Bomb fixed if no filename or wildcards specified (File selector code rewritten). .Fixed the problem where a url is sometimes extracted with an extra < at the beginning and therefore doesn't show as a link. (Hopefully)! .extracted urls are no longer centred when displayed using CAB 2.0 or Internet Explorer3. Header HTML changed in XURLHOME. To activate this bug fix it will be necessary to delete/replace your existing .html result file, so that XURL recreates it for you! v2.30 23/11/96 BETA - DO NOT USE This was a rather rougth beta, that should not be publicly available. v2.20 09/09/96 Iconification under Magic4 Extracts HTTP:// and www.(ie without the http:// prefix) Thus both HTTP://www.fred/ and www.gary/ will be extracted and prefixed with with the correct 'http://' v2.10 31/08/96 Multiple files can be checked for urls by using wildcards in the source filename ie. E:\fred\*.* or E:\fred\*.txt. Thus a whole directory can be processed. Multiple occurences of a url in the source file are now only extracted once. The .html file is created if it doesn't exist (even when no urls have been found). v2.00 15/08/96 New: A URL is only extracted if it does not already exist in the .html. Number of URL's successfully extracted is now shown at end of processing in the status bar. Multiple URL's on one text line are now included. ie. http://www. http://www. http://www. will result in 3 extractions whereas before only the first one would have been extracted. v1.00 30/07/96 Initial release of XURL.