"The Atari A to Z" by Mark S Baines Copyright (c) 1998 Mark S Baines All Rights Reserved YOU MUST READ "READ_ME.NOW" BEFORE YOU LOOK AT ANY OF THIS FILE ***************************************************************************** K k Kilo. An abbreviation meaning 1,000. K Kilo. When capitalized and associated with computers it means 1,024, or 2^10. Kbit Kilobit. Kbyte Kilobyte. Kernel That part of an operating system or segmented program that must always be present in memory whenever another part is loaded. Kern Part of a character that overhangs another to aid even spacing. Kerning Adjusting the spacing between pairs of characters in print to create a more pleasing effect, especially where that letter spacing appears too big due to the shape of the characters. Key In databases, a field value that uniquely identifies a record and is used to locate it, e.g. an account number. In data encryption, it is a reference necessary to encode the data and reconstruct it again. Also, an element of a keyboard, a switch which causes the transmission of a code to the computer. Also, to enter data from a keyboard into a computer. Keyboard That part of a computer consisting of keys and used as the principal user input device. Keyboard equivalents Atari did start, very late in the day, to standardize the use of the keyboard in menu items and window cursor movement whereby the [Control] key becomes the keyboard equivalent key and the [Alternate] key the character modifier key on non-US keyboards to access the necessary extended characters in applicable countries. The [Alternate] key was not be used for keyboard equivalents in most cases. Atari strongly recommended that these combinations should not be used for other purposes: Table K1: Atari Keyboard Equivalents Key combination Meaning [Cntl-N] New [Cntl-O] Open [Cntl-W] Close [Cntl-S] Save [Cntl-P] Print [Cntl-Q] Quit [Cntl-X] Cut [Cntl-C] Copy [Cntl-V] Paste [Cntl-A] Select all [Cntl-F] Find [Cntl-H] Replace [Cntl-G] Find next [Delete] Delete [Undo] Undo [Help] Help [Cntl-left/right] Move cursor right/left to beginning of word [Cntl-Backspace] Delete from cursor to start of next word to the left [Cntl-Delete] Delete from cursor to start of next word to the right [ClrHome] Move cursor to beginning of document [Shift-ClrHome] Move cursor to end of document [Shift-Delete] Delete line However, this list already conflicted with standards emerging from Germany and so a group of commercial, shareware and PD programmers got together on the Internet in 1994 to agree on an alternative set of keyboard equivalents which became known as the GEM-List Keyboard Short-cut Standard. Table K2: GEM-List Keyboard Equivalents Key combination Meaning [Cntl-I] Show Info about selected object Window Manipulation [Cntl-Tab] Cycle windows [Cntl-W] Cycle windows [Shift-Cntl-Tab] Reverse cycle windows [Shift-Cntl-W] Reverse cycle windows [Cntl-Esc] Close top window [Cntl-U] Close top window [Shift-Cntl-Tab] Close all windows [Shift-Cntl-U] Close all windows [Cntl-D] Diminish window (put in a menu or iconify) [Cntl-<*>] Full window [Cntl-<+>] Zoom in/larger font [Cntl-<->] Zoom out/smaller font [Cntl-<0>] Zoom 100% I/O [Cntl-O] Open [Cntl-N] New [Cntl-S] Save [Shift-Cntl-S] Save as... [Cntl-P] Print [Shift-Cntl-P] Printer configuration [Shift-Cntl-L] Page layout [Cntl-L] Go to line [Cntl-Q] Quit [Cntl-X] Cut [Cntl-C] Copy [Shift-Cntl-C] Append/add (to clipboard) [Cntl-V] Paste [Shift-Cntl-V] Insert (paste) file Editing [Cntl-A] Select all [Shift-Cntl-A] Deselect all [Cntl-F] Find [Cntl-G] Find next [Shift-Cntl-G] Find previous [Cntl-R] Replace [Cntl-T] Replace next [Shift-Cntl-T] Replace previous [Help] Open context help window [Cntl-Help] Display help contents [Shift-Help] Enable/disable help mode [Shift-Cntl-Help] Other help function [Undo] Undo last operation [Cntl-Undo] Redo last operation [Shift-Undo] Revert (abandon all changes and reload) [Cntl-Backspace] Delete word to left [Cntl-Delete] Delete word to right [Shift-Cntl-Delete] Delete to end of line [Shift-Cntl-Backspace] Delete from start of line [Cntl-Y] Delete line [Shift-Cntl-Y] Delete paragraph [Delete] Delete selected objects [Insert] Toggle insert/overwrite mode [Cntl-Z] Font selector [Shift-Cntl-Z] Character map (text processor/editor) Moving [Cntl-left/right] Move one word right/left [Cntl-up/down] Move to top/bottom of page/frame [ClrHome] Move to top of document [Shift-ClrHome] Move to bottom of document [Shift-left/right] Move to end/start of line [Shift-up/down] Scroll one screen up/down Blocks [Cntl-B] Set block start [Cntl-E] Set block end [Shift-Cntl-B] Move to block start [Shift-Cntl-E] Move to block end Dialog Boxes [Return] OK, Yes, etc... [Undo] Cancel, Abort, etc... <> means numeric keypad Keyword A predefined word in a programming language, such as FOR in BASIC or switch in C. Also, a word by which a document, file, article or book can be searched for in an information system, such as that in a library or on CompuServe. Kermit A data transfer protocol designed for micros and mainframes. Kilo - k 1,000 in decimal notation. Kilo - K In relation to computers, 1,024 or 2^10. Kilobit 1,024 bits or 128 bytes. Kilobyte - K, KB, Kb 1,024 bytes or 1 K. K 16 entries EOF