SAVING AND RESTORING ==================== Since omega's dungeons are quite large, all dungeon levels are saved in compressed form; besides that, the current dungeon and the city level will be stored in the save file. When a dungeon level is entered, the level is restored from disk if it is available; otherwise, whether the level has never been explored before or the level file has been deleted, it will be (re)generated. To explain this, you might simply consider that the "actual" level is far larger than is apparent, and you are just traversing a different part of it if you lose your map of the level... If you know the spell of Return, (learnable at the Explorers' Club) you will be able to warp to your deepest excursion in the dungeon without having to retraverse the other levels in between. Some other shortcuts exist for "warping" from one locale or level to another. To at least simulate the continuity of character in the game, saved files will be deleted on restoration. Of course, you *can* copy them, with your level files, if you want to cheat. Note, however, that level files cannot be re-used with a different save-file when you next play the game.